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Gain a valuable insight into the drug industry— how certain products are developed and why
The Pharmaceutical Industry: Chemistry and Concepts An Audio Course Produced by the American Chemical Society This new audio course introduces you to the many interesting aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. You'll learn about the characteristics of this important industry, as well as gain an understanding of the industry's economics, government regulations, and competition. You'll cover basic pharmacological concepts and learn about the general aspects of the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. The majority of this course is devoted to the chemical structure and reactions relevant to various classes of drugs. You'll investigate • antibacterials and antibiotics · steroids • cardiovascular drugs · anti-inflammatory drugs • central nervous systems drugs · and more • antihistamines This course is ideal for managers who want to better understand why certain areas are of more interest to a profit-seeking industry than other areas. It discusses public health aspects of disease frequency and their economic and profit implications. Looking at this profit motive and the health-care science aspects, this course truly gives a good orientation to the relation between the scientific research goals/therapeutic desirability of drugs that have been or are being developed and the profitability of the products. Your Instructors Harold A. Wittcoff worked for General Mills Chemical where he was Vice-President of Corporate Research. In addition, he has worked for Koor Chemicals, Chem Systems, University of Minnesota, and, with B.G. Reuben, co-authored a two-volume work on industrial organic chemistry. Bryan G. Reuben is Reader in Chemical Technology at the Polytechnic of South Bank, London. He has contributed to over four books and is the author of more than 70 papers. Unit (Catalog No. 78) Ten cassettes ( 9 7 hours playing time) and 356-page manual: $49500, U.S. & Canada; $594.00, export. Additional manuals: $ 3 5 0 0 each, U.S. & Canada; $42.00 each, export. Brief Course Outline • History · Characteristics of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Research Expenditure; Government Regulation; Clinical Testing • Patterns of Illness and Health Care: Mortality; Disability; Visits to the Physician; Prescribing · Pharmacological Concepts: Receptor Theory; Radioligands; What Happens to Drugs in the Body · The Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals: Top 100 Drugs; Classification; Sources · Antibacterials and Antibiotics: Sulfonamides; Penicillins; Peptide Antibiotics; Tetracyclines · Cardiovascular Drugs: Cardiac Glycosides; Diuretics and Potassium Replenishes; Beta-blockers; Antihypertensive Agents • Antihistamines: Hj Blockers; H2 Blockers · Analgesics: Narcotic Analgesics; Non-narcotic Pain Relievers; Endorphins and Enkephalins · Steroid Drugs: Steroid Hormones; Sex Hormones and Oral Contraceptives; Anti-inflammatory Steroids
• Nonsteroid and Anti-Inflammatory Agents · Hypolgycemics: Insulin; Recombinant DNA for Insulin Production; Other Hypoglycemics · Anticholinergic Drugs · Miscellaneous Infections and Tropical Diseases: Antifungals; Pendiculicides; TB, Cholera, Typhoid & Yellow Fever, Leprosy · Anti-asthma Drugs · Miscellaneous Drugs: Thyroid Drugs; Diphenoxylate; Vitamins · Drug Groups Outside the Top 100: Drugs Against Parkinson's Disease; Antiviral Drugs; Prostaglandins · Appendices: The Top 100 Most Widely Prescribed Drugs by Chemical Entity; International Classification of Diseases; General Bibliography No-Risk Guarantee All ACS Audio Courses come to you with a money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied, return the course within ten days for a full refund or cancellation of invoice. Use the coupon b e l o w to place your order or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your credit card or purchase order number. To help us serve you better, please mention Department 81 and Catalog No. 78 when ordering. American Chemical Society Distribution Office, Dept. 81 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Yes! Please send me the following: Qty. Total Complete course(s), The Pharmaceutical Industry, Chemistry and Concepts, at $49500 each (US & Canada) or $594.00 each (export). (Catalog No.78) $ Additional manuals at $35.00 each (US & Canada) or $42.00 each (export). $ TOTAL $ D Payment enclosed (make checks payable to ACS). D Purchase order enclosed. PO # D Charge my Π MasterCard Π VISA D American Express D ACCESS D Barclaycard D Diners Club/Carte Blanche Account # Expires . Interbank #_ (MC and ACCESS only)
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April 27, 1987 C&EN