THE TESTING OF CHEMICAL REAGENTS FOR PURITY. H. P. T. Bolton. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1903, 25 (6), pp 652–652. DOI: 10.1021/ja02008a015. Publication ...
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monograph on Hindu chemistry that will be indispensable in ebery library. HESRYCARRINGTON BOLTOS. THE TESTING OF CHEMICALREAGEKTSFOR PCRITY. R u DR. C. KRACCH, chemist to the firm of E. Merck, Darmstadt. Authorized translation of the Third Edition by J , A . WILLIAYSONand L. W. DUPKE. With additions and emendations by the author. London : 31aclaren & Sons ; New I’ork : D. \’an Sostrand Co. 3jo pp. 1903. Price, $4.50 net.

T o prescribe a series of tests o i chemical reagents ivhich should be sufficiently detailed to cover their use in a11 sorts of highly specialized cases would be \vell-nigh impossible. T h e geilerdl and many of the special applications of the inorganic reagents and of such organic substances as are cniployetl a < sol\ ents. indicators, or for special tests are, however, \vel1 provided ior in the material which D r . Iirauch has compiled from various sources, and t o which he has added the results of his own experience. F o r each substance the Latin name, s! mbol, molecular weight, and a brief description are given, and these arc folloxved b! discussions of the tests for impurities, the methods of quantitative estimatioii. the uses of the reagent, precautioiis to be observed i n coi~nectionwith its storage, and a description of its commercial varictics. .-\I? appendis includes the preparatKon of orc!inary reagents and of normal solutioiis, a discussion of reagents an(1 reactions i n general, and a table of atomic weights [which, hoivever, hears the tlcitc,

18901. T h e translation seems to have been faithfully carried out. I t may be questioned whether it mould not havc heeii preferable t o add the references to English ivorks and journals to thow in other languages, rather than to substitute them, since the reader ma!- often prefer to coiisult the original papers. T h e Lunge and Isler table for the strength of sulphuric acid at various densities is stated on page 309 to be more reliable than that of Kolb and it woultl seem that it should replace the latter table in this ~vor!