The NALGE CO., Inc

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DISTILLATION TRAIN A Vacuum distillation train in a single compact unit. A low t e m p e r a t u r e t r a p supplied with a d e w a r a n d a 20mm f r i t t e d disk manostat. O f a new compact d e s i g n , a n d a manometer with a mirror metric scale, a l l mounted conveniently on a single base. Occupies a space 1 2 " square, 1 8 " high.


Distillation Train r e a d y

f o r use a t all times.


Design saves bench space.


2 0 m m f r i t t e d disk allows precise pressure adjustment.


Rigid mounting reduces b r e a k a g e .

CLEAN: tions.

Uses spherical joints f o r all connecDemounts simply from clips f o r cleaning.


Air Trap design o f M a nometer allows easy filling. A d j u s t a b l e mirror scale eliminates p a r a l l a x in r e a d i n g . This distillation train is furnished with a g r a y crackle finished base and chrome non-corrosive clips, also a h a n d l e , which is conveniently mounted f o r ease of c a r r y i n g . Discounts furnished in lots o f 3 or more.

Price $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 e a .

For further information DELMAR


write Dept.



4 7 0 1 W. G r a n d A v e .

C h i c a g o 3 9 , 111.

For further information, circle number 12 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 59 A

You can add ECONOMY to these 3 guarantees of perfect performance. NALGON PLASTIC


REPORT FOR MANAGEMENT attention. Persistent or flagrant deviation may warrant rejection of part or the whole of an incoming shipment. Such decision is made only after consultation and agreement between the plant chemist and the buyer of the material. Purchasing personnel are in continual contact with the Control Laboratories in order to check on the quality of daily receipts to ensure a continuing adequate supply of satisfactory materials. The Control Laboratory employs approximately 75 chemists and operates on a three-shift basis. Some of the analysts are student chemists completing their academic studies. The broad background gained through familiarity with a wide variety of materials and processes is considered exceptional experience and these analysts are continually in demand to satisfy personnel requirements by all departments. Our general purchasing agent in charge of all chemical purchasing was originally employed in the Control Laboratory. The Standards Department, a division of the Research and Development Department, is responsible for the publishing and distribution of all raw material purchase specifications and standard practice instructions. Here is perhaps the point of greatest liaison with the Purchasing Department. Differences in point of view between the scientific and commercial or economic aspect are ironed out within this group. Frequent meetings are held with purchasing personnel and analytical or other technical departments to establish new specifications and modernize or modify existing standards. The keystone of our world-wide operations is the Analytical Division, a part of our Research and Development Department. This group consists of 35 chemists, 11 technicians, and a secretary. Its organization is shown in Figure 1.

1. complete neutrality 2. absolute
