Automatic Analysis
Pick the Vacuum Pump that Fits Your Needs!
An automatic a p p a r a t u s for perform ing analytical density gradient electro phoresis for clinical use provides elect r o p h o r e t o g r a m s a t t h e rate of one every 20 minutes. T h e sample (blood plasma or s e r u m ) , p u m p e d a n d pre-mixed with sugar to a given density, forms a short, steep den sity gradient in t h e electrophoresis cell in three minutes. T h e cell, with quartz windows, is separated from t o p a n d b o t t o m chambers b y a cellophane mem brane. Electric current applied t o t h e platinum electrodes on t h e t o p and b o t t o m chambers causes electrophoretic separation of t h e serum proteins in 17 m i n u t e s ; t h e separated components are scanned by ultraviolet light a t 280 m/j and t h e p a t t e r n is traced on a stripchart recorder. A ball a n d disk inte grator automatically integrates t h e fractions during t h e tracing. Technicon I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., Chauncey, Ν . Υ. 421
25/8"O.D.xll3/8" LABORATORY GAS DRYING UNIT NOW AVAILABLE IN ACRYLIC PLASTIC T h e r e d e s i g n e d u n i t will provide exit d e w p o i n t s ot —100 ° F . a n d h a s a h e a v y d u t y aluminum cap. Flow rates m a y b e 2 0 0 liters per h o u r . Indicating DRIERITE c h a n g e s from b l u e t o p i n k when exhausted. (Specify t h e plastic model from y o u r L a b o r a t o r y S u p p l y Dealer.) Write
for Bulletin
W. A. HAMMOND DRIERITE CO. XENIA, OHIO Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card
Plug-in digital readout for use with the AutoAnalyzer system of continu ous automatic chemical analysis is called an Autoprint. This unit auto matically identifies each sample by number, and prints individual assays of unknowns and standards by line, each identified by a number and expressed as mg. %, m g . / m l . , etc. Analog information from recorder is converted to direct concentration readings to three digits. Features include: plug-in compo nent for individual materials to be tested, such as calcium, chloride, etc; which automatically compensates for nonlinearities in response; easy recalibration for different tests; plug-in attachment for tests which do not need linearity correction, and dial controls for setting low and high cali bration points at the proper concen tration values for each test. Technicon Instruments Corp., Chauncey, Ν. Υ. 422
are designed to fit almost every application better and at less cost . . . in the laboratory, industry and school. Ten different models to choose f r o m . . . capacities from 21 to 1400 liters per minute . . . ultimate pressures from 2 x l 0 - 2 m m H g d o w n t o l χ 10—4 mm Hg and better . . . two-stage and singlestage mechanical pumps with vented exhaust, and mechanical and diffusion combination pumps. Over the years, Welch Duo-Seal Pumps have built a world-wide reputa tion for best performance, greatest reliability and quietest operation. When you use a Duo-Seal Pump, you're using the best! For complete specifications and prices, ask for Duo-Seal Catalog
[ SINCE , 1880
THE WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY foremost manufacturers ο
1521 Sedgwick St. ·
Chicago 10,
Circle No. 165 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 4 , N O . 1 1 , OCTOBER 1 9 6 2
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