The Office of High School Chemistry - American Chemical Society

specialists. The Manager of the Office, Sylvia Ware, herself a former high school chemistry teacher, is actively seeking topic suggestions from teache...
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The Office of High School Chemistry ACS recently established its staff Office of High School Chemistry within the Department of Educational Activities, ACS, to provide services and programs for high school chemistry teachers. The Society recognizes that for most students their first (and formany their last) exposure tochemistryaccurs in the high school. Hence, the role of the high school chemistry teacher is pivotal in directing interestedstudents toward a career in chemistry and related disciplines. For the student who never again takes a chemistry course, the role of the high school chemistry teacher is critical to the development of a scientifirallv ,literate citizen. 1.lnfnrttmntelv. hieh teacher has often felt undervalued bv and isolated from chemists in industrv , .the ~.~~~ ~, o~~school rhemistrv ,~ nnrl w:alwwtn. thouph thr citlrrti 01 the, rhrre gn,up;arr i n r d r p e n d ~ n and t shoula l ~ intwrrlnr~rl. e One d t h e primary gu.hclithe new Oll~ci-~ w t ~ ~ r n ~high ~ ~rrhwl r a g rchtm~-tr?reacherr 111 identity murr crnmglv w ~ rhp h rhemir al pn,ieiwm as a whole and t o improve the channels of communication between the high school teacher, the college professor, and the ~ndwtrinli%r. One way to schimr this goal i, re, pmmote pruplr intrrarfim\ ar much 0% possllh at the h m l , rrai