The Rayleigh fountain - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

The demonstration presented in this note provides and excellent example of the difference between polar and nonpolar liquids...
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by a copper(I1)-peroxo complex preventing reaction ( 1 ) resulting in the nonavailabilitv of iodine dioxide, hence preventing iodine production3.

The Rayleigh Fountain S U B M ~BY D

James F. Skinner Wllllamr College Wllllamrtown, MA 01287 James F. Molr Cape Cod Cornrnunlty College West Barnotable, MA 02668 CHECKED BY

F. Warren Vlllaescusa

Our Lady of the Lake Unlvarslty San Antonlo, TX 78285

When a charged rod is brought near a stream of water comine out of a buret. the water is oulled toward the rod.' If the dekonstration is iepeated with'a nonpolar liquid such as cvclohexane. the rod has essentiallv no effect on the stream df liquid. his demonstration is avery convincing illustration of the ~ o l a r i t vof the water molecule. In 1879,- ~ a ~ l e published i ~ h his observations entitled "The Influence of Electricity on Collidinp Water D r o ~ s " In .~ atmosphe;icelecthe interveningcentury, the~importance~f tricity in the formation of precipitation has been investigated.3 The remarkable demonstration noted below, a logical extension to the one noted by Chang', has become known as the Ravleieh Fountain. A le&t