The scientific literature of Israel - ACS Publications

Technology in Haifa (1924), the Hebrew University of. Jerusalem (1925), and the Daniel Sieff Research In- stitute in Rehovot (1934) which has since be...
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THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE OF ISRAEL CURTIS L. BROWN The Institute of Paper Chemistry (Affiliated with Lawrence College), Appleton, Wisconsin

N D A FRANKL The Technion-Israel Israel


THE time of its establishment as an independent democracy (1948), the little state of Israel could already count upon several reputable research centers founded under the earlier British mandate to provide the impetus for scientific and technological progress. These included the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa (1924), the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1925), and the Daniel Sieff Research Institute in Rehovot (1934) which has since been expanded into the well-known Weizmann Institute of Science. The publication of research results, however, was widely scattered. Scientific papers appeared either in local journals of limited interest and circulation or, in order to reach a world-wide readership, in foreign (mainly British and American) periodicals. Scientific textbooks in modern Hebrew, the official language of Israel, were practically nonexistent, and local printers were neither equipped to publish technical texts nor familiar with the setting of scientific formulas and symbols. Moreover, the lack of a central agency for the collection and dissemination of recorded technical knowledge made it impossible to form an accurate picture of the country's scientific activity and research potential.


The "People of the Book," with its traditional respect and thirst for organized knowledge, mas not satisfied with this status quo. The Israeli government took several important steps to ameliorate the national publishing situation: In 1951, the foundation of a new journal, the Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, provided both a national forum for the publication of original research works in all fields of science and a central medium for the communications of many scientific organizations, including the Israel Chemical Association. This Bulletin is published entirely in English and appears quarterlv. Since Volume 5. Number 1 (March 1955). it comprises five sections: (a) Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; ( b ) Biology and Geology; (c) Technology; ( d ) Botany; and (e) Experimental Medicine. Some of these sections incorporate several journals which hitherto had appeared independently, such as the Scieniific Publications of the Technion and the two series (Jerusalem and Rehovot series) of the Palestine Journal of Botany. I n 1954, the Weizmann Science Press' was estabVOLUME


NO. 6. JUNE, 1957

Institute of Technology, Haifa,

lished as a national center for the publication of scientific works and for the setting of standards in technical writing and printing. A special parliamentary bill allows the Israeli government to participate in the administration and financial support of this organization through the Research Council and the Ministry of Education and Culture, along with the Hebrew University, the Technion, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and the Bialik Institute. Representatives from each cooperating body constitute the governing board of the Weizmann Science Press. In December, 1954, a catalogue appeared which lists all scientific papers (nearly 2400) published in various Israeli journals over the period 1948 to 1954, including those presented a t meetings of technical societies. Approximately 45% of these research papers deal with the medical sciences, ca. 25% cover all branches of chemistry, and about 5% each pertain to mathematical, physical, engineering, geological, and biological disciplines. This bibliographic collection is continually being brought up to date by the Weizmann Science Press. Recently, the Weizmann Science Press started a semiannual periodical, named the Israel Science Bibliography, which lists periodicals, books, and dissertations in the natural sciences and the humanities according to the Universal Decimal Classification. Volume Number 1, covering the ceriod January-June, 1954, gives bibliographic information on 38 specialized journals, over 80 new books, including handbooks, textbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias, and several published dissertations. Of the 38 journals, 7 are devoted to the earth sciences, 5 deal with medical and related fields, 2 with mathematics, 5 with science and technology in general, 5 with education and sociology, 3 with economics and labor problems, 3 with language and literature, 2 with history, 3 pertain to philosophical and humanistic areas, 1 to legal affairs,and 1 to bibliography. JOURNALS

Since most Israeli periodicals are printed in modern Hebrew, a number of HebrewEnglish dictionaries have been listed in the accompanying table. Librarians and literature scientists who may have to handle these publications are also referred to the helpful "The I n r 4 Scientific Press; Press, Jerusalem, 1955.

Report, May, 1955." The

Journals and Periodicals

(Abhabetieal list: no order of merit intended) . . Acto Medico Oricnlolia

A m u d R w o r t ( s ) of the Tcehnion-laroe1 InaU1u1e of Technolo0ll A n n u l Rsporl(s) of lhc Resaorch Council of Isroal Bullatin of the Ceramic Research Asaocialton (Yolkut Ha-Cud Lemakhkor hsrarnil Bullclin ofthe Indepcndenl Biological Loborotoiica

Bullclin ojlhc Reacarch Council ofrsrorl

The Fiald (Hosaodeh)

Goiden and Londseopc (Hoaaodeh Logan I'elnnofi

Journal '?Anolyec Mathinwli~".

Medicine (Horafuoh)

Monthly. Reviews and orip. papers. Publ. i n T d Aviv. Ed. b y E. Israel. I n Eogliah. Vol. 1.7. No. 5/6 (MayJune, 1954). Annual. Puhl. b y the Teehnion. Hsifh. S u m m a r i ~of projeota a n d progross. Annual. Publ. by the Researoh Council of Israel, Jerusdem. Progreaa reports. Publ. (stencil) b y Haifa Bay. I n Hebrew with English summaries. No. 6 (June. 1954). Publ. in K'fsr-Mslal. Ed. b y J. Carmin. Project a n d statue reports a n d news items. I n English a n d Hebrew. vo1. 6. No. 1 (May, 1950). Quarterly. Orig. papers a n d prelim. communications. Publ. b y Weismann Soiencs Presa, Jerusalem. Ed. b u M. Balabsn. I n English. V0l. 5, No. 1 (May. 1955). I n 5 aeotions: Math., Phys., Chem.: B i d . and Geol.; Toehnol.: Botany; Erperim. Med. Agenta for America: Interscience Publishers, Inc.. New York 3 . N. Y . Qusrterlu. Reviews a n d orig. papers. Puhl. b y Dental Assoo. of Israel, Tel Aviv. Ed. b y M. Mishori. I n Hebrew and English. ~ o n t h l y . Review for mixed farming. P"b1. b y Hasaadeh. Tel Avi". Ed. b y S. D. Ysffe. I n Hebrew with English table of oontents. Monthly. Artidea of pract. intereat. Publ. by Hassadeh. Tel Aviv. Ed. by N. Teradyon. I n Hehrew with E n d i s b table of contents. Bimonthly. General papers. Publ. b y the Pharmaceutical Ahsoo. of Israel, Tel Aviv. E d , by M. Abarbane1. I n Hehrew with English aummsriea. Val. 5. No. I (Jan., 1954). semiannus1. Bibliogr. info. on periodicals, books, and dissertations arranged by U.D.C. system. Publ. by Weizmsno science P r e a , Jerusalem. E d . by M. Bslaban. I n English. Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan.-June, 1954). Orig. papers. Publ. in Jerusalem. Ed. b y B. Amira. I n Endish and F ~ e n e h . Vol. 3 (1954). Quartedy. Orig. papera and statistias. Publ. by Kuphr Holim, T d Aviv. Ed. b y M. Dvorietski st o1. I n Hebrew With English a n d French summaries. Vol. 13. No. 2 (Jane. 1954).

article, The Transliteration of Oriental Languages in Chemical L i t e r a t u r e 2 which appeared earlier in THIS JOURN~L. Israeli journals of interest to scientists are listed in the table. Those most important t o chemists include the Bulletin of the Ceramic Research Association, The Hebrew Pharmacist, Harefuah (meaning "Medicine" and being the official organ of the Mediral Association of Israel), Acta Medieo Orientalia, the Records of the Agricultural Research Station in Rehovot, and of course the Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. The three last-named journals are published in English and the others mentioned above carry English summaries. Most of the journals of chemical interest are available in the major U. S. libraries and are covered by the Chemical Abstracts Service.

Poleatine Journal of Botany, J ~ r u a a l s msarisa

Polcnla. Deaipns and Trademarks Journal ( Y o m e n Hapolcnlim Hamadoamin V'simana Hamiahor)

Biweekly. 2 voIs./yr. Publ. by the Medical Assoe. of Israel, Jeruaalem .a .n d Tel Aviv. Ed. b v S. Adler at a l . I n Hehrew with Engliah a n d French summaries. Vol. 16, No. 12 (June 15. 1954.) Popular science. E d . b y U. Feldman. Disoontin. after Maroh. 1954. Changed t o Hadsr, which was discontin. with Vol. 8. No. 1 (1941) and absorbed b y Thc Polralina Tribune. Orig. pspera. Publ. b y Dept. of Botany. Hebrew Univ.. Jeruaalem. I n Endiah or French with Hebrew summaries. Irrep. oa. 2 no:a/yr. Vol. 6. No. 3 119541. iournal . . Disoontin. aa indeo. . . after 1954 and now inoorporated in section Botany of the Bvlleti" of the Rasearch Council of Israel. Orig. papera. Publ. b y Agiioult. Experiment station. Rehovot. Ed. b y H. Oppeoheimer and I . Reiohert. I n English or French with Hebrew summaries. Vol. 5 , No. 1/2 (1949). Discontin. asindep. journal after 1954 and now incorp. i n Section Botany of the H"l1"fi" of the Research Council of rarne1. Monthly. List of patents granted. I n Hebrew. Publ. b y the Israel Patent Office. Dept. of Justice. Obtainable from The Registrar General, Registrar of Trade Marks. P.O.B. 767, Jerusalem. Orig. papers. P"b1. b y Ministry of Agric., Agric. Research Station. Rehovot. I n sep. English & Hehrew editions. Vol. 4. No. 4 (March, 1954). Quarterly for promotion of mathem. research hmong students. Publ. (aten. d l ) in Jerusalem. Ed. b y D. Ysrden. I" Rebrew with Endish summaries. Val. 8 (1954). Qus,iterlu. Semipopular science. Publ. by the Weiemann science press. Jerusalem. Seriee of research ~ a p e r s . Publ. b y the Tschnion. Now a ~ p e s r i n gin Section Technology of the Bulletin of the Rcscorch Council ojrs.ns1. Monthly. Popular pure and applied soienoe. Ed. b y 2. Nadau. I n Hebrew with English table of contents. Quarterly. Publ. b y the Philosoph. 800.. Hebrew univ. of Jeruaalcm. Ed. by M. Buber at a l . I n Hebrew with English summsries. Vol. 5 . No. 1 ( l p r i l . 1954). Quarterly. Publ. by Israel Veterinary Assoe., Jerusalem. Ed. by F. Sulman. I n Hebrew with Enalish summaries.


Scianlific Publicotiona of iha Technion-Israel Inalilvlc of Technolo~y Techniesond Scienrc (Tschniko Umodn) T h s o r ~(lyyun)


The Israel Patent Office is affiliated with the Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem. Up to July, 1956, it has issued approximately 8500 patents, of which about 40% are chemical patents. The patents appear in Hebrew and are granted for a license period of 16 years from the date of application. Their titles are listed in the monthly Patents, Designs and Trademarks Journal, which can be obtained by writing to the Registrar General, Registrar of Trademarks, P. 0. B. 767, Jerusalem. BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

Between September, 1954, and Septemher, 1955, approximately 1000 book titles were published in Israel. Of these, roughly 25% were fiction and translations of the classics, 25% were children's books, 35Yo mere someJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION

Monographs and Books of the Weizmann Science Press, Jerusalem BLACIETT, P. M. 8.:

Leotures on Rook Magnetism. 132 PP.

Dept. of Plant Phyaiology. He-



Physiology. (1955).

brew Unir. of Jerusalem:


The types of aymbiotio linkage and their significance for the formation of highly orgsnised forms, functions and life spheres in the phylogenetio prooegl of development. (1950). 16 pp.

M x s ~ s n ~4s. ,:

Survey of literature on the influence of ions on plants and soils. (1948). 46


Functional Phatography--Unesco lowship Reperb(1954).


Research on the rheological properties of bitumen and asphalt. (1948). 66 PP. Researoh on t h e work-hardening of polyerystaUine metals. (1948). 42 pp.




(Colleetire rvoik)

Desert Research. Praoeedinm of the Ioternat'l Symporium held in Jeruaalem. May 7-14. 1952.

(Colleotire work)

L. Farkas

Volume. Orip. psohem. and phus. experts.


per8 by 36

Dedioated to the memory of Lhdialaus Farkaa. late professor of phyaioal chemistry at t h e Hebrew Uoiv. of Jeruszlem. (1953).

what divided among the arts, poetry, and history, and only about 10%-15% were basic scientific and educational tests. Advanced scientific tests are few in number but good in quality. Among the first books published by the Weizmann Science Press were two of chemical interest-the "L. Farkas Memorial Volume," which contains original contributions from 36 foremost chemists and physicists (such as Harold Urey aud Herman11 Mark), and "Desert Research," which comprises the proceedings of one of the many internatioual symposia held in Israel. The latest publication of the Weizmann Science Press is Professor Black~tt's"Lectures on Rock Magnetism." Among a number of available monographs, a t least three are of chemical interest. They deal, respectively, with the work-hardening of polycrystalline metals, the rheological properties of bitumens and asphalt, and a literature suryey on the influence of ions on plants and soils. Further details are mentioned in the table. All books, monographs, and other publications of the Weizmann Science Press are available in the U. S. A. through Interscience Publishers, Xew York City. GENERAL INFORMATION

AII up-to-date source of general information on Israel in this country is the Israel Office of Information of the Israel Consulate General in New York. It issues a veekly summary of news from Israel, called the Isracl Digest (in separate English and Jewish editions), 17-hich contains also news items of scientific interest. For information on miscellaneous government publications, such as statistical tables, the


6, JUNE, 1957

Heb.ew-English Dictionaries ARNOLD-Kmmn,PAULA. AND Gnoea. M.D.:

Complete Hebrew-English diotionary. containing a list of Hebrew abbrevistians. London. Bhapiro, Vallentine.

(1926). . . Hebrew-GermabEngliah pocket dietion&ry. London. Pardes. (1942). English-Germsn-Hebrew packet diotionmy. London. Pordes. (1942). Student's diotionary. Hebrew-Englieh. New York. Jewish Education Committee of New York. (1954). Up t o date English-Hebrew dictionary. London. Pordea. 2nd ed. (1953). B n e s ~ * n ,M. H.: Engliah and Hebrew diotionary. New York. Anplobooks: London. Teehnio s l P r w , Ltd. (1953). GLENN,M. M. G.: Hebrew-Engliah dictionary. New York. Hebrew Publiahing Co. (1947). G ~ o s s r mR. ~ n s e l i&an . SACHB, Compendiom Hebrew-English diotionam: comprising a oomplete vocabulary H.: of Biblical, Mishnaio, medieval and modern Hebrew. Rev. snd ed. bu M. H. Segal. Tel Aviu. Dvir. (1946). HE'LER, J.: Modern Hebrew-Endiah dictionary. London. Pordea. (1849). S c x n ~ ~ s ~2m . (eomp.): i, Modern Hebrew-English dictionary. New York. Shilo Publishing Houae. (1949?) W A L D ~ T ~A N. S.: , Hebrew-English (and English-Hebrew) diotionary. 6th ed. 2 vola. in 1. Tel Axiu.


Israel Government Printer's Office should be contacted The Ministry of Finance, Hakirya, Jerusalem.



Several of the larger Israeli companies and research centers are using punched cards, microduplicating techniques, and related scientific literature aids in their libraries or information divisions. Data-processing machines and electronic computers have also begun to be utilized, and their potentialities for the storage and retrieval of technical information will no doubt be exploited in the near future. In November, 1956, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem inaugurated a Graduate Library Scho01.~ Aimed at relieving the serious shortage of trained librarians and professional literature scientists, the one-year curriculum include$ courses in cataloguing, classification, bibliography, documentation, library organization and management, the history and techniques of writing and printing, and the functions of libraries in modern society. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to Miss Miriam Balaban, editor-in-chief of the Weizmann Science Press and editor of several of its publications, and to Professor Dr. H. Heimann, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Technion, for their valuable advice and generous help in the preparation of this paper. a

Israel Dig.,7 (30),3 (Aug. 17, 1956).