The trans-Bis(p-thioetherphenylacetynyl)bis(phosphine)platinum(II

Oct 31, 2017 - Two organometallic ligands L1 (trans-[p-MeSC6H4C≡C-Pt(PR3)2-C≡CC6H4SMe; R = Me]) and L2 (R = Et) react with CuX salts (X = Cl, Br, ...
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Article Cite This: ACS Omega 2017, 2, 7433-7443

The trans-Bis(p‑thioetherphenylacetynyl)bis(phosphine)platinum(II) Ligands: A Step towards Predictability and Crystal Design Frank Juvenal, Antoine Bonnot, Daniel Fortin, and Pierre D. Harvey* Département de chimie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada J1K 2R1 S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Two organometallic ligands L1 (trans-[pMeSC6H4CC-Pt(PR3)2-CCC6H4SMe; R = Me]) and L2 (R = Et) react with CuX salts (X = Cl, Br, I) in MeCN to form one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) coordination polymers (CPs). The clusters formed with copper halide can either be step cubane Cu4I4, rhomboids Cu2X2, or simply CuI. The formed CPs with L1, which is less sterically demanding than L2, exhibit a crystallization solvent molecule (MeCN), whereas those formed with L2 do not incorporate MeCN molecules in the lattice. These CPs were characterized by X-ray crystallography, thermogravimetric analysis, IR, Raman, absorption, and emission spectra as well as photophysical measurements in the presence and absence of crystallization MeCN molecules for those CPs with the solvent in the lattice (i.e., [(Cu4I4)L1·MeCN]n (CP1), [(Cu2Br2)L1· 2MeCN]n (CP3), and [(Cu2Cl2)L1·MeCN]n (CP5)). The crystallization molecules were removed under vacuum to evaluate the porosity of the materials by Brunauer−Emmett−Teller (N2 at 77 K). The 2D CP shows a reversible type 1 adsorption isotherm for both CO2 and N2, indicative of microporosity, whereas the 1D CPs do not capture more solvent molecules or CO2.

INTRODUCTION The use of organometallic ligands for the synthesis of coordination polymers1 (CPs) and metal-organometallic frameworks (MOFs), mostly aimed at catalytic purposes,2 has been the topic of a relatively recent interest. In parallel, the incorporation of S-containing moieties into organometallic fragments has been a long-standing approach in ligand design,3 and sulfur-containing organics are also well known to assemble Cu(I)-containing species to form one-dimensional (1D), twodimensional (2D), and three-dimensional coordination polymers.4 Concurrently, the use of the rigid and readily modulable trans-bisacetynylplatinum(II) synthon −C 6 H 4 CC−Pt(PR3)2−CCC6H4− (R = simple alkyls or aryls) [Pt] for the preparation of organometallic polymers has been thoroughly investigated in the past decades, mostly to shine light on their photonic and electrochemical properties and to design light-harvesting and light-emitting devices.5−9 The approach of anchoring of a S-containing residue onto a [Pt] scaffold has been recently performed and used to prepare 2D networks containing Ag nanoparticles.10 The strategy in this case was to generate the corresponding dithiolates,11 which exhibit a different affinity with metals in comparison to the softer thioethers. These materials were not designed for their ability to capture small molecules like MOFs but rather to exploit their assembling ability10 and electronic conductivity.11 In a recent study on 1D and 2D coordination polymers generated by luminescent CuI clusters and flexible RC6H4S(CH2)8SC6H4R (R = t-Bu, Me, respectively) dithioethers, the presence of macrocycles within their framework has been revealed.12 Despite their low porosity, these materials exhibit the reversible removal of small molecules, such as nitriles, © 2017 American Chemical Society

MeOH, and CO2, suggesting that they somewhat act like MOFs. However, the major challenge for these materials is that the combination of mono- and dithioethers with CuX salts (X = Cl, Br, I, CN) stubbornly leads to a complete unpredictability of the outcome of the Cu cluster acting as the node and the dimensionality of the coordination polymer.4 We now report the design of two series of coordination polymers prepared from CuX salts (X = Cl, Br, I) and transMeSC6H4CC-Pt(PR3)2-CCC6H4SMe (R = Me (L1), Et (L2)) in MeCN, where two trends are observed. First, the dimensionality of the resulting polymers is not affected whether R = Me or Et. Second, the polymers formed with L1 reveal the presence of crystallization MeCN molecules in the lattice, whereas those formed with L2 do not, despite the identical nature of some of these materials (notably [(Cu2X2)L1]n and [(Cu2X2)L2]n; X = Cl, Br).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Synthesis and Structure Description. L1 and L2 differ only by their R group, Me versus Et. On the basis of past experience, such a subtle difference usually leads to a major variability in nature of the copper(I) cluster (often referred to as secondary building unit; SBU) and polymer dimensionality when flexible chains are used in the thioether ligands.4a−c,19 This is not the case for the rigid L1 and L2 with CuX (X = Cl, Br), which lead in all four cases to 1D polymers CP3−CP6 (Scheme 1, Tables 1 and 2, and Figure 1). These materials Received: September 13, 2017 Accepted: October 19, 2017 Published: October 31, 2017 7433

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01352 ACS Omega 2017, 2, 7433−7443

ACS Omega


Scheme 1. Synthesis of L1, L2, and CP1−CP6 in MeCNa


(i) cis-PtCl2(PMe3)2 (L1) and trans-PtCl2(PEt3)2 (L2), NHEt2, CuI, tetrahydrofuran.

Table 1. Comparison of Selected Structural Features of CP1−CP6 SBU structure CP dimensionality crystallization mol./[Pt] nb of trivalent Cu nb of tetravalent Cu nb of Cu−S bonds nb of Cu−X bonds nb of Cu−(η2−CC) bonds







Cu4I4 2D MeCN 2/2

CuI 1D

Cu2Br2 1D 2/0

Cu2Cl2 1D MeCN 2/0

Cu2Cl2 1D


Cu2Br2 1D 2 (MeCN) 2/0

2 4 2

1 1 2

0 2 2

0 2 2

0 2 2

0 2 2


Table 2. Bond Distances in the Rhomboid Cu2X2 Units in CP3−CP6 CP3












Cu1−Cu2 Cu1−Br1 Cu1−Br2 Cu2−Br2 Cu2−Br1 Br1−Br2

3.190(5) 2.423(5) 2.401(5) 2.418(5) 2.407(5) 3.619(4)

Cu1−Br1#2 Cu1−Br1 Cu1−Cu1

2.411(4) 2.462(3) 3.289(1)

Cu1−Cu1 Cu1−Cl1 Cl1−Cu1 Cl1−Cl1

3.0898(6) 2.3070(9) 2.2878(8) 3.401(1)

Cu2−Cu2 Cl3−Cu2#2 Cl3−Cu2 Cl3−Cl3

3.146(1) 2.2806(1) 2.3302(1) 3.371(1)

to be consistent with that in the literature,7j,16 without any further description. Conclusively, there is a clear selectivity favoring the ethynyl unit over the thioether by the Cu(I) cation. Moreover, L1 bears smaller PMe3 groups comparatively to PEt3 and so the voids left by the former group are compensated by MeCN crystallization molecules. This trend where L1 uses MeCN to

belong to a category of coordination polymers previously reported for the trans-bis(phenylacetylnyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)platinum(II) complex, where rhomboidtype SBUs are anchored via a η2−CC coordination bonds (Cu2Br2 and Ag2(CF3SO3)2).13,14,15 During the course of this study, the X-ray structure of L2 was obtained (SI) and is found 7434

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01352 ACS Omega 2017, 2, 7433−7443

ACS Omega


Figure 1. Oak ridge thermal ellipsoid plot (ORTEP) representations of a fragment of the 1D polymers CP3 (top left), CP4 (top right), CP5 (bottom left), and CP6 (bottom right). The thermal ellipsoids are set at 50% probability. Yellow = S, pale purple = Pt, orange = P, brown = Cu, dark red = Br, green = Cl, blue = C, white = H, and purple = N.

Conversely, the presence of MeCN molecules is evident from the weight losses depicted in the TGA traces for CP1 and CP3 in the vicinity of 100 °C (Figure 3, see SI for data). The expected absence of MeCN in the lattice of CP2, CP4, and CP6 is also obvious by the lack of weight loss in the 25−200 °C window. In addition, the effect of ν(CC) in the two ligands (L1 and L2) on the formation of CPs was monitored using IR and Raman (for L1, CP1, CP3, and CP5) spectroscopy measurements. These values for the IR data are observed to be in the range of ∼2108 cm−1 for L2 CP1−CP6, whereas it was confirmed that the Raman values for L1, CP1, CP3, and CP5 also fall in relatively the same range of ∼2108 cm−1 (see SI). Surprisingly, CP5 does not show any weight loss associated with the crystallization molecule. This is due to the crystal “instability” of the latter, which exhibit quick evaporation of the solvent crystallization molecules. The X-ray structure was obtained by selecting a suitable crystal in the mother liquor and then dipping it in glue to avoid solvent evaporation. For TGA analysis, the use of glue is obviously impossible and the solvent is completely gone after about 1 day. Prior to discussing the particularity of CP3 and CP5, the gas sorption of CP1 is presented. Gas Sorption Measurements and Solvent Removal of MeCN in CP1. Gas sorption isotherms (CO2 and N2) of CP1 at low pressure ranging between 0 and 1100 mbar (∼1.1 atm) were measured (Figure 4, bottom). The Brunauer−Emmett− Teller (BET) data reveal that CP1 is weakly porous (Tables 5 and 6; a space-filling model of the X-ray structure is given in the SI). The CO2 sorption at 273 K and N2 sorption at 77 K exhibit type 1 isotherms, which again corroborate the presence of microporous materials. Moreover, despite the low surface area

occupy the empty spaces is also noted for CuI salt (i.e., no MeCN in the lattice of CP2; Figure 2, Table 3). However, two drastic differences are noted. First, the dimensionality is 2D for both CPs via the use of S−Cu coordinations. Second, the SBUs used by CP1 and CP2 also differ. The former uses the known step cubane SBU, and the latter material assembles through a mononuclear Cu−I complex. To the best of our knowledge, the use of a single Cu−I SBU is unprecedented in the formation of CPs built upon thioethers and CuX salts (X = Cl, Br, I, CN).4a−c One interesting structural feature is the significant distortion that L1 and L2 experience upon coordination. Indeed, the most notable structural deviations from an ideal geometry are the C− CC angles. In L1 and L2, these angles are only within 4° from the linearity, but fall in the range of approximately 153− 169° in CP1−CP6 (Tables 4 and 5). These distortions are also noted in the interplanar C6H4···C6H4 distances. In L1, this distance is 0.88 Å but increases to distances varying from 1.48 to 3.19 Å for CP1 and CP4−CP6. In case of L2, CP2, and CP3, the C6H4 planes of the ligands form dihedral angles with each other. Thermal Stability. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) trace of L2 is used as comparison (see SI for traces and data). It exhibits two major weight losses near 260 and 435 °C most likely corresponding to the loss of one PEt3 (exp. ∼15%, calcd = 16%) and one CCC6H4SMe (exp. ∼ 26%, calcd = 21%), respectively. These two plateaus represent a “fingerprint” observed in all of the coordination polymers investigated. Neither L1 nor L2 exhibit crystallization molecules based on their X-ray structures and so no weight loss associated with solvent losses is observed (i.e., at lower temperature). 7435

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01352 ACS Omega 2017, 2, 7433−7443

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Figure 2. Top: (a) ORTEP representation of a fragment of CP1. The thermal ellipsoids are set at 50% probability. Yellow = S, purple = Pt, brown = Cu, orange = P, green = I, blue = C, and white = H. Only one MeCN molecule is shown inside a cavity. (b) View of the Cu4I4 step-like cluster. (c) Extended fragment of CP1. Yellow = S, purple = I, brown = Cu, orange = P, gray = C, and silver = Pt. Bottom: ORTEP representation of a fragment of CP2. The thermal ellipsoids are set at 50% probability. Yellow = S, pale purple = Pt, orange = P or Cu when attached to two I, green = I, dark purple = N, blue = C, and white = H.

crystal, thus confirming its identity. Upon removing the solvent under vacuum (as monitored by TGA, Figure 4), the resulting powder XRD pattern exhibits only modest modifications (at 2θ ≈ 10 and 42°, Figure 4), indicating that the polymer structure is intact. More importantly, the peak positions (i.e., 2θ values) remain unaffected within 0.2° upon removing the MeCN. This result indicates that the 2D grid is rather rigid. The reversible removal and reintroduction of the MeCN molecules in the framework of CP1 was also monitored using the chromaticity measurements as it is conveniently found emissive at 298 K (Figure 5). The chromaticity data undergo a slight change upon removing the crystallization molecule (from the purple dot to the black dot). As shown, the emission spectrum of CP1 is observed to have a featureless broad band with maximum at 585 nm at room temperature. This feature in these CPs has been previously reported by our group and found to originate from the triplet state due to a large Stokes shift between the absorption maximum with the emission peak. In addition, on the basis of the previous DFT and time-dependent density functional

Table 3. Selected Bond Distances for CP1 and CP2 (See Figure 2) CP1






Cu1−Cu1 Cu2−Cu1 Cu1−I1 Cu1−I2 Cu2−I1 I2−I2 I2−I2 Cu1−S1

2.8416(9) 2.8736(8) 2.6274(6) 2.6409(9) 2.5742(6) 4.1903(7) 4.4712(8) 2.335(1)

Cu1−I1 Cu2−I2 Cu1−S1 Cu2−S2

2.544(2) 2.550(2) 2.294(4) 2.307(4)

of 79.5 m2/g for CP1 upon removal of MeCN, this microporous material is still able to adsorb up to 16.8 cm3/g STP of CO2 at ∼1.1 bar. The powder XRD pattern of CP1 directly measured from the resulting solid after the synthesis exhibits a close similarity with the calculated one using X-ray data extracted from the single

Table 4. Interplanar C6H4···C6H4 Distances and C−CC Angles within L1 and L2 D (planes 1 and 3) (Å) C−CC angle (deg)










0.881 176.1


2.283 159.8



169.1 152.8

161.0 165.5

3.122 155.0

1.484 163.5

3.190 155.2

176.6 177.2

Not measured as the planes are not parallel. 7436

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01352 ACS Omega 2017, 2, 7433−7443

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Table 5. Measured Angles between Planes 1, 2, and 3a



L1 (deg)

L2 (deg)

CP1 (deg)

CP2 (deg)

CP3 (deg)

CP4 (deg)

CP5 (deg)

CP6 (deg)

1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 3

30.22 30.22

72.88 70.42 2.68

42.64 42.64

38.65 39.33 3.65

37.27 40.24 3.89

88.47 88.48

41.74 41.74

89.67 89.67






Not measured as the planes 1 and 3 are parallel.

Table 6. Gas Adsorption Data for CP1, CP3, and CP5a



T (K)

P (mbar)

CO2 N2 CO2 N2 CO2 N2

273 77 273 77 273 77

1046 972 1046 1001 1046 994

quantity adsorbed (cm3/g STP)

surface area (m2/g)

pore volume (cm3/g)

16.8 2.6 1.9

79.5 2.3 0.5
