The Value of Silicate of Soda as a Detergent III. Siliceous Silicate in

Detergent. III. Siliceous Silicate in Water Containing Either Calcium. Bicarbonate or ... effectiveness of various detergents in removing dirt were no...
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The Value of Silicate of Soda as a Detergent 111. Siliceous Silicate in Water Containing Either Calcium Bicarbonate or Carbon Dioxide JOHN D. CARTERAND WILLIAMSTERICKER,Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa. The ability of sodium oleate to remotie dirt mashes are washed out again in ( 2 ) of this series' it w a s s h o w n from cloth and to its redeposition the later ones. I n the second s e r i e s , undertaken later, the that sodium silicates largely On 'lean 'loth is decreased by the presence Of prevented the deposition of dirt maximum n u m b e r of washes or, pigments from water suscalcium bicarbonate in the wash water. M i x was five, pensions on to cloth while other tures of sodium silicate (NazO:3.25SiO2) and I n the second series, pieces of this soap are less affected by the calcium salt and Utica sheeting (7.6 by 12.7 em.) alkaline builders, except trisobecome equal to or better than soap alone. were made into bags, each condium phosphate, did not. The phosphate was n o t n e a r l y a s taining fifty monel metal balls the p H of the solutions is below 10.2, they m a y be o.25 inch (o.635 in diameeffective as the silicates. This consideredacid to but they have marked ter. To soil these bags they deposition was shown to be a detergent properties. Carbon dioxide alone does factor in washing becauSe solid were placed in a jar in the launnot have as much effect on sodium oleate as talderometer with a suspension of 1 dirt was removed from one piece gram of the pigment (except carof cloth and deposited on another bicarbonate. The addition of the sodium bon black, of which only 0.25 in the same detergent solution. silicate largely neutralizes the effects due to Pram was used) in ml. of As would be exDected, soaD had _. . _ Carbon dloxlde. &stilled water and rotated for 20 marked ability- to remove dirt minutes a t 60" C. The bag was and prevent it from being redeposited, but mixtures of soap and silicates were as good or then removed and rinsed with tap water (Philadelphia's Delamare River supply) until no more pigment was removed. This better than either alone with siliceous soils and pigments. All the work reported in the preceding paper was with is a method which has been tried by the Detergents Committee distilled water. I n actual laundry practice, whether a t home of the American Oil Chemists Society and has been found to or in the power laundry, the water is either naturally hard or give satisfactory soiling (5). The bags were then cut open softened. The softening may be done by either the zeolite and dried on a smooth surface. or the lime-soda process. The experiments described in this The washing tests themselves were made by placing one and subsequent papers were undertaken to discover what bag made of sheeting soiled by this method in a jar with a effect some of the constituents of such waters might have bag made of clean sheeting. Each bag contained fifty monel on the removal and redeposition of dirt. metal balls. They were washed 20 minutes a t 60" C. with 100 ml. of detergent solution made with the water being tested, EXPERIMENTAL METHODS One set of bags was given two such treatments and another The results of two series of experiments are included. In five. The bags were then thoroughly rinsed, cut open, the first series, half the strip of ITtica sheeting was soiled with dried on a smooth surface, and their reflecting powers measa mixture containing 0.6 gram gum tragacanth, 10 grams ured with a Hess-Ives tint photometer. wheat starch, 20 grams pigment (except carbon black, of Solutions containing 0.2 per cent sodium oleate and 0.2 which only 5 grams were used), and 250 grams water. The per cent sodium silicate (Ka20:3.25 SiOJ were made up with other half was left unsoiled and a clean strip of sheeting was each water. Various mixtures of these were compared with placed in a jar with the partially soiled strip. The washing the original solutions and the water alone, both for their was done in the launderometer for 20 minutes a t 60" C. with ability to remove dirt and to prevent redeposition. ten rubber balls and 100 ml. of detergent solution made from The pigments used were ferric oxide, raw and burnt umbers, the water being tested. There were then two rinses of 5 and carbon black. The ferric oxide was Merck's ignited minutes each with 100 ml. of the same water. The samples rouge or crocus. The carbon black was extracted and were dried and compared after four, nine, fourteen, and readily wet by water.2 The raw and burnt umbers were twenty cycles, and finally the reflecting power was measured commercial pigments. in a Hess-Ives tint photometer. The Hess-Ives tint photometer was used for the determinaThis series indicated that the conclusions drawn about the tion of whiteness as compared with a standard magnesia effectiveness of various detergents in removing dirt were not block. I n the earlier work (2) and for the intermediate comchanged with a n increased number of washes. Since the ad- parisons in the first series, a Taylor photometer was used ditional washes took a great deal of time and the samples and the readings were given in percentages of whiteness comwhich resulted were harder to evaluate, it appeared desirable pared with the original cloth. The Hess-Ives instrument to decrease the number of washes. Burkhart and Falkman has been found to be much easier to use for this work. Com( I ) have shown that the shorter method leads to the same parison of the figures for carbon black and raw umber in conclusions as the longer with a simple pigment soil. With distilled water shows that the conclusions drawn would not fewer washes it is much easier to judge the degree of pro- be greatly altered whichever instrument was used (Figure l), tection, since pigments which are deposited in the early 1 Grade J obtained from L. Martin Company, Philadelphia


N THE second papei.






Part I appeared in IND.ENQ.CHBM.,15,244 (1923).



Obtained from Eugene E . Nice Company, Philadelphia







(In percentages of whitenesa, magnesia block standard) Cloth soiled a i t h : --CARBON BLACK-BURNT UYBER-RAW No. of washes: 2 5 20 2 5 20 2 ( A ) Water 38.5 45.3 46.2 28.1 35.8 41.6 32.8 (B) 0.2% soln. of Na20:3.25Si02 36.5 48.6 65.5 36.7 48.2 47.7 44.5 (C)4 parts of silicate with 1 of soap soh. 40.4 50.7 69.7 41.6 55.7 54.4 47.5 (D) Equal parts of silicate and soap soln. 38.7 50.7 ,. 37.5 59.9 .. 49.4 (E) 1 part of silicate with 2 of soap soh. 70.6 56.4 (F) 1 part of silicate with 4 of soap soln. 36.1 53.4 43.4 62.0 54.0 45.8 54.1 68:s 45.1 60.1 60:l 55.5 ( G ) 0,2% soln. of sodium oleate







5 41.7

20 40.3


Vol. 26, No. 3


-FERRIC OXIDE-2 41.6 51.6

5 53.0 65.6

20 45.1 56.1
















69.8 66.7


68.3 64.4

83.5 78.7

70: 6

58.3 68.5 85.7 88.2

62.4 83.6 94.7 96.4

86.9 90.5

56.8 65.9 79.3 86.5

59.4 75.5 87.1 89.4

56.0 74.5 87.2

9i:5 92.1

96:2 95.5



s7:1 90.5




(A) Water

(Bj silicate (C) 4 silicate, 1 soap (D) Equal silicate and soap (E) 1 silicate, 2 soap (F) 1 silicate, 4 soap (G)Soap

57.2 60.2 65.6 70.0

64.5 73.9 i3.9 77.9

61.8 75.7 87.4

70:3 70.5

78:3 77.5


57.3 77.4 91.1 90.8

89: 1

85:4 84.2



62.3 80.6 90.1

94:3 89 :o




90: 8

TABLE 11. REFLECTING POWER OF SHEETING SOILED WITH VARIOUSAGENTSAND WASHED IN WATER CONTAINING CALCIUM CARBONATE AND C A R B O N DIOXIDE (In percentages of whiteness, magnesia block standard) Cloth soiled with: --CARBONBLACK--BURNT UMBER---Raw UMBERNo. of washes: 2 5 20 2 5 20 2 5 . 5 2 0 Water 31.8 37.8 41.0 25.1 33.4 37.6 2 9 . 7 34.4 34.9 43.7 0.2% soln.,of NalO:3.25SiOz 34.3 46.1 46.0 34.3 47.4 47.6 38.1 54.9 55.9 50.8 4 parts of silicate with 1 of soap soln. 37.3 51.0 49.0 38.1 51.9 52.1 40.755.956.858.6 parts 01 silicate and soap soh. 37.1 51.8 38.9 54.6 4 4 . 5 6 2 . 8 62.3 1 part of silicate with 2 of soap 49:O 58:2 57:9 1 part of silicate with 4 of soap 40:3 54:3 39:5 56:6 4414 63:9 6 4 : 2 0.2% s o h . of sodium oleate 38.2 51.8 46:O 39.9 39.8 49:s 44.0 52.5 54.7 5210



2 37.1 45.5

5 39.4 57.5

20 48.4 50.4









55:O 5519

50.2 56.4 60.7 65.0

50.4 68.7 77.2 77.8

56.2 62.0 63.1

61:6 60.1




(A) (B) (C) (D)

Water Silicate 4 silicate,, 1 soap Equal silicate and soap (E) 1 silicate, 2 eoap (F) 1 silicate, 4 soap (G)Soap

45.7 53.4 55.3 64.8

52.6 65.3 69.5 78.9

69:6 65.5

78:O 73.5

58.0 68.0 68.0

ii:s 58:2

44.5 52.2 65.8 78.1

46.3 64.9 74.6 88.5

80:9 77.3

Si:, 74.4

but small differences are more easily read with the HessIves instrument because of its greater accuracy. The original sheeting was 90.9 per cent white. Average figures for the soiled cloth in the second series were as follows: carbon black, 24.4 per cent; burnt umber, 19.5; raw umber, 24.9; and ferric oxide, 26.5. DISTILLEDWATER The results with distilled water in each series are included as a basis for comparison. Because of differences in the method of soiling and washing in the two series, the results given in Table I are not in entire agreement. In the first s e r i e s of t w e n t y washes the addition of s i l i c a t e t o t h e water increased the removal of all four pigments. The addition of soap alone to the water caused greater removal than that effected by the silicate. When mixtures of s o a p FIGURE1. COMPARISON OF WHITEand silicate were NESS READINGSWITH TAYLOR AND used, t h e r e s u l t s HESS-IVES INSTRUMENTS with burnt umber and ferric oxide were intermediate between those with either detergent alone, and with carbon black were better than with either alone. The mixtures were less effective with raw umber. In the second series the results with two suds were more erratic than those with five but, in general, agree with them. Burkhart and Falkman (1) have found that a certain minimum

58.9 76.3 78.5

79: 1 60:s

51.0 51.3 51.2 63.9 60.473.873.077.8 71.7 83.3 82.7 79.8 81.2 9 2 . 7 9 2 . 4

87:5 87.6

9219 89.5


94:2 89.1 6319


64:s 5419

number of washes was necessary before discrepancies disappeared. For that reason, the results with five suds will be used in drawing conclusions. Again, sodium silicate showed that it had detergent powers but that they were not as great as those of soap. The mixture of four parts of soap and one of silicate removed more of the umbers and ferric oxide than soap alone. With carbon black there was practically no difference. The other mixtures were less effective than soap alone but more so than sodium silicate alone. In the first series the maximum protection of the clean cloth was obtained with soap alone when ferric oxide (and raw umber) was the soil and with two-thirds soap and onethird silicate on carbon black and burnt umber. In the second series there was very little difference between soap alone and the mixtures. CALCIUM BICARBONATE A common constituent of hard water is calcium bicarbonate. In order to determine its effect on the removal and redeposition of dirt, a solution was prepared by suspending 1.53 grams of calcium carbonate in 18 liters of distilled water and adding gaseous carbon dioxide until all the carbonate dissolved on standing overnight. The hardness of the resulting solution was equivalent to 85.7 parts per million ( 5 grains per gallon) of calcium carbonate and its pH wa3 5.6 (bromocresol purple). I n the first series this solution was used for both the suds and rinses, but in the second the rinses were with distilled water. With soap a very turbid solution was produced but no visible curds formed, and there was no precipitation even after standing several days. The silicate solution was nearly clear. The results are given in Table 11. It is evident that, in general, the calcium bicarbonate has prevented removal and increased redeposition. The effect on soap alone is greater


&lurch, 1954

A N D E N G 1,N


tliari on silicate alone or on silii:atrai soap. For example, cloth soiled with burnt umber and waslied with soap five t.irnes dropped from GO per cent when distilled water was used to 40 per cent wliitcncas when die bicarlronate was prescnt; under the same conilitions a niihturc of 80 per cent soap and 20 per cent silicate u,ent only from 56 t a 52 per cent. some idea of tile differelices can lie obtained by corrrpariug Figore 2n with 2b," or 1:igurcs 3a and 3d with 36 and 36, respectirely.' Siiire the silicate-soap mixtures are less affected h y the iiardness, they liecome equal to or better than soap alone for tlie reiiirival of dirt. In every case except one (two washes, raw imber) they mere superior in preventing redeposition. Aceidelitally in this wries of cnperiinents tlie raw umber saniplea with five whxlies mere iiupiieatetl. Yigiires for both sets of samples are given to shorn lmw close the agreement was (Table 11). When the detergent solutions used in tlic second series were prepared, their pH's were determined a8 slio\c-n in Table 111. T.%nr,e 111.





a Distilled water


Calcium Bicarbonate

c.. Carbon Dioxide


13rc.4nno~n~~ I)arlaona.r JoLurior %*lei d"ne soap


C*&CIUVB ~ c n e a o ~ ~ ~ r r YH 5.6 0.2 6.5

S.4 9.0 9.0


Firomooieso1 p"',llo Br"moi:ics"i PUrplr 1iromorreso1 ]'"'pis Phmol red Tliginul blue

Tiiymoi blue




Thesamples washed with BO&P in lisrd water i n the Brat aeries hsd turned m i l o w to & o mextent beiore the photogmphs were taken. Tliis makes the contrast niore striking than wlien the original readinw wece inade. Nsi aucb sction took plaw i n the second aeries where dintilled water WYB ueed in iinsiiln.

Strips noiled w i t h burnt uisbcr: wnahed five times in dislillcd water Stripe Boiled with burnt umber; anshed five times in aster mnfainiiiZ ~.aioiurnbiearbomte (Table 11) Strips soiled with buint uiuber: washed five times i n water wntninirip carbon dioxide (Table Y )


crabioI )



Strips given twenty washas with dietilled water: lower porlions wore oiipiiielly soiled n t h oarbon blaek whale upper 1,ortione *-ere oienn; iettere * d e r tv wlutiona dcaorihed in Table I. 6. Stripa givexi twenty wsahes w i t h water oontsininq e+ nium birerbonate and rinsed with &&me: soiled w i t h cnrbon blsek BB i n 20; ~ ~ m p l Ee sand 0 were yellower when this picture was tnkeo tiIan they were inmedistely after washing; figurespiven in Table 11. c.. Strips given twenty w~sheswith water containing bon dioxide and rinsed with &*me;noiled w i t h curbon h1ni.k: fipuree eii-en in Tshie V.

removal nor protection is proportional to the pII witliin the range studied. The low values, especially for the first three in Table I l l , do raise the question of whether the fomiation




Oiily a glxnae a t the results is necessary to show that. neitlm



d. e. f.

Clean strips waahed five timea with atcim shown in 30. Clean strips wnshed five times witb tliose shown in 3b. Clean strips wmhcd five times with thoee shown in 3c.

Vol. 26, No. 3



Five suds with mixtures of soap and silicate in the presence of carbon dioxide removed more of the pigments than five suds with either detergent alone (Table V). The same was true with two suds, except raw umber which was an exception in that soap removed it best. The optimum mixture varies, but with five suds, the cleanest cloth was obtained three times with equal parts of soap and silicate and once with four parts of soap to one of silicate. With twenty washes, in the presence of gum tragacanth and starch, soap alone gave the cleanest cloth although silicate and silicate-soap mixtures were equally good with carbon black. The best protection with two or five suds was given by the mixture containing four parts of soap and one of silicate. In the earlier series of twenty washes the best protection, except with ferric oxide, was with four parts of silicate and CARBONDIOXIDE one of soap; the least ferric oxide was deposited with soap It was felt that the use of a solution containing carbon alone. Table VI shows the average results with the series given dioxide in place of calcium bicarbonate would go far toward answering the question of acid soaps. The solution was pre- five washes. With no detergent, with soap alone, or with a pared by bubbling the gas through the water until the pH mixture of four parts of soap with one of silicate, the presence had dropped to between 4 and 5. I n the earlier experiments of carbon dioxide decreases the amount of dirt removed but with the strips, the pH was 4.6. I n the later series the values not as greatly as the presence of calcium bicarbonate. In general, the results with two and five washes confirm this. shown in Table IV were obtained. With silicate alone or with mixtures containing more silicate TABLEI v . PH OF DETERGENT SOLUTIONSWITH CARBON than the one given above, carbon dioxide either has no effect DIOXIDE or, apparently, a beneficial one (Figure 2c compared with DETERGENT SOLUTION P H CARBON DIOXIDE INDICATOR 2a and 2b, and Figure 3d with 3a and 3b). Water alone 4.3 Bromocresol green 7.6 Phenol red In spite of the smaller amounts of dirt removed and there%?soap, 20% silicate 8.4 Thymol blue fore available for redeposition, the amount deposited from 5 0 3 soap 5 0 p sjl/cate 9.6 Thymol blue 20% soap: 80 silicate 9.9 Nitro yellow water containing carbon dioxide is greater than from distilled 10.0 Nitro yellow Silicate water but not as great as from water containing calcium Even though the initial pH was lower, the figures for the bicarbonate (Figure 2c compared with 2a and 26 and Figure solutions of soap and silicate were higher than with the 3 j with 3d and 3e). These results indicate that the formation of acid soaps bicarbonate. This was without doubt due to the precipitation of calcium soap or/and silicate, leaving sodium bi- probably is a partial explanation of the adverse effect of carbonate in solution which contained less active alkali to calcium bicarbonate but not the entire one. The formation of insoluble calcium oleate and silicates with the correspondraise the pH. of acid soaps is not responsible for the failure to remove dirt and protect against redeposition. Rhodes and Bascom (3) found that the maximum detergent effect was obtained a t a p H of 10.7. They stated, however, that the complexities of sodium silicates were such that they were the subject of a special investigation, the results of which have not been published. Kone of the solutions used here was as alkaline as those of Rhodes and Bascom. Snell (4) has stated that any solution more acidic than a pH of 10.2 is acid to soap solution. If we accept this statement, then all this work was done in a range acid to soap. I n spite of this, a real detergent effect was obtained. A more extended investigation of the effect of pH with silicates is now under way.

TABLEV. REFLECTING POWER OF SHEETING SOILED WITH VARIOUS AGENTS AND WASHED IN W A T ~CONTAINING R CARBON DIOXIDE (In percentagea of whiteness, magnesia block standard) -BURNT UYBER--RAW Cloth soiled with: -CARBON BLACKNo. of washes: 2 6 20 2 5 20 2 Water 35.7 41.0 46.0 24.4 29.9 38.7 29.8 0.2% soln. of Nan0:3,25SiOz 39.8 46.6 59.0 36.4 50.1 43.3 44.3 4 parts of silicate with 1 of soap soln. 44.7 47.8 59.0 40.0 51.7 46.2 44.6 Equal parts of silicate and soap 48.3 42.3 54.7 .. 41.2 53.3 .. soln. 1 part of silicate with 2 of soap .. .. 50.3 .. ,. 60.0 soln. 1 part of silicate with 4 of soap 41.8 63.6 41 4 59.4 49.6 soln. 38.6 50.6 6o:o 32:6 52.0 56:5 51.9 0.2% soln. of sodium oleate

UMBER-5 20 37.2 39.3 59.4 57.6

--FERRIC OXIDE--2 5 20 40.6 47.2 41.6 49.6 67.0 52.1

66.3 70.0


61.0 59.1

78.7 82.1








67.8 54.2


56.2 56.6

78.0 74.7


49.1 66.9 82.4 87.4

51.0 80.7 92.7 92.7

63.3 83.1 91.4 86:s

53.5 63.4 75.8 77.8

55.3 78.9 88.0 91.3

48.1 62.4 65.2 76:4

ss:9 88.3

93:3 84.0

si:3 78.3





Water Silicate 4 silicate 1 soap Equal siiicate and soap 1 silicate, 2 soap 1 silicate, 4 soap Soap

53.6 58.6 61.3 64.8

56.6 70.8 72.3 74.9

67:s 66.5



70.0 79.0 85.0 s2:o 74:O

43.3 57.5 72.4 77.0

49.1 78.0 87.3 90.2

s0:o 68.6

93:3 90.7

66.3 83.4 88.5 80:4 7819





Av. reading

Gain due to detergent



W A T ~ R CaCOa COz Av. Loss in efficienc reading due to CaCOz

+ 80%

AV. reading


WATBR COt Loas in efficiency due t o COI ,


Water, no detergent Silicate alone 4 silicate, 1 soap 1 silicate, 1 soap 1 silicate, 4 soap Soap alone

43.9 55.0 61.1 60.8 67.2 64.9

ii:i 17.2 16.9 23.3 21.0

36.2 51.4 55.8 58.0 56.9 48.1


4 silicate, 1 soap 1 silicate, 1 soap 1 silicate, 4 soap Soap alone

.... 86.7 88.6 89.6 89.8


7.7 3.6 5.3 2.8 10.3 16.8

38.8 55.8 61.1 65.0 64.7 57.9

5.1 None None Gain 2.5


March, 1934


lng formation of sodium bicarbonate not only decreases the alkalinity, but probably the calcium soap sticks to both the clean and dirty cloth and holds some pigment. There is a distinct yellow tint on some of the cloth washed with soap. This is believed to be indicative of the presence of calcium soaps. It was much greater in the first series where the rinsing was done with hard water. Apparently the calcium soap stuck more readily to the clean than the soiled cloth.

CONCLUSIONS 1. The presence of calcium bicarbonate in water interfered seriously with the action of sodium oleate in removing pigments from cloth and in preventing their redeposition on clean cloth in the same solution. 2. The effect on mixtures of soap and sodium silicate (Na20:3.25SiOz)or on the latter alone was much less. 3. Therefore, the mixtures become better than the soap both in removing pigments and in preventing their redeposition. due to the formation 4' The effect is of acid Soap and partially to precipitation of calcium cornpounds.


5. I n the range studied, the detergent effect was not proportional to the pH. 6. Carbon dioxide has an appreciable effect in decreasing the removal of pigments by soap solution and increaing redeposition. 7. The addition of sodium silicate (Na~0:3.25Si02) largely or entirely neutralizes the effects due to carbon dioxide. 8. A duplicate run gave close checks. The effect of other water constituents will be discussed in later papers.

LITERAT~RE CITED (1) Burkhart and Falkman, Oil & Fat Ind., 8,416 (1931). (2) Carter, IND. ENQ.CHEM.,23,1389 (1931). (3) Rhodes and Bascom, Ibid., 23, 778 (1931). (4) Snell, Zbid., 24,76 (1932). (5) Vail, Oil & Fat Ind., 8.413 (1931). RECEIVED September 28. 1933. Presented before the Division of Industrial and Ennineerinn Chemistry a t the 85th Meetinn of the American Chemical Society;Washin&on, D. CI,March 26 to 31, 1933.

Research on Metals and Alloys F. C. FRARY Aluminum Company of America, New Kensington, Pa.


HERE are two fundamental objectives in research on metals and alloys. The first may be said t o be academic or theoretical in its nature, and involves the investigation and the understanding of the complex physicochemical intermetallic systems and the effects of variations in temperature, minor impurities, and other variables upon such systems. The second objective, which we might call the practical or commercial one, comprises the improvement of our present alloys and metals, so as to make them more widely adaptable or more useful to mankind, and the discovery of any possible new and useful alloys. Experience shows that the second of these objectives cannot be pursued to the best advantage without a simultaneous pursuit of the first one. Conversely, it would be suspected that even those investigators whose viewpoint, experience, and interest lie only in the theoretical realm, would do better work in their chosen field if they had more information as to the practical facts and conditions which are involved and are important in the commercial production and use of metals and alloys. Research on metals and alloys differs from most chemical research in that, in general, we are never dealing with pure compounds but with intimate mixtures of elements with certain more or less loose intermetallic compounds, and solid solutions of one in the other. Moreover, many of the changes involved take place a t relatively high temperatures, and physical phenomena, such as melting, crystallization, precipitation in the solid state, recrystallization, crystal distortion by cold work, and many others complicate the problems from a practical point of view. Also, in the case of metals and alloys, the physical properties are generally the most important; the chemical properties are generally of minor interest except in so far as the problem of corrosion resistance is involved.

EFFECT OF IMPURITIES IN METALS In the study of metals and alloys, increasing evidence is being found of the great effect which the presence or absence

of small amounts of certain constituents may have on many of the properties of the resulting product. The segregation and crystallization of such minor constituents a t temperatures above the freezing point of the molten alloy may cause troublesome drossing: if, on the other hand, they remain liquid at temperatures considerably below the freezing point, they tend to be concentrated in the grain boundaries of the crystals which form during the freezing, and this concentration may lead to a variety of effects, such as intergranular corrosion, hot-shortness, etc. Some of these minor constituents may, by their behavior at the freezing point of the metal, interfere with the freezing and cause supercooling to a considerable extent. This is the case when about 0.01 per cent or less of sodium is present in certain aluminum-silicon alloys, where the molten sodium appears to be precipitated out at the freezing point and, by its action on the crystal nuclei of the silicon, to prevent the normal growth of these nuclei until the temperature has dropped about 10" or 15' C. below the point a t which freezing should begin. Thereupon the crystallization force of the silicon becomes so great as to produce a perfect shower of nuclei, resulting in the crystallization of the silicon in almost submicroscopic crystals throughout the mass of the aluniinum. Such a change also involves a considerable change in the strength and ductility of the resulting alloy and may be taken as a typical example of the pronounced effect which small traces of constituents may have in modifying the behavior of other constituents present in a relatively large amount. The effect of traces of certain elements, such as arsenic, on the electrical conductivity of copper, the effect of slight variations of sulfur and phosphorus on the properties of iron and steel, and the effects of very small amounts of lead in brass, are all common illustrations of the importance of extremely minor amounts of certain constituents, and the complications which may be involved in alloy problems by lack of knowledge or control of the presence of some minor impurities. There are many less common examples of the same