teaching aids Film Re views The Use of Chemical Abstracts
0 Bertrond Ramsay. Educational Activities Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 1) AudioIVisusl: Part 1, 13 min. 39 frames; Part 2, 24 min. 59 frames, Part 3, 13 mi". 33 frames. 2) Workbook for student use: exercises with hints and answers; supplementary problems without answers; 48 pp. (Also available separately) 3) Answer booklet: answers to the above supplementary problems; 12 pp. (Available only with purchase of basic unit-not sold separately) 4) Script: complete illustrated text of the lectures; 48 pp. (Available only with purchase of the basic unit-not sold separately. Complete slide unit: $160 (Catalog No. C-09s). Complete filmstrip unit: $125 (Catalog No. C-09F). Additional workbooks: 1-9 copies $3.00 each; 10 or more $2.25 eaeh.
"The eourse is suitable for either personal or elassroam study. Its objective is to teach the effective use of Chemical Abstracts. The basic unit consists of an integrated tape-film eombination that is available in two formats-audiotapelslide or audiatapelfilmstriptogether with the following accessories: a workbook (problems) for in-library experience, a separate answer booklet, and the complete illustrated script. The eourse is organized as follows: Part 1: Format and organization of Chemical Abstracts. Part 2: Content and use of CA Indexes: Author, Numerical Patent, Patent Coneordance, Keyword, Subject, Formula, HAIC, Registry Number, Ring Systems. Part 3: Content and use of Ring Index and supplements, Decennial and Collective Indexes, Index Guide, Chemical Ahstracts Service Source Index." Review
"The Use of Chemical Abstracts" begins with an introduction and thorough detailed explanation of the use of the indexes. The sound on the cassette tapes is of high quality and rather pleasant in listening characteristics. The pace of the sound commentary is lively yet not too fast for comprehension and of remarkable clarity. The technique of color emphasis on the slides not only makes for drawing one's attention to the particular detail a t hand but provides added emphasis for the aid of the learner. The level of detail is more than adequate for the researcher of the chemical literature, yet not so involved that the unit can be utilized for undergraduate seminars or as an independent unit of an advanced eourse where the user needs only access to a set of chemical abstracts in order to work out the problems which appear i n t h e accompanying workbook. These are of an excellent nature and get to the core of the usage of chemical abstracts. Given this instructional unit, a cassette tape recorder and a slide oroiector alone with a set of chemical ab~ t r a c t sthe , learner can pursue this material a t his own pace which makes for good self-paced instruction, yet the unit is also well suited for group use in a classllibrary setting. The cost of the unit, although high, is not excessively prohibitive making this a sound investment for any undergraduate chemistry department andlor science library. The unit could also serve as a useful inclusion in a graduate course on searching the chemical literature which may be given by a university either through its chemistry department or through its library. Minimal pre-prepa-
ration is required of the student hut the workbook provides substantive follow-up and reinforcement of the overall objectives. John I.McLeod Morris Brown College Atlanta, Georgia 30314
Practical Technical Writing Joy R. Could. Educational Activities Department, American Chemical Society, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Consists of eight audiotape cassettes (playing time-5.3 hours) and an integrated 172-page manual that contains examples and exercises discussed in the lecture. as well as additional instruction in improving writing technique. After completing the course, listeners will find the manual to be of continued assistance in improving their writing skills. Complete unit: $95 (Catalog No. C-17). Additional manuals: 1-9 copies 86.25 each, 10-49 copies $5.00 each, 50 or more $4.60 eaeh. "The course is intended for scientists, engineers, marketing personnel, and students for whom written communications are a must. Professor Gould presents a practical approach to developing effective and efficient writing techniques. Many examples are used to illustrate the writing of proposals, technical papers, short reports, longer formal reports, directions and instructions, and internal and external eommunicat~onsof an organization. The course is designed to be used on an individual hasis." Released December 1973.
Another American Chemiesl Society eourse consisting of eight audiotape cassettes plus a eombination workhooklmanual. This course is particularly well-suited for any scientist or engineer who makes use of any kind of written communications. The sound clarity is very good both in tone and pronunciations. The material is oresented in a relaxed conversational tone. With a few minor exceptions, there are no errors in the tapes or manual. An outstanding feature is the substantial amount of material that is covered. The course covers the three basic types of technical writing: instructional, informative, and persuasive writing. The basic formats of each are covered and discussed in detail. Student reports and actual examples from various fields are used by the author to aid in the discussions. The strong or weak points of these reports are discussed and pointed out. Several poorly written reports are reviewed and the author shows how they may be rewritten to be a more communicable report. In the development of the short, informal, and internal reports, the author shows how a basic writing format is present in all of these. He then builds upon this basic format to illustrate each of these reports. An advantage with this program is that the listener can actively and constructively participate immediately in the course prior to listening to a detailed discussion of technical writing. The listener becomes involved immediately by analyzing and writing basic report types. The tapes are well presented in that they magnify and add to the material. The format of the course is a~pealinp, while the price .. mav hot be. since each section can be eomoleted in short oeriods of time. The first Daze of each section in the manual contains an out-
Volume 53. Number 4. April 1976 / 251