The Online Information Service that thinks like a chemist... So you can, too! Chemists think in structures, and that's just how CAS ONLINE searches and displays the information on over 5 million chemical substances stored in its files. You Search for Structures. Because substances which share structural features frequently share properties of interest as well. You Search by Structures. Just describe the structural features you want - and search. You Get Structures Back. Easy-to-evaluate structure diagrams can be printed online at your terminal or offline by CAS and mailed to you. Send for your free brochure, "The Structure is Your Key," by writing CAS ONLINE - OBA, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, Ohio 43210.
CAS ONLINE™ The Chemical Substance Search and Display System From Chemical Abstracts Service A division of the American Chemical Society. c
1981 by the American Chemical Society
C&ENMay 10, 1982