the model 257 tells you a lot about practically nothing - ACS Publications

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tESTOSTERQ^IE. The sample was prepared as a 0.5 KBr disc in a Perkin-Elmer microdie using two micrograms of the hormone in 1.1 mg. of KBr powder. The scan took 12 minutes, using reference attenuation a t 1 0 % and a 1 x 4 beam condenser. Excellent resolution and low noise level are demonstrated.

THE MODEL 2 5 7 TELLS YOU A LOT ABOUT PRACTICALLY NOTHING Unique with Perkin-Elmer infrared spectrophotometers is the ability to produce useful spectra from infinitesimal quantities of sample. For e x a m p l e , the run of testosterone above is m a d e on a M o d e l 2 5 7 with standard microanalytical accessories. Here's what our lab told us about it: " W e produced a spectrum from 2 micrograms of testosterone using a 1 x 4 b e a m condenser a n d a 0.5 mm KBr disc. The important thing to note is the relatively low

noise level a t a full-scale energy of only 1 0 % of normal. This low noise level is m a d e possible by the variable slit program of the 2 5 7 , which provides enough energy over the full spectral range to allow accurate recording with minimum loss of resolution." This double-grating spectrophotometer is a n energy hoarder. A full line of PerkinElmer accessories and sample cells lets you take full a d v a n t a g e of this fact. For small samples, w e offer a microcell a n d beam-condenser combination, a n d a microspecular reflectance a t t a c h m e n t . Some accessories a r e new a n d exclusive with Perkin-Elmer: a new externally-adjustable 10-meter gas cell, a variable-space liquid cell, a wire-grid polarizer, a n epitaxial measurement accessory, a n d a frustrated multiple i n t e r n a l r e f l e c t a n c e accessory.

You can get a wide variety of attachments for specialized work from Perkin-Elmer. Features offered as extra-cost options in other spectrophotometers are built into the M o d e l 2 5 7 . For example, w e give you a time drive for kinetic studies, automatic reset to 4 0 0 0 cm" 1 after each recording, continuous chart presentation that lets you make forty recordings on a single roll of paper, abscissa expansion, a n d a choice of ten slit programs. This instrument embodies qualities you'd hardly expect a t the price, a n d capabilities for which you'd often p a y much more. Write for a brochure a n d a description of the accessories that help give the Model 2 5 7 IR spectrophotometer this exceptional versatility. Address: Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer Corporation, 7 0 7 M a i n Avenue, N o r w a l k , Connecticut 0 6 8 5 2 .

