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Jan 13, 2016 - Communication: Wigner functions in action-angle variables, Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization, the Heisenberg correspondence principle, and a...
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The Symmetrical Quasi-Classical Model for Electronically NonAdiabatic Processes Applied to Energy Transfer Dynamics in SiteExciton Models of Light-Harvesting Complexes Stephen J. Cotton*,†,‡ and William H. Miller*,†,‡ †

Department of Chemistry and Kenneth S. Pitzer Center for Theoretical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, United States ‡ Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States ABSTRACT: In a recent series of papers, it has been illustrated that a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model applied to the Meyer−Miller (MM) classical vibronic Hamiltonian provides an excellent description of a variety of electronically non-adiabatic benchmark model systems for which exact quantum results are available for comparison. In this paper, the SQC/MM approach is used to treat energy transfer dynamics in site-exciton models of light-harvesting complexes, and in particular, the well-known 7-state Fenna− Mathews−Olson (FMO) complex. Again, numerically “exact” results are available for comparison, here via the hierarchical equation of motion (HEOM) approach of Ishizaki and Fleming, and it is seen that the simple SQC/MM approach provides very reasonable agreement with the previous HEOM results. It is noted, however, that unlike most (if not all) simple approaches for treating these systems, because the SQC/MM approach presents a fully atomistic simulation based on classical trajectory simulation, it places no restrictions on the characteristics of the thermal baths coupled to each two-level site, e.g., bath spectral densities (SD) of any analytic functional form may be employed as well as discrete SD determined experimentally or from MD simulation (nor is there any restriction that the baths be harmonic), opening up the possibility of simulating more realistic variations on the basic site-exciton framework for describing the non-adiabatic dynamics of photosynthetic pigment complexes. (i.e., via classical mechanics), it is able to describe “quantum” coherence and decoherence without resorting to any “add ons” to the theory. The (classical) time evolution of the nuclear and electronic DOF is continuous at all times (as it is QM’ly), and it gives equivalent results whether implemented in adiabatic or diabatic representations. Furthermore, the SQC method of quantizing the electronic DOF leads to detailed balance being described correctly, or at least approximately so.6 It was also emphasized that though the equations of motion that result from the MM Hamiltonian are “Ehrenfest”, in that the force on the nuclei at any time is the coherent average of that over all electronic states, the fact that zero point energy is included in the electronic oscillators means that there is an ensemble of trajectories for each initial state (rather than only one trajectory as in the “Ehrenfest method” itself) and that each final electronic state is determined by its own fraction of that ensemble.7 The approach thus does not suffer from the wellknown “Ehrenfest defect” of having all final electronic states determined by one (average) nuclear trajectory. However, despite providing a reasonably accurate and theoretically sound treatment of electronically non-adiabatic

1. INTRODUCTION The Meyer−Miller (MM) classical vibronic Hamiltonian1 maps the coupled dynamics of nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom (DOF) in non-adiabatic processes onto a set of classical “electronic” oscillators with each oscillator representing the occupation of the various electronic states. In a recent series of papers, a symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) windowing model2 has been described and applied to the MM Hamiltonian to “quantize” these electronic DOF both initially and finally.3 It was found that this approach provides a very reasonable description of non-adiabatic dynamics exhibited in a suite of standard benchmark model problems for which exact quantum mechanical (QM) results are available for comparison. Among the examples were systems exhibiting strong quantum coherence effects and systems representative of condensedphase non-adiabatic dynamics, including some that other simple approaches have difficulty in describing correctly (e.g., the asymmetric spin-boson problem3 and the inverted regime4 in electron transfer processes5). It was also explained in these recent papers how various aspects of the SQC/MM model are appealing from a theoretical perspective, e.g., it has a straightforward theoretical justification (see section 2 below), and by providing an equivalent treatment of the electronic and the nuclear DOF © XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: December 14, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.5b01178 J. Chem. Theory Comput. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

with HEOM results shown for comparison). Our conclusions are summarized in section 4.

phenomena, because the SQC/MM approach is trajectorybased and employs only “ordinary” classical mechanics, it is quite straightforward to incorporate into the framework of a standard classical MD simulation. One effectively has only several additional vibrational-like DOF, one for each electronic state, which are propagated along with the nuclear DOF via Hamilton’s equations that result from the MM Hamiltonian. The SQC/MM model is of course an approximation and will thus undoubtedly perform better in some applications than in others; as such, we have sought to test it on as many diverse benchmark problems as possible and continue to seek ways to improve it as necessary. Most recently, for example, it was also pointed out that although the Meyer−Miller (MM) Hamiltonian is an exact nuclear-electronic Hamiltonian operator if all DOF are treated QM’ly (see section 2.1 below), there are in fact other formally exact representations, and although these alternative representations are QM’ly equivalent to the MM Hamiltonian, they are not equivalent to it in their classical limits, i.e., when quantum operators (in these exact Hamiltonians) are replaced with ordinary classical variables. It was in this spirit that we sought to explore one of these alternative classical representationsin particular, a classical spin-mapping (SM) model7which was then “quantized” in the same SQC fashion as the MM Hamiltonian. This work showed that the new SQC/SM model works reasonably well, but that it does not perform quite as well as the previous SQC/ MM model over the suite of benchmark problems that were used to compare the two approaches. Because the SQC/SM model is new and equally justifiable QM’ly, it remains to be seen whether this is generally true for all problems. In this paper, the SQC/MM approach for treating electronically non-adiabatic processes is applied, in its now standard formulation (without any modifications), to site-exciton models of light-harvesting complexes, starting with the 2-site/2-state examples used by Ishizaki and Fleming to develop their hierarchical equation of motion (HEOM) approach8 and then moving on to the well-known 7-state site-exciton model of the Fenna−Mathews−Olson (FMO) complex (also treated by Ishizaki and Fleming9 with the HEOM method). Because the HEOM approach is numerically exact (if enough terms are maintained in the hierarchical expansion), this provides another avenue for benchmarking the SQC/MM model. It is noted, however, that once validated, the SQC/MM technique, because it constitutes a fully atomistic classical trajectory simulation, is not limited to particular forms of bath spectral density (SD) functions and does not even require that the bath environments coupled at each site be harmonic. It is this generality that is exciting because many real biochemical systems of interest are not well-described by SDs having simple analytic functional forms, and (of course), even the assumption that each site’s environment is harmonic is not always a good one. This paper is organized as follows: section 2 provides a brief overview of the classical Meyer−Miller (MM) vibronic Hamiltonian and its quantization within the symmetrical quasi-classical (SQC) framework (a short list of steps for the SQC procedure is given in Appendix A). Results of applying the SQC/MM approach are presented in section 3, beginning with a description of the site-exciton models to be considered; results for the case of 2-sites/pigments are given in section 3.2 compared against Ishizaki and Fleming’s benchmark HEOM calculations for 8 different parameter regimes, and section 3.3 follows with a treatment of the 7-site FMO problem (again

2. THEORY The SQC/MM methodology consists of two basic ingredients: (i) the Meyer−Miller (MM) classical vibronic Hamiltonian, which treats nuclear and electronic DOF in a consistent (albeit classical) unified framework, and (ii) a symmetrical quasiclassical (SQC) windowing procedure that is used to “quantize” the electronic DOF embodied as classical oscillators in the MM Hamiltonian (which is an approximate version of Bohr− Sommerfeld quantization of classical action variables). Inputs to the SQC/MM model are the electronic potential energy surfaces (PES) for the non-adiabatic system to be simulated, which may come, e.g., from rigorous “quantum chemistry”, lessrigorous density functional theory (DFT), or from a semiempirical force field as generally used in biomolecular simulation. Notably, these PES “inputs” may represent adiabatic or diabatic electronic states, as there are both adiabatic and diabatic versions of the MM Hamiltonian that are formally equivalent3 (the latter being applied in this paper). The following two subsections briefly discuss these two ingredients. 2.1. Summary of the Meyer−Miller Hamiltonian. The physical picture of the electronic DOF provided by the classical MM Hamiltonian is that each electronic state’s occupation is represented by a classical harmonic oscillator, the first excited state and the ground state of each oscillator representing, respectively, whether the corresponding electronic state is occupied or unoccupied. In Cartesian oscillator variables, the MM classical vibronic Hamiltonian is H ( P , R , p , x) =

|P|2 + 2μ +

∑ ⎛⎝ 1 pk2 ⎜




⎞ 1 2 xk − γ ⎟Hk , k(R) ⎠ 2

∑ (pk pk′ + xkxk′)Hk ,k′(R) k