The Preparation of Metallic Cobalt by Reduction of the Oxide

pounds of commercial black cobalt oxide have been given to this laboratory for these researches by the. Deloro Mining and Reduction Co. of Deloro, Ont...
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Feb., 1914




divested of m a n y complicating assumptions, a n d greatly simplified. I should acknowledge m y obligations t o N r . James G r a h a m for assistance i n t h e experimental work of this paper.




June, 1912 November, 1912 April, 1913

co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 . 9 9 Fe .................... 0.11 S i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.040 s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.020 C a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.030 SiOz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 1 9



71.52 0.2; 0.020

0 10



n .o j i


0.15 0 . i')

n. 1s

The oxides corresponding with t h e theoretical formulas would have'cobalt content a s follows: THE PREPARATION O F METALLIC COBALT BY REDUCTION OF THE OXIDE'

Formula Co2O3, . . .

71.1 CoaOi.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . 3 . 4


I n connection with t h e work on cobalt i t has been necessary t o prepare considerable quantities of t h e metal in as pure a s t a t e as possible. Nearly 1000 pounds of conimercial black cobalt oxide have been given t o this laboratory for these researches b y t h e Deloro Mining a n d Reduction Co. of Deloro, Ontario, t o whom me t a k e this opportunity of expressing our thanks. T h e writer wishes t o acknowledge t h e x o r k of Messrs. C. Harper, IT. L. Savell, C. TV. D a y a n d R . Wilcox, who, in t h e capacity of research assistants at these laboratories, h a v e done most of t h e actual experimenting. T o Professor S. F. Kirkpatrick of t h e Departm e n t of Metallurgy, Queen's University, t h a n k s are d u e for m a n y valuable suggestions. T h e process for t h e preparation of fairly pure cobalt oxide has been very completely worked out, a n d has been practised on a large scale a t several Canadian smelters. For t h i s reason t h e oxide was chosen as a r a w material from which t o prepare t h e metal. As t h e work progressed, i t became more a n d more apparent t h a t some of t h e uses for cobalt which were being demonstrated a t these laboratories a n d elsewhere, would lead t o t h e preparation of t h e metal in large quantities. Hence, i t became of increasing importance t h a t t h e metallurgy of t h e preparation of t h e metal from t h e oxide be studied, a n d this has been done with greater care t h a n was necessary merely f o r t h e production of t h e quantities required for experimental purposes. There are four i m p o r t a n t reducing agents for obtaining metal!ic cobalt in reasonably pure form from commercial cobalt oxide. T h e y are: I , C a r b o n ; 11, Hydrogen; 111, Carbon Monoxide; IT', Aluminum, T h e C o 3 0 a used2 for these experiments was made f r o m cobalt h y d r a t e , precipitated b y bleach from a cobalt chloride solution. This hydrate, i n contact with t h e atmosphere, is greenish black i n color. It was calcined a t 750' C., yielding a black oxide of approximately t h e composition Co304. This is shown by t h e following analyses, made a t widely different times, which are typical of a large number: Author's abstract of report under the above title to the Canadian Department of Mines. Published b y permission of t h e Director of Mines, Ottawa, Canada. T h e general investigation of the metal cobalt and its alloys, with reference t o finding increased commerc;al usages for them is being conducted a t the School of Mining, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. for t h e Mines Branch, Canada Department of Mines. F o r a consideration of t h e yarious oxides of cobalt, including the proof t h a t the black oxide used for these reductions was larselv . the - . C O J O ~see following article, page 115.

Percentage, cobalt


CoaO;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 . 0 COO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 8 . 8

It is obvious then, when we t a k e into account t h e portion of t h e sample which is n o t cobalt oxide, t h a t t h e oxide itself is largely C0304. It is not necessary for t h e purpose of our calculations t o assume t h a t this oxide alone is present, for we shall base our computations upon t h e actual analyses as we have found t h e m . However, i n writing t h e reactions throughout this paper, we shall, for simplicity, consider t h e oxide t o be Co304. PURIFICATIOK


Cobalt oxide as we obtained it from t h e smelters, a n d as sold on t h e market, analyzed approximately as follows: Barrel 1


Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.36 Ni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 Fe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.82 ............... 0.45 As . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 1 0 Si0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 Ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50


Barrels 3 a n d 4


Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 . 2

Ni.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 4 Fe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 CaO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 3 7 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.54 Insoluble. . . . . . . . 1 . 4 6 A g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trace

Analyses, of course, v a r y considerably from one shipment t o a n o t h e r ; t h e above samples are high in F e , S a n d Ca, a n d would be considered b y most smelters as No. 2 grade. Metal produced from oxide analyzing as above, b y t h e method t o be described. is of sufficient p u r i t y for most purposes. This is especially t r u e if lime be added t o t h e melt t o slag off t h e sulfur. HoTverer, for other purposes metal is required in which t h e impurities, nickel, irbn, sulfur, arsenic a n d silica, are reduced t o very small percentages. I n this case it is best t o remove these impurities from t h e oxide before reduction Starting with a crude cobalt oxide, these impurities m a y be reduced as far as is desired by t h e following procedure: sILIca-Dissolve t h e crude oxide in hydrochloric acid according t o t h e reaction: CoaOl 8HC1 = 3CoC12 qHzO C12 This m a y be done best b y heating a n d agitating with steam. If silica is present, i t will not dissolve, a n d m a y be removed b y filtration or decantation. T h e same is t r u e of silicates which are not decomposed b y this t r e a t m e n t . Decomposable silicates would send a certain a m o u n t of silica into solution. which would be thrown out during t h e next step. I R O S ASD ARSESIC-TOt h e cobalt chloride solution formed b y dissolving t h e oxide i n hydrochloric acid,






gradually a d d finely divided C a C 0 3 or p u r e marble, until no further precipitate is formed. T h e heavy brown mud precipitated contains t h e iron a n d arsenic content of t h e original oxide. NICKEL-For most purposes it will not be necessary t o separate t h e small a m o u n t of nickel from t h e cobalt, b u t it m a y be done as follows: T h e cobalt chloride solution, containing a certain amount,of nickel chloride, is of a n intense red or claret color. Add a solution of bleach t o t h e solution until i t has almost completely lost its color. T h e bleach solution differentially precipitates h y d r a t e s of nickel a n d cobalt, so t h a t t h e nickel is not appreciably brought down until t h e cobalt has been almost entirely precipitated. T h e bleach will precipitate a black, h y d r a t e d oxide of cobalt, a n d t h e diminishing redness of t h e solution will indicate t h e e n d point. If all of t h e steps above outlined have been applied t o t h e original oxide. this final black precipitate m a y be calcined a t a b o u t 7 5 0 " C., t o yield black Co304. SULFUR-Any sulfur present in t h e original oxide a n d carried through t o t h e final product, or introduced with t h e bleach, m a y be removed b y boiling t h e final dried oxide with sodium carbonate a n d dilute hydrochloric acid. T h e reaction is:

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oil-fired "Steele-Harvey" furnace of 60 pounds, metal capacity, No. 2 0 crucible, which could be controlled a t a n y t e m p e r a t u r e u p t o 1550' C., or in a modified Hoskins electric resistor furnace. This latter has a heating chamber, 8 inches cube, which can be maintained constant t o within a b o u t 1 0 - 2 0 ' C., a t a n y t e m p e r a t u r e u p t o 16 jo' C. Some of t h e small charges were r u n in porcelain crucibles heated within a n electric resistor furnace. T h e reactions for t h e reduction of cobalt oxide with carbon are:



4 c = 3c0 4 0 , (1) c0304 a n d ( 2 ) c0304 f 4 C O = 3Co 4'202; or, combining (3) zCo304 4C = 6Co 4CO2. If all t h e oxygen for t h e oxidation of t h e carbon be supplied b y t h e cobalt oxide, a n d if all t h e carbon be burned t o C o t t h e n t h e reaction goes according t o t h e last equation. I n practice, neither of these conditions is strictly obtained, b u t with proper design of furnace t h e y may be closely approximated. THE RUN-In each case t h e charge was made up b y intimately mixing a weighed a m o u n t of finely divided oxide with a weighed a m o u n t of finely ground carbon. This mixture was placed in t h e crucible, which, with its Cas04 NaZC03 = NaZS04 CaC03 charge, was placed either in t h e Steele-Harvey oil T h e soluble sodium sulfate formed is washed out with furnace or in t h e electric furnace. T h e mixture was water. A further washing is given with dilute hydro- frequently stirred with a n iron rod during t h e reduction. chloric acid, which decomposes t h e calcium carbonate THE CARBON-The form of carbon chosen for t h e i n t o soluble calcium chloride a n d COZgas. T h e CaC12 reduction, whether powdered charcoal, coke, coal, etc., is washed o u t with water. This method is, of course, depends somewhat u p o n t h e impurities f r o m which i t applicable only for t h e removal of t h e small per- is desirable t o keep t h e resulting metal free, b u t also centages of Ca a n d S found in t h e oxides in question. this choice greatly influences t h e speed of t h e reduction. A shipment of oxide from t h e smelter was analyzed T h r e e sets of experiments were made with powdered before a n d after t r e a t m e n t b y t h e above method, with anthracite coal, while further runs were made with t h e following results: lampblack or with powdered charcoal. T h e carbon was in all cases powdered t o a n extremely fine flour. Percentages Before After TEMPERATURE uEASUREMENTS-TemperatUre readC o . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.36 71.99 Ni . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 0.041 ings were made a t frequent intervals with a platinum F e. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.82 0.11 platinum-rhodium thermo-element, with a Wanner s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.45 0.020 optical pyrometer, or with a FCry radiation pyrometer, C a . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50 0.021 As . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 1 0 None a n d t h e furnace adjusted t o keep t h e t e m p e r a t u r e None SiO?. . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 2 0 constant t o within a b o u t 20'. T h e charge was p u t into t h e crucible which was There are other obvious methods of purifying t h e Co304. F o r example, t h e bleach soiution may be freed within t h e furnace, b o t h crucible a n d furnace being of i t s SO4 content with BaC12, a n d t h e Ca a n d excess a t a t e m p e r a t u r e somewhat higher t h a n t h e intended Ba precipitated with N a 2 C 0 3 , t h u s yielding a fairly t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e run. Some of t h e smallest charges p u r e solution of soda bleach. T h e so4 content of t h e were inserted with containing crucible. I t was learned, CoC12 solution m a y be precipitated with BaClz a n d t h e b y experience, for t h e different sizes of charge a n d differential precipitation of cobalt a n d nickel accom- qualities of crucible, a t a b o u t what t e m p e r a t u r e t o maintain t h e furnace prior t o inserting t h e charge, plished with t h e purified solution of soda bleach. in order t h a t t h e charge might come t o t h e desired equiI-REDUCTIOK O F COBALT OXIDE WITH C A R B O N librium temperature, with proper furnace a d j u s t m e n t , METHOD O F EXPERIMENT-These experiments all in a b o u t ten minutes. There is, therefore, a period consisted in intimately mixing definite a m o u n t s of a b o u t t e n minutes, a t t h e beginning of each r u n , of finely divided carbon in various forms with C o 3 0 4 , during which t h e average temperature of t h e charge a n d heating t h e mixture t o constant t e m p e r a t u r e for is not as high as t h a t noted with t h e Wanner optical a measured time. T h e charges employed varied in pyrometer, which observes t h e surface of t h e charge. size from a few grams t o I O lbs., a n d were heated in We satisfied ourselves t h a t t h e center of t h e charge lined a n d unlined graphite crucibles, a n d in porcelain was a t t h e same t e m p e r a t u r e as t h e surface, within crucibles. 20 or 30' C., after t h e first t e n minutes, b y exploring FURNACES-The reduction took place either in a n t h e center with a thermo-element, a n d noting simul-





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taneously i t s readings a n d those of another thermoelement near t h e surface. a n d of t h e Wanner optical pyrometer. I n t h e following runs we h a v e not a t t e m p t e d t o make a correction for t h e lag in coming t o temperature during these first t e n minutes. This lag would be considerably less t h a n t e n minutes for t h e smallest crucibles used, a b o u t t e n minutes for t h e four-pound charges. a n d possibly as long as t w e n t y m h u t e s in t h e worst cases. with t h e ten-pound charges. T h e oxides used for t h e runs reported in Tables I a n d I1 analyzed as follows: Percentages



Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S i ,.........


Si02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


R I- R V I I I 69.2 1.4 0.50 0.54 CaO. . . . . . . . . 0 . 3 7 Insoluble. . . . 1 . 4 6 Ag . . . . . . . . . . Trace

a t t e m p t was made t o show t h e progress of t h e reduction, b u t a t t h e close of t h e r u n t h e charge was raised as rapidly as possible t o t h e melting point a n d t h e melt poured into a n iron mould t o be weighed. Considerable reduction must t a k e place during t h e interval of melting t h e charge after t h e close of t h e run. The purpose of these particular runs was t o s t u d y t h e yields under somewhat t h e same conditions which must necessari y obtain in practice. I n t h e runs I-YIII, KO. 2 0 unlined carbon crucibles were used; no a t t e m p t was made to obtain a yield. T h e y are intended t o show t h e progress of the,reduction. It will be noticed in t h e above runs with powdered anthracite coal t h a t t h e reductions are extremely low. I t was, therefore, t h o u g h t advisable t o check these r u n s w i t h experiments on a very small scale in porcelain crucibles, in such a manner t h a t there could be n o d o u b t as t o t h e t i m e during which t h e charge was maintained a t t h e temperature in question. A number of such runs was made with a thermoelement near t h e center a n d a t t h e outside of t h e charge. I n t h e small furnace used, t h e crucible with i t s charge came t o temperature in a very few minutes, so t h a t t h e outside a n d inside thermo-element agreed t o within 20' C. A4pproximately this condition was maintained throughout t h e run. T h e results of t h e previous runs with powdered anthracite coal were confirmed b y these small scale runs, a n d a satisfactory complete reduction could n o t be obtained at temperatures much below I Z O O O C. '

T h e anthracite coal used was very finely powdered. I n t h e typical r u n s A-H, No. 1 2 unlined carbon crucibles mere used, a n d t h e charge was stirred every t e n minutes during r e d u c t i o n . . I n these runs no TABLE I-REDUCTIOX

OF Cos01 W I T H , POWDEREDANTHRACITE COAL ( 4 ) R u s s A. C, H-HARVEY-STEEL OIL FURNACE G, B, D, E, F-ELECTRICCRUCIBLEFURNACE Yield of cobalt . Charge Average Time h-0, tempera- of reducPer cent Per cent of Cor04 Coal ture tion of theo- carbon in run Lhs. 02. C. Min. 1.b. Oz. retical metal A,. ., .. 5 8.3 1200 90 3 1.5 87 98 0.18 30 2 12.5 6.9 1200 C. . . . . . 4 92 0.086 105 6 9 lh.O 1200 H . . . . . . 10 99 0.21 150 2 13 900 G, . . , . . i 6.6 99 0.29 60 2 13 1200 B... . . . 4 6.54 0.20 2 13.5 100 120 6.9 1200 D ..... 4 60 2 11.75 96 0.22 1500 ,. 4 6.9 90 2 12.7 98 0.23 1500 , . 4 6.6




c o s 0 4 W'ITH P O W D E R E D


F u r t h e r experiments were tried on t h e reduction of CoaO4 with very finely powdered charcoal. A large number of these gave fairly concordant results, which showed a greater reduction a t all temperatures t h a n t h e corresponding powdered anthracite coal runs. Without giving t h e details of about twenty-five A-Considerable unreduced oxide slag. Carbon used is approxiruns, it m a y be said t h a t complete reduction was mately the theoretical amount according t o reaction (3). C-Melt free from unreducible oxide slag. Carbon 10 per cent in obtained with from 2 0 t o 30 per cent excess of powdered excess of theoretical requirement. charcoal, a t goo0 C. or over, in less t h a n a n hour. H-3 oz. lime added shortly before pouring. Carbon, theoretical ,4t IOOC-1100'C., t h e reduction with powdered charamount. G A t end of 2.5 hours, charge not completely reduced, b u t completed coal was very much more rapid t h a n a t 900' C.. during subsequent raising t o melting point. often completing itself in less t h a n I O minutes. Of course, t h e t i m e required depends, t o some extent. TABLE 11-REDUCTION OF Cos04 WITH POWDERED ANTHRACITE COAL (B) HARVEY-STEELE OIL FURNACE upon t h e size of t h e furnace a n d charge. Reduction R E D U C T I O N O F cos04 W I T H L A U P B L A C K Charge time t o removal Per cent No. ___7 Average Experiments on t h e reduction of C0304 with lampof sample Coin Reduction temp. of CoaOd Coal black were tried with results identical with those on Minutes sample@) complete = 100 C. run Lbs. 02. t h e reduction of Co304 with powdered charcoal. 73,6 Very slight 601 R 2 82 I.. , . 10 17.5 74.1 Very slight R3b 91 750 I1 . . . . 10 16.5 BRIQUETS-Experiments on t h e reduction of cos04 73.8 Very slight R4b 90 16.5 888 I11 . . . . IO with powdered charcoal were tried, forming t h e charge I V . . . . 10 16.5 1057 R5b 95 80.8 28 VI . . . . I O 16.5 1203 R6a 30 81.3 30 into briquets. A small' percentage of molasses was R6b 49 93 .O 74 used as a binder. These experiments were made VI1 . . . . IO 16.5 1283 R7a 31 91.1 70 under t h e same furnace a n d temperature conditions -_ R i b 47 93.9 I , as those on t h e reduction of cos04 with powdered VI11 . . . . 10 17.4 1502 1 11 76.7 12 2 16 81.8 32 charcoa in bulk. Seven such runs showed, throughout, 3 21 91 .O 66 t h a t t h e reduction was not very different in its velocity 4 26 93.9 77 5 31 9 3 . 9 Apparently some from t h e corresponding runs with powdered charcoal. 91.8 oxidation 6 36 although t h e difference was uniformly in favor of (a)These analyses are for cobalt, nickel and iron combined. of which t h e briquetted charges. A satisfactory reduction a b o u t 97 per cent was cobalt, a s may be seen from the analysis of the original oxide. Carbon analyses were of course made, a n d the percentage of cobalt given in this column takes into account the residual carbon.

1 T h e molasses would correspond t o the addition of about 1 per cent carbon.





could probably n o t be made a t temperatures below 8 o c A j o 0 C . , even briquetting t h e charges, as compared with g o o 0 C. for t h e charges i n bulk. T h e preparation of metallic cobalt b y reduction in briquets or rondelles offers distinct commercial advantages i n t h a t t h e resulting metal is i n a salable form without further melting a n d casting. T H E METAL-The metal produced b y reduction of cobalt oxide with carbon is sufficiently pure for most purposes; it need not contain more t h a n a few t e n t h s of a per cent of carbon. T h e following characteristic analyses are t a k e n a t random from a large number t o show t h e n a t u r e of t h e metal: A N A L Y S E S O F I\IETALLIC C O B A L T P R O D U C E D B Y



Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S....................... C...................... Ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


97.05 1.50 1.00 0.22 0.20 0.25


As.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si02 .... 0.12





98.50 0.65 0.58 0.47 . 0.22 0.60

98.84 0.61

98.62 0.50 0.15 0.22 0.13 0.27






0.11 0.12


... 0.13

0.56 0.21 0.24 0.24 0.06


Trace 1.39 0.46

... 0.58


with carbon n-ere those directly from t h e smelter, which had n o t been treated b y t h e method outlined above t o remove t h e impurities. T h e iron, nickel, sulfur a n d silica content could have been reduced t o mere traces b y purifying t h e oxide before reduction i n accordance with t h e method given. We have done this repeatedly, where a pure metal was required for experimental purposes. I t is, however, of importance t o note t h a t metal with very low carbon content m a y be made b y direct reduction of t h e oxide with carbon.

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O F THE O X I D E WITH H Y D R O G E N M E T H O D A N D APPARATUS.-These experiments consisted i n placing a n a l u n d u m b o a t , containing a weighed a m o u n t of dried cobalt oxide, in a horizontal t u b e electric resistor furnace, maintaining i t s temperature therein constant for a definite length of time, during which a stream of hydrogen gas was passed through t h e furnace. A schematic sketch of t h e a p p a r a t u s i s shown in Fig. I. After purification, t h e hydrogen entered t h e furnace , l



I . Reduction of c0301 with powdered anthracite coal does not t a k e place rapidly enough t o make i t commercially interesting, either i n t h e oil-fired crucible t y p e of furnace or i n t h e electric crucible t y p e of furnace, until a t e m p e r a t u r e in t h e neighborhood of 1200' C. is reached. 11. I n either t h e oil-fired crucible t y p e of furnace or in t h e electric crucible t y p e of furnace, substantially complete yields of metallic cobalt m a y be obtained b y reduction of Co304 with powdered anthracite coal, i n t h e neighborhood of 1 2 0 0 ~C., for n o t more t h a n I hour, with subsequent rapid melting a n d pouring. 111. With t h e oil-fired crucible furnace, using unlined graphite crucibles, complete yields are obtained with powdered anthracite coal only when there is a n excess of approximately I O 'per cent of this latter. IV. With t h e electric crucible t y p e of furnace used b y us, complete reduction m a y be obtained, using only t h e theoretical q u a n t i t y of powdered anthracite coal. I n this furnace there is a considerable reduction due t o t h e carbon monoxide atmosphere caused b y t h e carbon resistor plates. V. Both in t h e oil-fired a n d in t h e electric crucible t y p e of furnace, greater reductions of Co304 are obtained using p o h d e r e d charcoal t h a n with powdered anthracite coal, a t corresponding temperatures.


V I . W i t h t h e oil-fired or electric crucible t y p e of furnace, complete reduction m a y be obtained with powdered charcoal at g o o 0 C. or higher. F o r this reduction a considerable excess of charcoal mas required: under our conditions from 20 t o 30 per cent. V I I . Powdered lampblack shows results in accordance with those for powdered charcoal. V I I I . Briquetting t h e charges with a n organic binder t e n d s t o increase t h e r a t e of reduction a t all temperatures. A minimum of a b o u t 800' C. m a y be employed for t h e reduction of Co304 with charcoal in t h e form of briquets as against * g o o o C. for t h e same charge in bulk. I X . With sufficient carbon t o get a complete yield of metal, the final product need contain only a b o u t 0 . 2 per cent of carbon. X . At this laboratory, in a n electric furnace n o t especially designed for this work, we reduce enough oxide t o make j 6 pounds of t h e metal i n a n eighthour d a y , with t h e furnace absorbing 1 2 kw. T h u s , on a commercial basis, t h e power charge for this reduction would be small. 11-PREPARATION

It is obvious t h a t t h e oxides t a k e n for reduction


u x



0 = KOH Tower S = HzSOc Washer J = Carbon Rings

Y =Stop Cock

L = Leads t o Ammeter and Bus Bars

at F a n d t h e excess was burned at B. During t h e r u n t h e exit for t h e gas was through t h e by-pass P B , t h e end Q being sealed. T h e heating element of t h e furnace itself was a series of co-axial carbon ring plates, which could be pressed together more or less tightly b y suitable screws. T h e furnace was supplied with alternating current at 2 j volts from a transformer, a n d could be controlled at a n y temperature up t o 1350' C. T h e . d e t a i l s of t h e furnace are shown i n Fig. 2. T h e temperature measurements were made b y a

T H E J O C R S d L O F I N D L - S T R I A L A S D E S G I S E E RI S G C H E J l I S T R k’

Feb., 1914

platinum-rhodium thermo-element T h , a n d readings were t a k e n a t frequent intervals on a very sensitive millivoltmeter. I n this v:ay, t h e temperature was maintained substantially constant b y h a n d regulation of t h e screws I. All temperature measurements were made with thermo-elements calibrated a t frequent intervals, in t h e usual way, against k n o x n melting points. C O S D U C T I N G A Rus-After having heated t h e furnace t o t h e desired temperature. b y a suitable current through t h e carbon rings, runs were made as follows: ( a ) Xfter closing t h e cock X , which separates t h e purifying system from t h e furnace, t h e air was exhausted from t h e hydrogen system b y opening cock Y , a n d operating a pump. ( b ) Gas burners were lighted t o heat copper filings in tubes C1 a n d C1. (c) Solutions of potassium bichromate, potassium h y d r a t e a n d sulfuric acid were s t a r t e d flowing through t h e purifying towers K, 0 a n d S; which were partially filled with glass beads.

0 B A LT 0 X I D E R E D U C T I 0 iX


11-1T H H Y D R 0 G E S-

T h e cobalt oxide used for t h e follon-ing runs, I t o

I X , analyzed as follows in percentages: C o . . . . . . . . . . 72.3 Ca . . . . . . . . . S.... .. .. . . . h - i , . . . . . . . . . . Trace Fe , . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 10 S O ? .. . . , . , . .

Temperature Number

Average deviation







1 3


1 0



II(a) II@)

I I1




. T i m e of reduction Minutes 5 15 5 15 30 60 15 30 60 15 30 60






15 70






1 5




1 0












( d ) Cock Y was closed a n d cock a t outlet of hydrogen

t a n k H was partially opened t o a l l o x a flow of hydrogen into t h e purifying system, until t h e pressure inside t h e system was a little greater t h a n atmospheric pressure. ( e ) Cock X was now opened t o allow hydrogen t o flow into t h e h o t furnace. (f) Flow of hydrogen was adjusted b y cock at outlet of hydrogen t a n k H , until hydrogen burned freely a t outlet e n d of furnace B. During t h e r u n t h e end Q ~ - n closed, s a n d t h e gas escaped through t h e by-pass



(9) When a d j u s t m e n t was satisfactory, assuring a n excess of hydrogen within t h e furnace, t h e weighed dried a l u n d u m b o a t , containing t h e charge of cobalt oxide, mas placed in t h e hot furnace a t t h e position A , a n d t h e time noted. ( h ) T h e r u n proper h a d now begun, durirfg which observations of time, temperature, a n d power were made, a n d t h e furnace adjusted t o keep t h e temperat u r e constant. (i) After a definite time, t h e boat, with i t s contents, was withdrawn from t h e centre of t h e furnace t o t h e overhanging cool e n d of t h e furnace core nT, in which i t was allowed t o cool, b u t through which, during t h e cooling, hydrogen was passed. ( j ) When cool, t h e boat was removed t o a desiccator a n d weighed.





0.15 0.052

I t will be noticed t h a t this oxide contained 72.4



C 0 0 L-

I N G I S -41- A T M O S P H E R E O F H Y D R O G E K











Loss in weight Per r e n t 25.5 25.4 25.8 26.0 26.6 26.2 26.1 26.2 26.1 16.8 22.1 22.4 25.2 25.3 25.4


25.4 25.2


Reduction 100 = complete 94.2 94.0 95.6 96.2 98.3 97.0 96.8 97 .0

96.8 62.2 81.8 a3 0 93.0 94.0 94.2


94.2 94.1


25 ..i 91.3 25.5 94.3 25.8 95.1 60 25.7 95.3 120 98.1 26.5 5 98.1 26.5 10 26.6 98.5 30 26.6 98.5 60 26.6 5 98.5 26.5 10 98.1 26.6 30 98.5 26.6 2 5 98.5 26.6 98.5 5 26.7 15 98.9 26.75 98.8 30 26.75 Y8,8 60 99.0 150 26.8 2 5 26.61 98.4 98.1 26.71 5 26,i 5 ‘18. a 15 30 26.75 98.8 99 .0 60 2 6 . 80 1 25.6 94.8 5 26.9 99.7 ‘2i.I 100.0 30 2i.l 100.0 60 99.1 1 26.8 99.4 5 26.9 99.4 26.9 30 27.0 99,1 60 2 96.8 26,?8 5 99.4 26.90 99.7 30 27.00 27.05 99.9 60 1 24.38 90.0 26.90 99.; 5 30 27.00 99.8 100.0 2 7 . 10 60 this run t h a t there was a slight oxidation 15 60

( a ) It >vas noted a t t h e close of a t one point in t h e boat. ( b ) All the reduced samples were steel-gray. (L) Boatshowed slight reoxidation a t one end whenremoved from furnace. ( d ) This final material analyzed 97.25 and 97.30 per cent cobalt o n duplicates. T h e material resulting from this r u n contained 0.75 per cent of unreducible CaSOI. CaO and SiOz, and 1.4 per cent of oxygen presumably in t h e form of c o s 0 4 (the stable oxide a t 598O C., see following article, page l l j ) , and 0.10 per cent of nickel and iron. It should, therefore, contain 100 - 2.3 = 97.i per cent of cobalt. This checks with thpvalue determined b y analyses, 97.3, t o within t h e accumulative error in the analyses. ( e ) T h e product from this run seemed t o be of a slightly lighter gray shade t h a n t h a t from t h e runs a t lower temperatures.

* T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y


per cent of t h e metals cobalt, nickel a n d iron, in t h e f o r m of oxides which m a y be computed without error t o be cobalt oxide. Any sample‘ contains, therefore, 0.75 per cent of unreducible calcium sulfate, calcium oxide a n d silica, 99.2 per cent of cobalt oxide r u n n i n g 72.4199.2 = 72.9 per cent in cobalt. This oxide, therefore, corresponds very closely t o Co304. T h e oxygen content of t h e substance which could be reduced b y hydrogen, is equal t o 2 7 . 1 per cent of 99.2 per cent = 2 7 . 0 per cent. This figure is accurate t o within t h e experimental error of t h e runs, a n d is used as t h e basis of t h e following computations; t h a t is t o say, in t h e column headed “ P e r c e n t a g e loss in weight,” 2 7 per cent would represent complete reduction, a n d t h e last column headed “ R e d u c t i o n where I O O per cent is complete reduction’’ is c o m p u t e d in t e r m s of 2 7 per cent actual reduction a s total. T h e boats used ranged in weight from 5 t o 6.5 g r a m s a n d t h e charges of cobalt oxide from 2 . 0 t o 2.1 grams. T h e check between t h e composition of t h e oxide used for these hydrogen reduction experiments, as determined b y analysis a n d as determined b y t h e reduction experiments. is entirely satisfactory (see following article, p. 115 ) . A n u m b e r of t h e early experiments t o reduce cos04 with hydrogen were made allowing t h e reduced product t o cool in t h e atmosphere. In every case reoxidation t o o k place. These runs were made a t various t e m peratures from 500’ C. t o 1000’ C., a n d curiously enough t h e reoxidation a t t h e higher t e m p e r a t u r e s was progressively less t h a n a t t h e lower temperatures. CONCLUSIONS

I. T h e reduction of Co304 t o metallic cobalt b y hydrogen gas takes place very rapidly a t all t e m peratures above 500’ C. 11. A t t e m p e r a t u r e s between 500’ C. a n d 700’ C., over 90 per cent of t h e reduction of C0304 t o Co takes place in a few minutes, b u t a further reduction takes place very slowly, if a t all. 111. Between 700’ C. a n d 1100’C., t h e a m o u n t of reduction of Co3O4 t o Co which takes place during t h e first few minutes increases very rapidly with rising t e m p e r a t u r e , a n d a t t h e higher temperatures i t is complete. IV. T h e hydrogen reduction method is t o be especially recommended for t h e production of moderate quantities of. very pure carbon-free cobalt for special purposes, just as i t has been used for t h e production of metallic tungsten. V. F o r t h e production of cobalt from C o 3 0 4 b y hydrogen, t h e charge must be completely cooled in a n a t m o s p h e r e of hydrogen. 111-PREPARATION


Vol. 6, No.


oxide was supplied b y passing carbon dioxide over hot wood charcoal, which reduced it according t o t h e reaction, COz C = 2CO. Carbon dioxide, after purification, entered t h e lower e n d of t h e carbon monoxide generating furnace a t G.







This furnace was of t h e electric resistance t y p e , m a d e b y winding nichrome wire over a n a l u n d u m cylinder, t h e two being embedded in magnesite cement, a n d insulated within a cylindrical iron container. T h e wire is shown in section a t H a n d t h e iron container a t I. T h e entire core of t h e furnace was filled with wood charcoal, maintained a t a b o u t 1000’ C. b y a n appropriate current through t h e heating element. As a result, carbon monoxide gas left t h e generator a t J , with a certain a m o u n t of moisture which was absorbed b y passing t h r o u g h calcium chloride a t K. T h u s , substantially p u r e carbon monoxide entered t h e reaction furnace proper a t L, passed over t h e a l u n d u m b o a t 11, with its cobalt content, a n d t h e excess burned off a t N . THE REACTION FURNACE-The reaction furnace proper is shown in Fig. 3. It consisted of a central silica t u b e L N , 2 ft. in length, a n d I in. in internal


M E T H O D A N D APPaRATns-These experiments were performed b y placing a n a l u n d u m boat, c o n t a i n h g a weighed a m o u n t of dried cobalt oxide, in a horizontal t u b e electric resistor furnace, maintaining its t e m perature therein constant for a definite length of time, during which a s t r e a m of carbon monoxide was passed t h r o u g h t h e furnace (see Figs. 3 a n d 4 ) . C A R B O N M O N O X I D E GENERATOR-The carbon mon-


diameter. T h i s was wound with calorite or nichrome wire, of such resistance t h a t i t could be controlled b y a suitable rheostat R h on I I O volt direct current mains, t o m a i n t a i n a t e m p e r a t u r e constant t o within less t h a n I O ’ during a r u n , a t a n y t e m p e r a t u r e u p t o I0OO0


Feb., 1914


TEMPERATURE MEAsvREMEKTs-The temperature measurements were made b y a platinum platinumrhodium thermo-element T h , a n d readings were t a k e n at frequent intervals on a very sensitive millivoltmeter Mv. T h e thermo-elements used for t h e temperature measurements were calibrated a t frequent intervals. C O O L I N G CHARGE I N CARBON MONOXIDE ATMOSPHERE

-The silica t u b e N L extended beyond t h e end of t h e furnace proper from 0 t o N. T h e portion 0-N was I f t . i n length a n d was kept cool b y a circulation of water, so t h a t a t t h e close of a r u n t h e boat was removed from t h e centre of t h e furnace t o 0 - N , where i t cooled t o room temperature in t h e stream of CO gas. C O N D U C T I N G A RUN-After having heated t h e reaction furnace, a n d t h e C O producer furnace, b y suitable currents, t o t h e desired temperature, runs were made as follows: ( a ) T h e cock C was opened t o allow C 0 2 gas t o pass through t h e purifying system D E F into t h e producer furnace a t G. ( b ) T h e CO gas generated in t h e producer furnace GJ passed through t h e reaction furnace L N a n d was lighted at N . (c) T h e weighed dried boat with its charge was introduced into t h e exterior O N of t h e reaction furnace. i d ) Temperature a n d time observations were begun, a n d when t h e desired temperature h a d been reached, t h e boat was moved t o M. ( e ) T h e run proper h a d now begun, during which observations of time a n d temperature were made a n d t h e rheostat R h adjusted t o keep t h e temperature constant. (f) After a definite time t h e boat, with its contents, was withdrawn from M t o O N , where i t was allowed t o cool in a current of carbon monoxide gas. (g) When t h e boat was cool, t h e current of carbon monoxide w a s gradually diminished b y closing t h e cock C, until it was finally entirely cut off. ( h ) l17hen the boat was cooled t o room temperature, i t was removed t o a desiccator a n d weighed. COBALT







The cobalt oxide for t h e CO reduction experiments was identical with t h a t used for t h e hydrogen reduction experiments so t h a t t h e column headed “Reduction where I O O per cent is complete reduction” is computed in terms of 2 7 . 0 per cent actual reduction as total. A number of t h e first runs were made, reducing c0304 with CO a n d allowing t h e reduced product t o cool in t h e atmosphere before weighing. Under these conditions, reoxidation took place rapidly, so t h a t b u t a single pair of typical runs are given. T h e boats used weighed IO.j+ a n d 13.3 grams a n d t h e charges of cobalt oxide, 2- grams. The reoxidation of cobalt oxide after reduction

1 I3

with carbon monoxide takes place with great vigor. If t h e boat be withdrawn from t h e hot furnace directly into t h e atmosphere, i t m a y be seen t o glow with great brilliancy. If t h e content of t h e boat, while still warm, be snapped out on t h e floor, i t will reoxidize with such vigor t h a t a cracking sound, as of a mild explosion, attends t h e reaction, i. e . , t h e reoxidation taking place according t o t h e reaction 6coo O2 = z C o 3 0 1is extremely exothermic. I n t h e runs of Table I V , during t h e first p a r t of t h e r u n , a n d up t o t h e time t h a t i t began t o gain in weight,


TABLEIV-REDUCTIONOF Cor04 Temperature Number c_*___

Run Boat I 1






Time of Per cent Average reduction loss in deviation Minutes weight





15 30 45 60 75 82 92 107 30 45 75 9: 112 142

10.6 11.1 10.8 12.9 12.9 11.8 11.3 7.8 12.4 11.: 13.2 12.3 11.9 10.3


Reduction 100 =

complete 39.3 41.1 39.9 47.8 47.8 43.6 41.8 39.6 46.0 43.3 48.8 45.5 44.0 38.2

t h e Co304 in both boat; gradually became a gray color. This gray material is COO. -4t t h e end of t h e run i t was black again. On account of t h e irregularities of reoxidation, the furnace reaction chamber was lengthened by substituting a silica t u b e of length L N for t h e one of length LO as shown in Fig. 3. T h e overhanging t u b e O N , about I ft. in length, was cooled by water, a n d served as a cooling chamber for t h e boat while CO gas x a s still passed through it. T h e following runs, representative of a large number, shorn t h e r a t e of t h e reduction of cobalt oxide by CO gas when t h e cooling was controlled so t h a t no reoxidation could take place. The boats used weighed about 8 grams a n d t h e charges of oxide about z grams. I n R u n 111, Table T‘? t h e oxide became a greenish gray color a t t h e end of t h e first five minutes, a n d a uniform steel-gray color a t t h e end of fifteen minutes. From t h e n on it began t o gain in weight, d u e t o a deposit of carbon. A t t h e close of many runs a t this temperature, there was a n extremely heavy deposit of carbon in t h e boat. This run was typical of a number, which showed a reduction from t h e original black oxide t o the green, followed b y a change from t h e green t o the gray, and then a gain in weight, due t o a deposit of carbon. T h e only possible source of carbon was from t h e carbon monoxide gas, so t h a t t h e finely divided metallic cobalt, which mas formed during t h e first stage of t h e reduction of t h e gray oxide, probably acted catalytically t o decompose carbon monoxide gas a t this temperature. This is a n extremely interesting decomposition which might well be studied with considerab1.e care.



1I 4 T A B L E v--REDCCTIOh-



COOLING IN C O G a s Temperature C. Piumber r Time of w Average reduction 3Iedn deviation Minutes R u n Boat









451 453



3 3-


5 15 45 60 5 15 5





I 11

600 597






65 20 30 10 5 15 49 69 86 146 5 15 45 60





15 45 60 5















81.8 49.5 79.2 48,4

60 0 97.8 98.0 99.6 100.0 98.1 98.4 ,, . 9 78.3 91 . 0 97.7 98.8 100.0 100.0 95.0 97.2 99.0 99.0 94.9 98.0 98.0 98.4 99.0 99.3 99.8 99.8 99.6 99.6 99.8 99.8 92.3 99.1 99.6 99.6 99.6 96.2 98.8 99:1 99.1 98.3 99.8 100.0 100.0 98.8




16.2 26.4 26.8 26.9 77.0 26.5 26.6 21 . 0 21.2 24.7 26.3 26.7 27.2 27.1 25.7 26.3 26.7



.... ....




Deposit of carbon 22,l




6 i,3 93.2

Gain Gain



18.2 25.2

100 =


45 60 5 15 35







Loss in weight Per cent

45 60 5 15 45 60 5 15 45 60 150 5 15 45 60 5 15 45 60 5 15 45 60

26.7 25.6 26.5 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.8 26.9 26.9 26.8 26.8 26.9 26.9 24.9 26.7 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.0 26.6 26.7 26.7 26.5 26.9 27.0 27.0 26.6 26.8 26.9 26.9


r -

99.7 99.8 99.8

A strong odor of hydrocyanic acid was noticed throughout r u n IT. After five minutes or so, a deposit of carbon began t o form in t h e boat, due t o t h e decomposition of carbon monoxide by finely divided cobalt, as in t h e runs a t 350' C. Throughout r u n V a strong odor of H C N was noticed. This is t r u e of all t h e reductions of cobalt oxide with carbon monoxide i n t h e neighborhood of 4 j o " C. These two runs are typical of a large number of similar ones. Our observations seem t o show t h a t the decomposition of CO b y cobalt takes place only through a temperature interval in t h e neighborhood of from 300-450' C. T h e check between composition of t h e oxide used for

5'01. 6, N O .


these CO reduction experiments, as determined b y analysis a n d as determined b y t h e reduction experiments themselves, is entirely satisfactory. (See following article, p. 115.) COXCLUSIONS

I. T h e reduction of Co303 t o metallic cobalt b y carbon monoxide gas takes place very rapidly a t all temperatures above 600' C. 11. Between 3 j o " C. a n d 4j o o C.: carbon monoxide a t first reduces c0304 t o cobalt, b u t after a time t h e finely divided cobalt decomposes t h e CO gas, depositing carbon. 111. At temperatures between j o o o C. a n d i jo" C., over 90 per cent of t h e reduction of C o 3 0 4t o Co takes place in a few minutes, b u t a further reduction t o completion takes place very slowly. IV. Between i j o o C. a n d 900" C . , t h e a m o u n t of reduction of Cos04 t o Co, which takes place during t h e first few minutes increases very rapidly, a n d a t t h e higher temperatures it is complete. V. Where producer gas is available i t should offer a cheap a n d efficient means of producing large quantities of pure metallic cobalt from t h e oxide. VI. For t h e production of cobalt from C o 3 0 4b y CO, t h e charge must be completely cooled in a n atmosphere of CO. IV-REDUCTIOK


T h e heat of formation of a molecular weight i n kilograms of aluminum oxide (A1203) is 392,600 kilogram-calories, a n d is greater t h a n t h a t of a n y other metallic oxide. T h e molecular heat of formation of ferric oxide (FePOs) is correspondingly 19j , 6 0 0 kilogram-calories. It is therefore obvious t h a t if finely divided aluminum be intimately mixed with ferric oxide ( F e 2 0 3 ) , t h e latter, possibly in t h e form of rolling mill scale, t h a t t h e reaction Fe203 zAl = X1203 2Fe will t a k e place, provided t h e temperat u r e be raised at some point in t h e mixture sufficient t o s t a r t t h e reaction. This principle has been used b y t h e Goldschmidt Thermit C o . t o produce molten iron for welding purposes. It is obvious t h a t for every 160 kilograms of ferric oxide a n d j4 kilograms of metallic aluminum t h a t are mixed together a n d fired i n this way, there are developed 392,600 - 19j,600 = 197,000 kilogramcalories of heat. This is sufficient t o raise t h e entire mass t o a white h e a t , so t h a t t h e molten iron readily settles t o t h e bottom from where i t may be tapped. I n a similar manner: metallic cobalt m a y be prepared b y reduction of cobalt oxide with aluminum according t o t h e reaction:




+ 8Al

= 4&03

+ 9Co

T h e molecular heat of formation of Cos04 is 193,400 c'alories. I t is therefore obvious t h a t for every 723 kilograms Co304 a n d 216 kilograms of aluminum t h a t are mixed together a n d fired, there are developed 4 X 392,600 - 3 X 193,400 = 990,200 kilogramcalories of heat. We would, therefore, expect a reaction 1

Tables A n n u e l k s Inlcrnationales des Conslanles, 1, 428 (1910).

Feb., 1914

T H E J 0 L- R S A L 0 F I S D

r.52' RI .4 L

quite a s vigorous, if not more vigorous, t h a n t h e corresponding one with ferric oxide. Experiments n-ere t.ried, October, 191 2 , using a s t a n d a r d Goldschmidt T h e r m i t conical welding furnace. I n t o t h i s was charged j-IO lbs. of finely divided C o s 0 4 with t h e theoretical a m o u n t of aluminum, 8A1 = 4.k1203 according t o t h e equation 3 C 0 3 0 1 9Co. T h e reaction was s t a r t e d b y lighting a fuse of finely divided aluminum a n d potassium chlorate, rolled in a piece of tissue paper. T h e furnace fired with extreme violence, in every case becoming a n intense white h e a t . T h e vigor of t h e reaction was so great t h a t t h e lining of t h e furnace, although t h e best alundum-magnesite-cement mixture, n-ould s t a n d u p for only t v o or three charges. T H E METAL-The metal produced in this manner n-as readily t a p p e d from t h e b o t t o m of t h e furnace i n t o iron or sand moulds. I t frequently contained less t h a n 0.1 per cent of aluminum. and, of course, was carbon-free. T h e various metals, chromium, molybdenum. etc., made b y t h e Goldschmidt Co. b y this method. as t h e y h a r e come t o us, r u n a b o u t 0 . j per cent i n aluminum a n d are carbon-free. c 0 sc L U S I Oss This aluminum reduction method c a n obriously be used with considerable satisfaction where a b soltitely carbon-free metal is required, a n d where a somewhat increased cost is n o t prohibitive. XIoreover, i t affords a method of preparing cobalt-aluminum alloys a t once b y adding a n excess of metallic aluminum. T h e price of crude aluminum, such as might be used for t h i s purpose, is i n t h e neighborhood of I ; cts. per lb. One pound of a l u m i n u m \%-ill reduce a n d melt . i n this way a little over t w o pounds of metallic cobalt. Therefore, there is a charge of 1 7 cts. in t h e form of I 11). of metallic aluminum, for t h e power for reducing a n d melting t w o pounds of metallic cobalt. There might, of course, be some r e t u r n for t h e fused a l u m i n u m oside which resulted from t h e process, b u t even allowing liberally for this, t h e costs are high a s .compared with t h e carbon a n d carbon monoxide methods of reduction described elsewhere in this paper. I t is obvious t h a t t h e heating costs must be high b y t h e aluminum method, for h e a t is being supplied a t a t e m p e r a t u r e greater t h a n 2100' C., t h a t is, a t a t e m perature far in excess of w h a t is required for t h e reduction of t h e oxide a n d t h e melting of t h e metal, a n d with consequent a t t e n d a n t increased losses, d u e t o conduction a n d radiation.









T h e following oxides of cobalt h a v e been described in various places throughout t h e literature: C o 2 0 , COO, COSO,, C O 6 0 7 , C O 4 0 5 , CO304, c O , o ~ o , c0203,


Published by permission of the Director of Mines, Ottawa, Canada. See footnote t o previous article, page 107.



C O ~ ~ OC, o ~ 3, 0 5 ,C o o 2 , a n d considerable disagreement is t o b e found among t h e statements concerning t h e m . T h e existence of m a n y of these compounds is doubtful, a n d there are b u t three of t h e m which particularly concern t h e commercial manufacturer of cobalt oxide: Co304, CoeO; a n d COO. These concern us in t h e production of metallic cobalt. TTe shall. therefore, describe these three oxides as m-e have observed t h e m in t h e course of t h e experiments reported in our previous article, p. 1 0 7 of this issue of THISJ O U R S A L . C 0 B .4L T 0 - C 0 B A L T I C 0 X I D E ,

c 030 .I

T h e ordinary black commercial cobalt oxidc which has been prepared from t h e h y d r a t e , b y calcining in the neighborhood of ; j o o C.?is a mixture of C o 3 0 4 a n d C o 6 0 7 ,b u t largely t h e former. There is a n abundance of proof throughout t h e previous paper t h a t this black oxide is lai-gely C o 3 0 4 , of which t h e following m a y be particularly noted: ( a ) T h e purified cobalt oxide used for hydrogen reduction experiments. making allowance for t h e impurities according t o t h e analyses, w a s computed t o contain 7 2 . 9 per cent c o b i l t . T h e hydrogen reduction experiments, using this same oside. showed, n-herever t h e reduction xyas complete, a loss of oxygen amounting t o 2 7 . 0 per cent. A s was s h o w n on p . I I I , this checks m-ith t h e 7 2 . 9 per cent of cobalt, with allowance m a d e for t h e slight impurities. Hencc, this black oxide m u s t be largely Co301>a s m a y bc seen from t h c following theoretical percentages: Per ccrit cobalt Co?Oa..


CoaOl.. . , . Co,07., , , . . , .

. ,.. .. ..., .

, . coo . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,

. 71 1 . 73.4 , , , . . i5.9 ,, . , , 7 8 . 8 , ,


( b ) T h e purified cobalt oxide used for t h c carbon monoxide experiments, making allowance for t h e impurities according t o t h e analysis, was computet1 t o contain 72.9 per cent cobalt. T h e C O reduction experiments, using this same oxide, whererc'r reduction was complete, showed a loss of oxygen a m o u n t ing t o 2 7 . 0 per cent. As was shown on pp. I I O and 111, this checks with 7 2 . 9 per cent cobalt, with allow-:ince made for t h e slight impurities. Hence, this black oxide must be largely Co304 according t o t h e table under ( a ) . -1s a further proof t h a t t h e black oside calcined (c) a t a good red heat is C0~0.3,t h e following experiment was tried: A pure black h y d r a t e of cobalt was made from electrolytic cobalt b y t h e potassium-cobalti-nitrite method. This was calcined t o constant v e i g h t a t I O j O C., yielding a chocolate-brown powder, which was uniform under t h e microscope. Several samples of this brown powder were calcined t o constant \\-eight a t 640' C., a n d in each instance showed a loss of water between I I . 5 per cent a n d I I .8per cent. Therefore, t h e brown powder corresponds very closely t o C0203.HaO. T h e material resulting from these calcinations n-as a black powder identical in appearance under t h e microscope with t h e black cobalt oxide of commerce.
