The Synthesis of a Novel Steroid Heterocyclic System

Editor. 2943 acyl insertion” reaction of aminoacylated salicylamide and related compounds.5. As shown below the postu- lated5 mechanism involves ini...
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July 20, 1964

acyl insertion" reaction of aminoacylated salicylamide As shown below the postuand related c0mpounds.j latedj mechanism involves initially a 1,5-dicarbonyl compound.



The thermal isomerization of 7-methoxycycloheptatriene to 3-methoxycycloheptatriene and related isomerizations6 may also be postulated to proceed via the 3,2,l-bicyclicpath in which the two carbons forming the leaving and arriving sites for the migrating hydrogen are the bridgehead atoms. OCH3


dec., Xmax 280 ( E 10,100) and 406 mp (24,750); [ c y ] 6 9 0 7 ~ , -468°.3 Diazotization of the latter followed by the reduction of the diazonium salt with 507, aqueous hypophosphorous acid gave the 3-methoxy- l-p-nitrophenylazo compound (89y0 yield), m.p. 223-224' ; Amax 279 ( t 9500) and 350 r n p (16,200) ; [ ( Y ] B ~ oH,~ -348'. Reductive cleavage of the azo compound with zinc dust and glacial acetic acid provided 1-amino-3-methoxyestra-l,3,5(10)-trien-17-one ( I I I b , 7 3 7 , yield), m.p. 213-214'; Amax 245 (sh, t 6720) and 291 mp (3000); [ a ] ~ +301°.4 The free l-amino-3-hydroxy-17-one I I I a was obtained by demethylation of I I I b with pyridine hydrochloride (66yG yield), m.p. 280-288' dec., Amax 212 ( E 40,000), 240 (sh, 7850), and 292 m p (3080) ; 3412, 3380, 1725, and 828 cm.-'; [ c Y ] * ~ D$264' (pyridine). The 1-amino-3-methoxy compound I I I b on diazotization a t -25' (sodium nitrite, glacial acetic acid, and 1 iV sulfuric acid) followed by the addition of sodium azide in water at -25' was converted inta the 1-azide (85% yield), m.p. 147-149'; Amax 218 ( E 23,000), 255 (6500),293 (3620), and 303 mp (sh 3000); :,"v 2100 and 831 cm.-'. The latter, on being heated in n-hexadecane for 5 min. a t 200', gave the indoline, 1 , l l a -

N HZ We are carrying out other studies to test the generality of this path.7 ( 5 ) M. Brenner and J, P. Zimmermann, Heiv. Chim. Acla, 40, 1933 (1957); 41, 467 (1958); M. Brenner and J. Wehrmuller, ibid., 40, 2374 (1957); H . Dahn, R. Menasse, J. Rosenthaler, and ?VI. Brenner, i b i d . , 44, 2249 (1959). We thank Dr. F. Kagan of the Upjohn Company for bringing this reaction t o our attention. (6) E . Weth a n d A. S. Dreiding, Pvoc. Chem. Soc., 59 (1964). We thank Dr. N . Nelson of t h e Upjohn Company for bringing this reaction to our attention (7) This work has been supported by a grant from the Sational Science Foundation



CHs0 IIIa, R = H b, R = CH3


imino-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5(lO)-trien-l7-one (IV, 65% yield),j m.p. 199-201'; Amax 212 ( e 28,000), 235 (sh, 5800), and 293 mp (3550); vt;: 3300, 824, and 728 cm.-'; [ a ] +164'. ~ Dehydrogenation of IV with palladium-charcoal in xylene (1 hr. reflux) gave the indole, 1,1l-imino-3-methoxyestra-1,3,5( 10),9(11)-tetraEVASSCHEMISTRY LABORATORY MELVINs. S E W h f A S OHIOSTATEUSIVERSITY COXSTASTISOS COURDUVELIS en-17-one (Ib, 90% yield), m.p. 203-205'; Xmax 229 COLUMBCS, OHIO 43210 RECEIVED MAY2 , 1964

The Synthesis of a Novel Steroid Heterocyclic System

Sir : We wish to report the synthesis of a novel heterocyclic steroid, 3-hydroxy- 1 , ll-iminoestra-l,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraen-17-one (Ia) by a pathway whose key feature was the generation of a nitrene intermediate appropriately situated for ring formation.


CHs0 Ia,R=H b, R=CH3



4-Amino-3-methoxyestra-l,3,5 (10) -trien-17-one (11) in acetic acid was coupled with p-nitrophenyldiazonium chloride to give directly the 4-amino-3-methoxy-l-pnitrophenylazo compound (87yGyield), m.p. 243-244' (1) S. Kraychy, J . A m . Chem. SOL.,81, 1702 (1959). ( 2 ) T h e yields reported are for material after initial purification.

( 3 ) The ultraviolet absorption spectra are for a methanol solution. T h e optical rotations are for a chloroform solution a t 2.5' unless noted otherwise. .411 new compounds reported here gave satisfactory elemental analyses The n m.r. spectra were taken in deuteriochloroform, and the chemical shifts were measured with respect t o TMS. (Varian A60 spectrometer) (4) The n.m r . spectrum of the 1-amino-3-methyl ether I I I b showed two aryl protons barely separated from one another a t 366 and 367 C.P.S. In contrast the C - l and C-4 protons of the corresponding 2-amino-3-methyl ether' were seen as singlets a t 388 and 397 c.P.s., and the 4-amino-3-methyl ether I1 showed a single sharp line a t 400 C . P . S . which had a n integrated value of two protons (.5) G. Smolinsky, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 84, 4717 (1960), has shown t h a t aryl azides on thermal or photolytic decomposition yield nitrenes which, either by a direct insertion (singlet process) or by abstraction of hydrogen and subsequent closure of the resulting diradical (triplet process), yield cyclic products An examination of molecular models indicates t h a t , in t h e formation of I V , insertion could occur either l l a or I l p , with the former being slightly favored when ring B assumes a normal half-chair conformation. However if the biradical two-step process pertains then C - l l a - K bond formation would he favored since the '2-18 methyl group would be expected to exert a stronger orienting effect than in the singlet process. The n.m.r. spectrum of I V does not indicate whether the C-Y and -11 hydrogens have a CIS or t r a n s relationship, which feature was not resolved by a n initial a t t e m p t with spinspin decoupling IS. L. M a n a t t and D . D . Elleman, ibid., 83, 4095 (1961)l. However, it is known t h a t an Ilp-hydroxyl group6,' shifts the C-18 methyl absorption ca. 15 c.p s. downfield from its normal position while an 11 ahydroxyl group6 produces a similar shift of only 2 c.p s The position of the C-18 methyl group of IV ($59c.P.s.) is shifted only 2 c p s. downfield from t h a t of the unbridged precursor I I I b (57 c P.s.) which supports the a assign. ment of the C-11-N bond. (6) Y . Kawazoe, Y Sato, M . Natsume. H. Hasegawa, T. Okamoto, and K. Tsuda, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 10, 338 (1962). ( 7 ) E. Capsi, T. A. Wittstruck, and P. K . Grover, Chem. Ind (London), 1716 (1962).



Vol. 86

34,000), 272 (5470), and 298 mp (3690); Amin 252 4280) and 286 mp (3250)*; vz,”: 3350, 819, and 802 cm.-’; [ a ] D +225.9 Demethylation of I b with pyridine hydrochloride gave 3-hydroxy-1,ll-iminoestra1,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraen-17-one(Ia, 81% yield), m.p. 290-300’ dec. ; A,, 229 ( e 32,000), 270 (5050), and 301 ml.c (3530); vf;: 3380, 1725, and 828 cm.-’; [ a ] ~ 4-331 ’ (pyridine). Further work is in progress on the synthesis of steroids containing an indole nucleus. (E


( 8 ) T h e ultraviolet absor1)tion spectrum of I b compared very favorably with t h a t of 2,3-dimethyl-6-methoxyindole:N A’euss. H . E . Boaz, and J . W. Forbes, J. A m . Chem. Soc., 1 6 , 2463 (1954). (9) Additional support for t h e structure Ih as well as for IIIb and IV was obtained by mass spectrometric analysis, which will be discussed in the full length paper on this synthesis.



Fig. 1.-Correlations

of u ( Y ) with




for YCsH4S02.


Electronic Effects of the Sulfonyl Group in Aromatic Systems. Relationships between Inductive and d-Orbital Resonance Contributions’

Sir: Recent reports2 have discussed possible relationships between resonance and induction parameters of substituted benzenes. Although Tafta proposed U R and U I as independent parameters which in general are not directly interrelated, McDaniel’s correlations4suggested that in benzoic acids a linear meta-para relationship may exist for families of substituents bonded to the ring through a common atom, e.g., SCH3, SH, SC(O)CH3, S ( 0 )CH3, S02NH2, and S02CH3. The corresponding phenols, however, deviated substantially from linearity. Subsequently, TaftZademonstrated that better linearity is realized if comparison is restricted to series of more closely related substituents, e.g., m- and pF C ~ H ~ S O Z(X X is F, C1, CH3, CzHs, “2, 0-).Significantly, S(O)CH3 and SF5 did not qualify for the S 0 2 Xline. We now report that for acetic acids, benzoic acids, and phenols substituted with S02CsH4Y1b~5~6 the parameters of SO2X and relative influence of Y can be correlated for each series; other factors influencing the S-X bond remain virtually constant (cf.above). From the data (Table I)7 several significant relationships become apparent. (1) (a) Supported by grants from the Petroleum Research Fund and Army Research O 5 c e (Durham); (b) preceding paper: C. Y. Meyers, Gnez. chim. i l d , 98, 1206 (1963). (2) (a) R . W. T a f t , E. Price, I. R . Fox, I. C. Lewis. K . K . Andersen. and G. T. Davis. J . A m . Chem. Sac., 86, 3146 (1963); (b) L. A. Cohen and W. M. Jones, ibid., 86, 3397, 3402 (1963); (c) D. R . Eaton and W. A. Sheppard, ibid., 86, 1310 (1963); (d) 0 . Exner, Telvahedvan Lellevs. 815 (1963). (3) R. W. T a f t , J . Phys. Chem., 64, 1808 ( 1 9 6 0 ) . (4) L). H . Mcllaniel, J . O r g . Chem., ‘26, 4692 (1961). (.5) C. Y . Meyers, G. hloretti, and I*, Maioli, ibid., 41, 626 (1962), B. Cremonini. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Bologna, 1962. ( 6 ) C . Y. Meyers. G. 1,ombardini. and I*. Bonoli. J. A m . Chem. SOL., 84, 4603 (1902). ( 7 ) I-effects from m e l a and para positions were considered equivalent; by definition, R-effects reflect all influences of =-interaction between the substituent and the system into which it is introduced: 6. ref. 2b, 2d. 3, K . W. Tart and I . C. I,ewis, Telvahedvon, 6 , 210 (19591, and M. J . S. Dewar and P J Grisdale, J A m Chem Sac., 84, 3529 (19621, el seq
