The Polish Government and Society are extremely ... - ACS Publications

The Polish Government and Society are extremely interested in the problem of the education of Poland's youth. Their aim is to educate a new citizen, a...
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VOL.6, No. 3



The Polish Government and Society are extremely interested in the problem of the education of Poland's youth. Their aim is to educate a new citizen, a citizen of free and independent Poland imbued with a spirit of democracy, tolerance, and harmony. These ideals were beacons to the Polish national heroes, Kosciusko, Pulaski, and others, who shed their blood and perished fighting for the cause of freedom in the United States of America, which lies far away from Poland across the seas.

UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil-Service Commission announces an open compctitiue examination fur Assistant Agronomist (Sugar Tcclunology). Applicnrions must be on file with rhe Civil-Service Commission s t Wsshirl~ton,D. C , nut later t h l n March 27th The cntmnce selaric5 nnge frum WC,00 lo $3100 a year. 1lwht.r snlaried positions arc filled through promotion. The examination is t o 6l1 a vacancy in the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, for duty a t Cairo, Georgia, and vacancies occurring in positions requiring similar qualifications, for duty in Washington, D. C., or in the field. The duties are operating a field station devoted t o the production of sugar cane for sirup-making purposes, and the making of sirup therefrom, involving the following duties: planning and conducting varietal and cultural tests and crop rotations with sugar cane; making sirup from experimental crops of sugar cane; devising improvements in methods and apparatus for making sirup from sugar cane under farm conditions; acting in general charge of the station; and also participating in variety tests a t co6perating experiment stations and a t other test fields. Competitors will not be required to report for examination a t any place, hut will be rated on their education, training, and experience, and a thesis or publication t o be filed by the applicant. Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or the secretary of the United States Civil-Service Board of Examiners a t the post office or customhouse in any city.

Sheep's Gold Teeth Were Not Genuine. A sheep's jawbone from the lead-mining district of Scotland was found to contain teeth which had a metallic luster, and it was popularly supposed that the luster indicated a deposit of gold. However, the teeth were analyzed by the government chemist and he fouad traces of lead but no gold. The metallic sheen appeared t o be due t o the effect of light on a laminated, or flaked, crystalline structure, mainly calcium phosphate.-Science Service

EXHIBIT OF HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENTS' WORg IN CHEMISTRY An exhibit of students' work in chemistry in high schools is being planned for the Spring Meeting of the Division of Chemical Educationat Columbus, Ohio. All teachers of high-school chemistry are invited t o prepare and send in exhibits of their work. Any inquiries regarding the exhibits should be referred to Dr. Wm. McPherson, Ohio State University, Columbus.