THE WARNER & SWASEY CO. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 22, 2012 - THE WARNER & SWASEY CO. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (6), pp 140A–140A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60238a849. Publication Date: May 1966. Copyright ...
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NEWI MODEL 10 Feedback-Controlled Infrared Radiation Source

Automatic optical pyrometer is for the precision temperature measurement, recording, and control of temperatures greater than 7 7 0 ° C. The Photomatic is capable of detecting temperature changes of less than 0 . 1 ° C. at the gold point. The system features a null-balance operation. Four directreading models are available: two double range units with automatic range changing and two triple range units with manual range changing. Pyrometer Instrument Co., Inc., Bergenfield, N. J . 411


Designed for use as: a) A secondary standard of absolute ra­ diant power by calibration against a primary blackbody standard; H A stable high intensity source of in­ frared energy for absorption meas­ urements. FEATURES • Radiation will stay within 0.1% of the initial setting for a minimum of 200 hours. • Radiation will return to within 0.1% of the initial setting after unit is turn­ ed off and on (with controls locked). • Radiating element in water-cooled housing may be remotely located from controller.Thermal overload switch pro­ tects unit if water flow is interrupted. • Controls can be set to obtain tempera­ tures between 1000°C and 1225°C. • Fast warmup and response to change in temperature settings. Gentlemen: Please send me more information on the Model 10 and o t h e r Warner & Swasey spectrometry instruments for the study of kinetic phenomena. Name Address City



( ^ T H E WARNER & SWASEY C O . CONTROL INSTRUMENT DIVISION 32-16 Downing Street · Flushing, New York 11354 Circle No. 137 on Readers' Service Card 140 A





A series of internal reflection attach­ ments fit practically all commercial ul­ traviolet spectrophotometers. Model 20 single reflection variable angle at­ tachment may be used to record ATR spectra of dyes and strongly absorbing liquids, or as a variable angle specular reflection attachment. Model 14 is a multiple reflection attachment and offers greater sensitivity for ultraviolet and visible analysis of solids, plastics, coatings, and other materials difficult to analyze by transmission methods. Wilks Scientific Corp., 140 Water St., South Norwalk, Conn. 412

Semi-automatic integrator/calculator analyzes any chromatogram from any liquid or gas system. The instrument integrates an amino acid, peptide, hydrocarbon, insecticide, or other chromatogram at the rate of 3 0 sec­ onds or less per peak. The unit works independently of the recorder. The chart automatically moves across the instrument at a controlled speed while the operator manually moves a stylus along each peak of the chro­ matogram. Accuracy is better than 99%. The Model G for gas chromatograph records includes multiplier controls to compensate for attenua­ tion values used during the r u n . The Model AA-G for amino acid chromatograms incorporates three multiplier devices which are designed to modify the area value from the counting pro­ cedure by the norleucine equivalent factor. This model also incorporates a log-linear or per cent transmittance recorder. Technicon Chromatography Corp., Research Park, Chauncey, Ν. Υ.

414 Column


A column coiling tool permits the preparation of neatly coiled gas chro­ matography columns of any diameter and length. A hand crank feeds tubing of either 1/4 inch or 1 / 8 inch o.d. into the coiler. It is possible also to uncoil columns or to construct odd configura­ tions or flat spiral coils. Chemical Research Services, Inc., 14 Industrial Rd., Addison, 111. 60101. 415

Angular Correlation Spectrometer

Top-pan balances feature digital opti­ cal scale, mechanical taring, and a rapid filling scale. The Sartorius Se­ ries 2 2 0 0 includes six models with ca­ pacities ranging from 160 grams with a 1-mg., accuracy to 8 kg. with a 0 2 gram accuracy. Brinkmann Instru­ ments, Inc., Westbury, Ν. Υ. 11590.


A new time-dependent angular corre­ lation spectrometer system conforms to the new AEC standards and is com­ pletely modular and interchangeable electrically and physically with all other instruments made to the same standards. The block diagram logic is essentially a multi-fold coincidence consisting of a fast-fast system in coincidence with a slow system, with five scalers accumulating counts from various data channels of the system. The scalers are gated by one timer. Hamner Electronics Co., Inc., Box 531, Princeton, N . J . 416