The Mark of the Successful Scientist - ACS Publications

this is only a minor criticism. The book is well written, andat $45, reasonably priced. I recommend it as a valuable reference book that will ap- peal...
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Give your GC unsurpassed linearity and sensitivity

Books might be of interest to readers are not covered: a survey of the field of en­ zyme electrodes (instead of emphasis on glucose and urea); a discussion of automated instruments that use im­ mobilized enzymes; and commercial sources of immobilized enzymes. But this is only a minor criticism. The book is well written, and at $45, reasonably priced. I recommend it as a valuable reference book that will ap­ peal to all levels of readers.

The Mark of the Successful Scientist An Individual subscription to

With the M o d e l 140-Β Electron Capture Detector The Valrn patented Model 140 B's high frequency design produces a lineal dynamo, range more than an order of maqnitudu bettui than uther so-railed linoa- LCD s w t h out tin· compron-ist- ot sensitivity rinft or bi:,el«ne noise level I

• Bolts on to your ex­ isting G C • Requires no user radioactive material license • No "wipe" tests necessary • Lowest internal volume m a k e s it ideal for open tubular col­ umns a s well as packed c o l u m n s •j * "II


