The Syringe with the Velvet Feel - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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HAMILTON The Svririge

%ith the 4/elvet Feel For years, 1 lamilton has providedHhe scientific community with the highest quality syringe for all of your precision fluid measuring needs. Through such characteristics as our "velvet feel/' we have created the perfect fit between our stainless steel plunger and glass barrel. Pressure-tight delivery of a precise sample volume is insured, time after time. Like any fine ball bearing that runs smooth and free o( imperfections, the velvet feel of a

Hamilton syringe assures you of longevity and precisipru.the measure of excellence that makes a Hamilton syringe the only choice for your piecision fluid measuring needs.

feel, it's not a Hamilton. Make sure your syringe is the finest precision fluid measuring instrument in the world. Λ syringe with unsurpassed accuracy and precision. Λ 1 Iamilton Syringe.

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