The Molecular Constitution of Glycogen and Starch from the Seed of

FROM SWEET CORN. 1633 cules of both starch and glycogen consist of re- peating chains of glycopyranose units joined by a-glucosidic linkages between t...
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given for the benzyl ester-ether. The residual red oil was dissolved in acetone and methanol added till a slight cloudiness persisted. On cooling, 130 mg. of crystals melting 107-10S0 and giving no depression of melting point with benzyl 3-benzyloxy-5-cholenate was obtained. A small amount of impure 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid was recovered from the sodium bicarbonate solution after the steam distillation. In three trials using 0.5 g., 1.0 g., and 2.0 g. of 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid and 3 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid, about 120-150 mg. of the benzyl ester-ether was obtained. In one trial in which 10 drops of sulfuric acid were used, tar $prmation occurred. The mother liquor from the ester-ether slowly thickened and solidified. The solid after several crystallizations from petroleum ether melted a t 81.5-82.5' and was benzyl 3hydro2y-5-cholenate. Anal. Calcd. for Ca~HlaOs:C, 80.13; H, 9.55. Found: C, 79.99; H, 9.32. In an attempt t o prepare the benzyl ether by the action of benzyl chloride on the potassium alcoholate of methyl 3hydroxy-5-cholenate in the dimethyl ether of ethylene glycol, only 3-hydroxy-5-cholenic acid could be isolated. A similar attempt in liquid ammonia, using sodium, likewise resulted in recovery of the free acid. When methyl 3hydroxy-Bcholenate was treated with benzyl chloride in pyridine, under conditions similar to those used for tritylation (see below), no benzyl ether was obtained. Methyl 3-Triphenylmethoxy-5-cholenate.-To 3.0 g. of methyl 3-hydroxy-5-cholenate was added 3.0 g. of trityl chloride and 5 ml. of anhydrous pyridine in a flask previously dried by a stream of dry hot air. This reaction was


Vol. 63

quite sensitive to traces of moisture and it was found most essential t o have perfectly dry reagents and reaction vessels. The mixture was heated on a steam-bath for seven to eight hours under a condenser protected by a drying tube. On cooling, crystals formed in the flask. The reaction mixture was diluted with ice and extracted with ether. The ether solution was successively washed with water, 2% hydrochloric acid, half-saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate and water, ice being used throughout the washings. The ether was dried and removed. The pale yellow sirupy residue was taken up in acetone, methanol added to cloudiness and set aside. The blunt white rods which separated weighed 3.95 g. and melted 146-147". A second crop of crystals was obtained, giving a total yield of 4.15 g. (86%). The recrystallized product melted 147.5-149 '. Anal. Calcd. for CtrHsOs: C, 83.76; H, 8.63. Found: C, 83.36; H, 8.65. When 0.3 g. of the above trityl ether was refluxed for two and one-half hours with 2 ml. of glacial acetic acid, 65 mg. of crystals, m. p. 151-153 and giving no depression of m. p. when mixed with methyl 3-acetoxy-5-cholenate, was obtained. Some prisms, m. p. 158-161 ', and giving no depression when mixed with trityl alcohol, were also obtained from the sirupy residue.

Summary Several new esters and ethers of 3-hydroxy-5cholenic acid are described, among which are the labile benzyl and trityl ethers. EVANSTON, ILLINOJS



The Molecular Constitution of Glycogen and Starch from the Seed of Sweet Corn (Zea Mays) BY W. 2. HASSIDAND R. M. MCCREADY Morris and Morris' prepared a polysaccharide from the seed of Zea mays, Golden Bantam variety, which had the properties commonly associated with glycogen. The polysaccharide gave a red-brown coloration with iodine, its aqueous solution was opalescent, it was resistant to the action of alkali and had a high positive rotation. Since, with the exception of giving a clear solution, the properties of dextrins are similar t o those described, these authors also compared the rate of enzymic hydrolysis and the cupric chloride crystallization patterns .of this polysaccharide with dextrin from glycogens from animal sources. Using those two characteristics as definite criteria for distinction of dextrin from glycogen, Morris and Morris concluded that the polysaccharide iso(1) D L Morris and C (1939).



J . Bcol Chem., 190, 53.5

lated from the corn was apparently identical with glycogen. Although a substance bearing a t least a superficial resemblance to animal glycogen is found in some lower plants-fungi, yeasts, bacteria-it has never been reported before in any of the higher plants. This finding is unique, since glycogen is par excellence the reserve polysaccharide of the animal world. I t was therefore of considerable interest to study further this corn polysaccharide particularly in regard to its molecular constitution. Haworth, Hirst and their collaborator^^^^^^^^ and also other workerse showed that the mole(2) W. N. Haworth, E. L. Hirst and M. D.Woolgar, J. Chem. SOL, 177 (1935). (3) W. N. Haworth and E. G, V. Percival, ibid., 2277 (1932). (4) E.L.Hirst and G. T. Young, ibid.,951 (1939),also 1471 (1939). ( 5 ) W.N.Haworth, E. L. Hirst and F. Smith, ibid., 1914 (1939). (6) W.Z.Hassidand I. L. Chaikoff, J . B i d . Chem., 128,755 (1938); D.J. Bell, Riochem. J . . 81, 1683 (1937).

June, 1941



cules of both starch and glycogen consist of reExperimental peating chains of glycopyranose units joined by Extraction of Glycogen and Starch from Sweet Corn.a-glucosidic linkages between the first and fourth Seeds of Golden Bantam sweet corn were ground in a flour carbon atoms. The repeating chain in starch mill to pass a 50-mesh sieve. Two hundred grams of the ground corn was soaked overnight in a liter of water under consists of 24 to 30 glucopyranose units, while in toluene, the water decanted and the material extracted five glycogen, it consists of 12 or, in some cases, 18 times with 1500-cc. portions of cold water with the aid of glucopyranose units. This was found to be true a mechanical stirrer each time for two hours. After each in the case of eight specimens of starches from operation the extract was decanted, except for the last one, different plant sources and about the same num- which was filtered through a cloth. The combined extract was concentrated to about 1200 cc. by boiling, and filtered ber of glycogens from various animal sources. through a cloth. using diatomaceous silica, "Hyilo-SuperExcept for the difference in their chain lengths, a Cel." One and a half volumes of 95% alcohol was added remarkably close structural relationship exists to the filtrate and the precipitate allowed to settle overbetween glycogen and starch. Glycogen is at- night. The main portion of alcohol was decanted and the tacked by the same plant amylases and, con- precipitate filtered and dried in vacuo at 80". The dry precipitate, consisting of a mixture of starch and glycogen, versely, the animal enzymes, the glycogenolitic was dissolved in 10 parts of water and then 2 volumes of systems of the liver and muscle, will convert starch glacial acetic acid was added. The mixture was stirred into glucose and lactic acid, respectively. The and allowed to remain overnight in the ice box. The breakdown and synthesis of these two polysac- starch, which precipitated in 66% acetic acid, was collected charides is accomplished through formation of on a Biichner funnel and sucked free of acetic acid. The the same intermediate glucose-1-phosphoric acid 66y0 acetic acid filtrate was set aside for further isolation of glycogen. The starch was dissolved in water, adjusted ester (Cori ester) by the action of p h o s p h ~ r y l a s e . ~with , ~ sodium hydroxide t o pH 6.5 and reprecipitated by the In the present investigation the polysaccharide addition of 1.5 volumes of alcohol. It was then filtered, described by Morris and Morris as glycogen was washed with alcohol and dried in wacuo at 80". The yield isolated together with starch from the Golden of starch was from 10 to 15% of the dry seeds. The glycogen, soluble in the 66% acetic acid filtrate, was Bantam variety of corn, and for purposes of direct precipitated by the addition of a half volume of alcohol, comparison the two polysaccharides were simul- and the mixture allowed to remain overnight at 0'. Thc taneously studied. The starch, when treated with glycogen was filtered, sucked free from the acetic acidiodine solution gave a blue color similar to potato alcohol mixture, dissolved in water and adjusted with starch. In general, its properties were similar to sodium hydroxide to PH 6.5. It was then reprecipitated those of other starches, except that its solubility with 2 volumes of alcohol, filtered, washed with alcohol and dried in vacuo a t 80". The yield of glycogen was from 3 to in water was greater. It is of interest to note that 5% of the dry corn. the starch isolated by Haworth, Hirst and WoolProperties of Corn Glycogen.-The glycogen was soluble gar2 from waxy maize grains also was more in cold water and formed an opalescent solution. When soluble in water than potato starch. Using Ha- treated with iodine it gave a reddish-brown color. It did worth's gravimetric assay of the "end group," not reduce Fehling solution but, when oxidized with ferricyanide, gave a reducing value of 1.4% calculated as malwhich was isolated by hydrolysis of the methyl- tose.g Its specific rotation (c, 0.2) in water was [.ID ated corn glycogen and methylated corn starch, f190"; its N content, 0.17%. Properties of Corn Starch.-The starch was soluble in revealed the presence of 8.96 and 4.57% of tetramethylglucose, reqpectil ely. These values corre- cold water and was more opalescent than the glycogen. When treated with iodine solution it gave a blue coloration spond to a repeating chain length of 12 glucopy- similar to potato starch. I t had no action on Fehling soluranose units for glycogen and 25 glucopyranose tion and its reducing value with ferricyanide was 1.5% units for starch, which agree well with glycogens calculated as maltose. Owing to the opalescence of the and starches isolated from other sources. In solution, the specific rotation of the starch could not be carried out in water and was therefore made in sodium view of the similarity of properties of the corn hydroxide. Its specific rotation (c, 0.5) in 0.5 N sodium glycogen and its derivatives with glycogens and hydroxide was [OI]D +152O; its N content, 0.07%. Acetylation of Corn Glycogen.-Twenty grams of the derivatives from other sources, and because of the fact that it possesses a repeating chain of dry corn glycogen was dissolved in one liter of hot water and precipitated by the addition of 2.5 liters of 95% alcothe same length, the constitution of corn glyco- hol. The precipitate was collected on a Biichner funnel, gen may be considered similar t o that of animal washed with alcohol and ether, and the slightly moist glycogen. glycogen transferred to a flask and stirred mechanically 17) C F Con I iid