COMPANY, INC. East Rutherford, N. J.;. Joliet, 111.; Newark, Calif. MATHESON OF CANADA,. Ltd., Whitby. Ontario. Product Copsules. Recorders. Data on ...
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Product Capsules


Recorders. Data on low cost servographic unit. 100 Refractometers. Details on new differential unit using split cell. 169 Resins. Ion retardation resins for desalting amino acid solutions. 32 Rheometers. Data on new extrusion unit with wide viscosity range. 34 Rings. Bulletin on new " 0 " ring connector sizes for vacuum apparatus. 149

Sample changers. Details on unit for counting radioactive samples. 170 Scales. scales.

Info on top loading precision 77

Scanners. Liquid scintillation unit scans beta emitting radionuclides. 114 Scanners. New unit scans chromatograms automatically. 195


Sensors. Catalog details line of temp, and pressure sensors. 1S9 Services. Detailed info on activation analysis services. 240 Showers. Info offered on portable drench shower. 145

for Lecture Bottles

Spectro Materials. Metallic salts, metals, electrodes, solutions. 60

This new single stage regulator w a s designed for accurate control of delivery pressure of gases from lecture bottles. Design permits negligible loss of gas in regulator, a feature .truit is especially important when using small, lecture bottle quantities of gas. Ideal for portable fuel cell use. Permits accurate control of gases to cell yet is compact and light in weight. T h e No. 30 Regulator, illustrated, permits reading of tank pressures at all times. Also available in a single gauge model, recommended for liquefied gases.

Spectrographs. Info offered on direct-reading unit. 20

Write for our [962 catalog, "Matheson C o m p r i s e d Gases and;Oas Uegulaibrs". Write for catalog

THE MATHESON COMPANY, INC. East Rutherford, N.J.; Joliet, 111.; Newark, Caiif. MATHESON OF CANADA, Ltd., Whitby. Ontario

Spectrometers. Direct reading unit with vacuum optical system. 90 Spectrometers. NMR unit provides reproducible spectra. 110 Spectrometers. Bulletin liquid scintillation units.


new 131

Spectrophotometers. Info on British TJV and visible range unit. 119 Spectrophotometers. "Fundamentals of Spectrophotometry," offered. 23 Spectrophotometers. IR recording units.

Raman, UV, 17

Spectrophotometers. and NI R analysis.

For UV, VIS, 191

Spectrophotometers. new IR grating unit.

Brochure on 190

Spectropolarimeters. Automatic recording unit for rotary dispersion. 192 Standards. IR brochure and sample spectra offered. 92 Standards. Brochure on near IR and samples of spectra. 91 Stills. Details on McCarter molecular distillation apparatus. 62

The Best in Gas Chromatography Accessories and Curtin Service, too! Curtin Coated Packings Curtin Adsorbents Curtin Inert Supports MicroTek Valves and Samplers Tl Recorders and Integrators Disc Integrators Temperature Programmers Fraction Collectors Microliter Syringes Complete stocks of quality equipment assure immediate delivery from six conveniently located supply points. On your next order get everything from one source and enjoy the "extras" of Curtin service. For complete information on Accessories for Gas Chromatography write W. H. Curtin and Company, Dept. AB, P. 0. Box 118, Houston 1, Texas.


{Continued on page 112 A) Circle No. 125 on Readers1 Service Card VOL. 3 4 , NO. 13, DECEMBER 1962


141 A