The theory of the photographic process - Journal of Chemical

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rarely encountered, and many others merely are different salts of the same compound. Thus, the 46 acyclic hydroxy compounds represent only 23 different alcohols, and 14 are salts of ethyl hydrogen sulfate. Of the 99 compounds listed under "Manocarhoxylic Acids and Derivatives," formic acid and acetic acid account for 52, and propionic, hutyric, valeric, palmitic, and stearic acids for 38. All hut 27 are salts from inorganic bases. Of the 40 compounds listed under "Isocyclie Dica.rborboxylio Acids and Derivatives," 13 are salts of phthalilic acid, 9 are acid esters of 3-nitrophthalio acid, and 10 are N-dkyl derivatives of 4nitrophthtllimide. Again there are 40 derivatives of quinine listed, mostly salts, of which 17 are salts of inorganic acids and only 21 might he of use for the identification of compounds othor than quinine. The fault here, of course, lies with the orgmir chemists who have not determined the optical properties of new compounds, but this lack of information doen limit the usefulness of the method a t the present time. Certainly the appearance of the second edition of Winchell's collection of published data on the optical properties of organic solids should he an incentive for organic chemists to make greater use of tho polarizing microseopc. At least i t has caused this reviewer to renew a resolve, made many times previously, to learn how to determine the optical properties of crystals. Perhaps it will help others to do likmr-ise to quote the following passage from p. 2 of Hartsharne and Stuart. 'Crystals and the Polarizing Microscope": '.. . .the knowledge necessary to apply i t [the polarizing miermcopel to simple problcms can he acquired by the beginner in a comparatively short time. The ability to make the fullest use of the method will, i t is true, come only with experience, but this may he gained gradually and without undue interruption of ordinary work. It is thus entirely feasible for any chemist to learn and practice this method without becoming a crystallographic specinlist."


constitutes almost one-fourth of the hook and consists mainly of the flash point, i p i t i o n temperature, and explosive limits of a list of chemicals, w ~ t h135 references. The space devoted to t h i ~ section is unduly long in relation to the other material covered. This seems particularly true when one considers the broad scope of the book and small amount of space devoted to chemical hazards, toxicity, and radiation. As might be expected in a hook prepared by a number of persons, there i~ repetition of material in several sections, and much has been omitted that might well have been included. Lack of references to numerous well known books and other sources of information is a particular weakness in view of the fact t h a t the book has been prepared for use in colleges and universities. Nevertheless, the book is a worth-while oontribution to chemical safety and should he valushle and useful in encouraging early training in safety. The subject matter covered serves as a good outline of the numerous aspects of safety and provides a good starting point for futher contributions of this type. Anyone engaged in handling chemicals should find the book prafitahle reading. H. H. SCHRENK I V D O ~ T RHI-LIIENE IAL FOUNDATION OW AUERICA.IN". P , ~ . ~ a n " n c nPENN.YLV*NI* .



Edited by C. E. Kenneth Mees, Vioe-President in Charge of Research, Eastman Kodak Company. Revised edition. Macmillan Co., New York, 1954. r 1133 pp. 416 figs. 60 tables. 15 X 23 cm. $21.50.


THIS book is written in oollaboration 'with the editor's colleagues in the Kodak Research Laboratories. I t s stated purpose CARL R. NOLLER is to provide a general handbook of the subject of the photographic process as a guide to the literature and as a summary of its conclusions. I t is the reviewer's opinion that the authon have achieved these goals and have produced a hook which ir unequaled in its field. The subject matter is divided into fivc sections: The Photographic Material; The Action of Radiation: GUIDE FOR SAFETY IN THE CHEMICAL LABORA- Optical Sensitizing; Development and the After-Processer: 0 The Physics of the Photographic Prooess. References to the origTORY inal literature follow each of the 25 chapters. The entire content The General Safety Committee o f the Manufacturing Chem- of the first edition has been rewritten. New chapters have beeu ists' Association. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, 1954. added on The Action of Charged Particles on tho Phot3graphic ndii 234 pp. 39 figs. 14 X 22 cm. $4.25. Emulsion, The Latent Image Produced by X Rays, and The Sensitometry of Color Films and Papers. DURINGrecent years there has been increasing recognition of The review and evaluation of tho extensive published work are the responsibility of the chemical industry in the safe msnufsc- given in exhautive detail a t times, but in general the authors turing, handling, and use of its products. Providing mechanical have summarized well the important developments concerning safety guards and protective equipment cannot be eRoctive unthe various aspects of this very complex research field. The less the worker has heen educated to use the facilities properly large number of excellent graphs, drawings, photographs, and and s responsible safety attitude has been developed. Accepting t.tbles illustrates the material well and helps to maintain the inthe maxim that any chemical e m he handled safely if proper terest of the reader. Discussions of emulsion-making are not precautions are observed, the Manufacturing Chomists' ASRO- included; the author has stated that his knowledge of this subriation throagh its General Safety Committee prepared this ject was acquired in confidence, and he is not entitled to publish "Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory." Their aim i8 the mhterialwith the frankness whichalone would justify any pubthe promotion of higher standards of safety by stressing safety lication. The reader may be somewhat disappointed a t the during earliest training in technical institutions, colleges, and unirelatively small coverage afforded the various color photographic vemities. The manual is intended to serve as a guide to subject processes. However, the treatment may he as extensive as is mattel. which can be used hv instructors in lectures to inculcate justified by tho proportion of the total photographic literature in students an appreciation of the importance of the role of safety which deals with the color processes. in chemistry. It is likely that the usefulness of the volume will be restricted The scope of the hook is very broad, covering general rules for primarilv to the scientists and teachers interested in photographic Iahoratory anfety, laboratory design and equipment, handling theory and research, although others in the scientific fields should glassware, storage, flammability and explosion hazards, chemical find that many of the sections provide stimulating reading. It, and toxicity hazards, radiation hazards, pressure pro- will be especially gratifying to the scientist who is uninformed in tective equipment, first aid, and packaging and transportation of the details of the photographic process to see the extent ta which chemicals. our knowledge of this extremely complex field has been extended The chapter Lahomtor,! Design and Equipment stresses the through the multitude of diverse research studies. use of fire-resistant and noncumbustihle construction and general layout with emphasis on exits. Adequate ventilation, JACK G. CALVERT illumination, storage and disposal facilities, and good housekeeping are other essential factors. The chapter Flammability

