the name you will be seeing— and hearing-more and more! - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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augatex® is the new trade nameforNaugatuck GR-S latices... latices that are now available in drum, tank trucl^ and tank car lots direct from Naugatuck, Connecticut.

the name you will be seeing and hearing -more and more!

N A U G A T E X . . . f o r the toughest applications!

Naugatex latices are used in tire cord, foam sponge, carpet and upholstery backing, adhesives and general paper treatment. In addition, Naugatuck produces latices customcompounded to your specific needs to bring new versatility to your manufacture, new performance to your product, under the trade name LOTOLS. Whatever your latex application, you can bet Naugatuck, the pioneer in synthetic and natural latices, has the latex you need... or will compound it to suit your particular application, for Naugatuck has compounded more new varieties of synthetic rubber than all other laboratories. For further information on Naugatex, and its most recent developments, write to us on your company letterhead.

D i v i s i o n of United S t a t e s Rubber Com p a n u

Naugatuck. Connecticut B R A N C H E S : Akron

· Boston


Gastonia, N. C


Chicago ·

Los Angeles ·



New York


Philadelphia ·

ES I N C A N A D A : Naugatuck Chemicals, Elmira, Ontario

Lubber Chemicals · Synthetic Rubber · Plastics · Agricultural Chemicals · Reclaimed Rubber · Laticcs · Cabie Address: Rubexport, Ν . Υ. VOLUME

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