Mar 1, 1996 - Surprises in the Muddy Waters of High-Enrollment Courses. Jessie M. ... IM-Chem: The Use of Instant Messaging To Improve Student Performance and Personalize Large Lecture General Chemistry Courses ... Integration of a Communicating Scie
and professor with a sense of being disconnected from each other. In smaller classes it is easier to get to know one's students and to develop a rapport with the ...
Mar 1, 1996 - IM-Chem: The Use of Instant Messaging To Improve Student Performance and Personalize Large Lecture General Chemistry Courses.
dents in large classes, creating a positive learning atmos- ... class (~ 250 students) of general chemistry for science and .... a computer bulletin board (8).
Page 1. Page 2.
Thephotograph in. Figure 1 shows the unit behind a conventional pH meter. ... 210VAC. V-t. Power supp1y. Slfln. A. 0. B. C. 0. A0CO. A B. C. D. ABCD. 5 X 7446.
or millivolts now often cannot be seen from many parts of larger lecture theaters. To overcome this problem, in the absence of suitable commercial apparatus, we have con- structed a large digital display unit. The photograph in. Figure 1 shows the un
one-semester pre-requisite course for the nursing program but not for another ... Explain Everything app, which allows me to add annotations and work example.
Dec 1, 2016 - Explain Everything ( is an app available on iOS, Android and Windows which can be used for screen casting.
Dec 1, 2016 - Splitting the class in half meant that all students came three days a .... I have more ideas in 5 minutes than most folks have all day, but hate to ...