UIETLY, without fanfare, the science of analysis. Q is emerging from a long bloodless revolution. This seems to be somewhat more fully realized by sup...
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BEVERLY L. CLARKE1 Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York City


UIETLY, without fanfare, the science of analysis is emerging from a long bloodless revolution. This seems to be somewhat more fully realized by supervisors of analytical laboratories in industry-the employers of analysts-than by professors of analytical chemistry-the trainers of analysts. This article is written in the belief that if the trainers understand better the viewpoint of the employers, both will benefit; the former from the consciousness that they are doing a more useful job, and the latter from the availability of realistically oriented personnel. The bloodless character of the analytical revolution derives from the absence of the spectacular in the development of the science: it has grown not by jumps, but by slow accretion. When we think of the history of analysis there comes to mind a series of names, Boyle, Lavoisier, Berzelius, Stas, Fresenius, T. W. Richards, Pregl, Emich, and many others. Organic chemistry had its K&ul6 and its Wohler; physical chemistry its Arrhenius-van? Hoff-Ostwald triumvirate; subatomic chemistry its Curies-all towering landmarks that fix absolute beginnings or right-angle turns. The history of analytical chemistry has no comparable landmarks. Robert Boyle coined the name, but few would contend that he invented the science. As to the others, who will say which made the more important contribution to analysis, Lavoisier or Berzelius, Pregl or Emich? In the days before the era of physical chemistry, say, before 1880, analysis consisted in the main of elaborate, ingenious, and often extremely tedious processes for breaking down complex substances into recognizable compounds of known composition. The reactions used were largely those discovered by the synthesist, and thus not necessarily suited to analysis; little deliberate search for suitable reactions was made. The laboratory apparatus was a hand-me-down from the synthesist, as was the technic of experimentation. For the measurement of quantity one was limited to simple, direct gravimetric or volumetric methods. It is fair to say that in this period analysis was the stepchild of chemistry.

Physical chemistry brought about the first stage of the analytical revolution. The ionization concept, leading to such other concepts as the solubility product and the theory of indicators, clarified for the analyst his classical reactions, making his results more precisely predictable, and led him to modify his procedures in the direction of efficiency. Electrochemistry has contributed not only new concepts, such as that of pH, but many entirely new technics, not only of carrying out analyses, but of the measurement of the final products. One may mention a t random potentiometric titration, "internal" electroanalysis, the dropping mercury cathode technic (the "Polarograph"), and conductimetric titration. The understanding of the colloidal state has enabled us to use it where desirable, as, for example, in the separation of tin under certain conditions by co-precipitation with colloidal iron hydroxide ( 4 ) , and to avoid it where it is a hindrance, as in the precipitation of metallic sulfides by thioacetic acid instead of by hydrogen sulfide. The colloidal state is also involved in colorimetry, turbidimetry, and nephelometry. Next to physical chemistry, the development of microanalysis is perhaps the most significant thing that has happened to chemical analysis in the present century. It is important not only because it permits us to do things hitherto impossible but because microanalysis gives--or should give-to the analyst an altogether new viewpoint. As the writer sees it, the central idea of classical microanalysis is extremely simple: if the apparatus and the technics and the reactions and the instruments of observation of other branches of chemistry prove inadequate for analysis-don't say the job can't be done, but invent or adapt new apparatus and technics and reactions and instruments. That it has taken us a century or more to realize that we are not forbidden by any law to use smaller scale apparatus than our synthesist colleague, is no credit to us. To continue, hidebound by classicism, to ignore or to sense only dimly our emancipation, is even less creditable. Durinn the last several decades there has been another force, anexternal one, beating against the science of an* For the other articles in this series, see literature references alysis andcompelling its rejuvenation. industry has (1) and ( 2 ) . Reference (3) may also be of interest. advanced, mechanisms have become increasingly deli+ Member, Board of Advisory Editors, and EngC cate and complex, and more refined correlations between neerzng Chnnistry, Analytical Edition. 561

chemical composition and mechanical or electrical performance have been correspondingly demanded. This has necessitated methods of analysis a t once more accurate and more rapid, and in many cases departures of revolutionary magnitude from classical lines. At the same time, the development of X-ray analysis, and of subatomic and nuclear chemical physics, has made us acutely conscious of the fundamental principle of natural philosophy that the properties of matter are determined by intraatomic, intramolecular, intercrystalline, and interphase attractions and repulsions. We must, therefore, measure, in so far as we can, not average forces for the mass, but forces a t specific locations. These changes in the objectives of analysis have put a new burden on the analyst. He has had to become a detective. In all industries, but particularly in those like the electrical, in which the main technological process is non-chemical, there arise difficulties in the functioning of materials that defy resolution by the nonchemical engineer. The engineer logically turns, then, to chemistry for help. His fmt impulse usually is to ask to have an "analysis" made. That may indeed be what he needs, in which case any competent analyst trained and oriented along classical lines can solve the problem. But often what he needs is an analysis by a chemical mind of his problem, rather than an analysis by a chemist's hands of his material. The chemist competent to serve in this capacity must be much more than a mere analyst. He must first of all have the mental outlook of the research consultant; and this involves considerable knowledge of the nonchemical technology of the particular industry, and familiarity with materials gained through experience, as well as a thorough grasp of all the pertinent branches of chemistry. His survey of the problem may lead him to the conclusion that what the engineer needs is the help of, say, the organic specialist in the chemical group, and he so advises; or he may decide that chemistry is not involved. In either of these cases his services as an analyst are not required. But many cases arise where something chemical must obviously be done, and yet the problem seems to fall into no one of the so-called branches of chemistry. Then he sets about making what we have to term, for want of a better designation, a chemical analysis. He becomes involved in what Lundell calls, in his admirable paper of that title ( 5 ) , " the chemical analysis of things as they are." For consistent success in such problems he must not only have a thorough knowledge of chemistry as awhole and of other branches of physical science, but he must be able to use to a considerable extent the methods of attack (as well as some of the apparatus) of the criminologist and the medical diagnostician. There is a knack that theoretical training does not give of selecting the most likely of a number of leads. Subconscious judgment, probably based on observations filed away in the subconscious mind, a sense of relative importance, of detecting the true or false ring of a D ~ O D O Sexnlanation-all ~ ~ these are necessarv. A few principles known and effectively applied will often ac-

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complish more than volumes of theory, which in the absence of discrimination born of contact with practical problems may lead info blind channels. Thus the type of work such a chemist does is no more adequately described by "chemical analysis" than is the work of the clinical pathologist by "bacteriology." We propose that the adjective "chemical" be dropped and he be called simply an analyst, or possibly a "materials analyst," for his work, in the modern industrial laboratory, deals with operations that diverge increasingly from the strictly chemical. Had not the word "diagnostics" such a definite medical connotation, it would be even preferable to "analysis," since it is not nncommon for synthetic methods to be used by the "analyst." Probably the most important problem before the modern industrial analyst, after deciding upon a plan of action, is to isolate from thc complex material htfore him a samnlt: suitable for straiehtfor~ardanalvtical attack. Too great emphasis cannot be placed upon this point. Analytical chemists fresh out of school seldom have any consciousnessof the fact that the preparation of the sample for analysis is often the major part of the job, because their college work deals almost exclusively with the analysis of pure substances. In this connection, a paragraph from Lundell's article ( 5 ) , deserves quoting. "Methods of the type described are about as helpful as the method for catching a bird which the old folks used to recommend to children-namely, to sprinkle salt on its tail. To do that, one must obviously have the bird in hand, and in that case there is no need for the salt. So it is with much of the advice that the analyst receives. Minute directions are given for the salting away of the quarry after it bas been separated from its fellows. In this connection, i t is interesting to note that when the analyst does happen to encounter a 'pure'compound his chief concern is with the impurities rather than the major constituent. In other words, the absolute purity of a pure compound is established by determinations of its impurities." Another question is how far to go with the analysis. Maximum precision and accuracy is the aim of the conventional chemical analyst; the aim of the practical materials analyst is maximum significance. The extent of an analysis depends upon the uses to which the results are to be put. Ultimate resolution of the material is often unnecessary and frequently undesirable. For example, an elementary analysis of a mixture of fatty acids is useless in arriving a t the formulation of the mixture. Much more incenuitv and less conventionalized technic are required to separate and identify the individual acids. Again, steel contains non-metallic impurities which are determinable with speed and accuracy by an analyst of little training. For control purposes, this leaves nothing to be desired. But for theresearchphysicist working, for example, on a problem in magnetics. the important thing may be how these impurities are combined. Hence, the much more difficult problem arises of isolating and identifying compounds. The materials analyst must have versatility and adaptability. He must recognize those cases where a



phenomenon can only be understood by studying it in relation to its surroundings, and those where the sample submitted is not the sample that should have been taken. He must therefore be prepared to go into the field and either perform his analysis on the material in situ (with special portable apparatus which he has built for the purpose) or else select the proper sample to take back to the laboratory. The physician must he able to diagnose his patient's ailment as successfuUy-if not as easily-when the patient is bedridden and cannot be moved as under the ideal conditions of a hospital; so i t is, analogously, with the materials diagnostician. The industrial analyst of today must spend a good part of his time developing new methods, or adapting old ones to new materials. Such work is research, frequently research of a high order; for, as Willard (6) has aptly said, "It takes brains to devise the simplest test, hut carrying i t out may be largely mechanical." The analyst who works under the assumption that any departure from the standard textbooks is heresy, will not succeed in industry. So, also, with the man who is what we might call "pigeonhole-bound2'-who thinks analysis is a self-contained branch of science bearing no relation to, say, organic or physical chemistry or to physics. No intelligent graduate really believes that in his conscious mind; but, in the writer's experience, far too many emerge from college with their chemical subconscious patterned by that fallacy. There is a curious tendency to hero worship in science which may a t times be paralyzing. Because one was a student of Pregl, for example, or even a student of a student of Pregl, is no excuse for assuming, however tacitly, that the alpha and omega of organic microanalysis are comprised in his writings. To put the whole argument in a sentence, the analyst must get over the habit of asking himself, "Can this job be done by analytical chemistry (or microanalysis, or colorimetry)?" and substitute the thought, "This job has got to be done, even though I have to use medieval history!" Nobody cares about the names of the streets through which a messeuger passes, so long as he gets quickly to his destination. We employers of analysts have neither the desire nor the ability to tell the teachers either how or what to teach. But it is possibly within our province to indicate, as the writer has done according to his lights, some of the shortcomings of the product. In addition to those already mentioned, several others will be cited.

The analyst should come out of college with a much more extensive knowledge of materials and industrial processes than he usually does. Engineering chemistry studentsreceive such training, but their courses in analysis are inadequate. A combination of good analytical training with chemical engineering is perhaps the best preparation. Let the student be guided gently, while still in college, from the shining realm of ideality, where all the laws are obeyed perfectly and there is a paragraph in the textbook for every contingency, into the rather drab world of things as they are, where matters are rather different. Give him some practical problems (there is no dearth of them) that involve analysis in their final phases but do not consist merely of analysis. Teach him how to blow glass-not certainly to be an expert, but a t least to be able to join two tubes end to end acceptably and without ruining both his disposition and a pound or so of tubing. Show him how to design and construct apparatus of moderate complexity. Give him some idea of how industrial analytical laboratories are organized. Orient him into reality. Now, finally, the writer was relieved to come upon evidence that he is not alone in his grumblings, that similar complaints are made even overseas. At the Manchester meeting of the British Society of Chemical Industry on April 2, 1937, a symposium was held on "The Chemist in Industry." The following is quoted from the summary (7) of that symposium. "(a) For certain classes of work, graduate chemists do not appear to be sufficiently trained in manipulative technique, possibly through the attempt to put too much in the curriculum. " ( b ) There has been too little contact between industry and the teaching institutions generally." The writer cannot agree that the difficulty lies in a too-full curriculum. Possibly it is that curricula looking toward the production of industrial analysts are not full enough of the right things. Perhaps we are expecting too much of the universities. Perhaps it is not humanly possible in four years to give the indispensable training in fundamentals and in addition the more practical training that has been indicated as needed. In most controversies (if this, being thus far one-sided. can be so described) the ultimate answer is compromise. Probably that is the answer here.


(1) CLARKE, B . L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23, 1301 (1931). "Separation and determination of impurities in lead," (2) CLARKE,B. L. AND H. W. HERMANCE, Ind. Eng. C h m . , Anal. Ind. Eng. Chcm., A n d . Ed., 9, 349 (1937). (5) LUNDELL, G. E. F.,jbid., 5,221 (1933). Ed.., 7, 218 (1935). H. H.,ibzd., 2,201 (1930). (3) CLARKE.B. L. AND H. W. HERMANCE, Bell SysLnn Tech., (6) WILLARD, (7) ANON.. Nature, 139, 683 (1837). 15, 483 (1936). (4) CLARKE,B. L., L. A. WOOTEN,AND J. D. STRUTHERS,