trophoretograms at the rate of one every 20 minutes. The sample (blood plasma or serum), pumped and pre-mixed with sugar to a given density, forms a s...
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Automatic Analysis


Pick the Vacuum Pump that Fits Your Needs!

An automatic a p p a r a t u s for perform­ ing analytical density gradient electro­ phoresis for clinical use provides elect r o p h o r e t o g r a m s a t t h e rate of one every 20 minutes. T h e sample (blood plasma or s e r u m ) , p u m p e d a n d pre-mixed with sugar to a given density, forms a short, steep den­ sity gradient in t h e electrophoresis cell in three minutes. T h e cell, with quartz windows, is separated from t o p a n d b o t t o m chambers b y a cellophane mem­ brane. Electric current applied t o t h e platinum electrodes on t h e t o p and b o t t o m chambers causes electrophoretic separation of t h e serum proteins in 17 m i n u t e s ; t h e separated components are scanned by ultraviolet light a t 280 m/j and t h e p a t t e r n is traced on a stripchart recorder. A ball a n d disk inte­ grator automatically integrates t h e fractions during t h e tracing. Technicon I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., Chauncey, Ν . Υ. 421

25/8"O.D.xll3/8" LABORATORY GAS DRYING UNIT NOW AVAILABLE IN ACRYLIC PLASTIC T h e r e d e s i g n e d u n i t will provide exit d e w p o i n t s ot —100 ° F . a n d h a s a h e a v y d u t y aluminum cap. Flow rates m a y b e 2 0 0 liters per h o u r . Indicating DRIERITE c h a n g e s from b l u e t o p i n k when exhausted. (Specify t h e plastic model from y o u r L a b o r a t o r y S u p p l y Dealer.) Write

for Bulletin


W. A. HAMMOND DRIERITE CO. XENIA, OHIO Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card

Plug-in digital readout for use with the AutoAnalyzer system of continu­ ous automatic chemical analysis is called an Autoprint. This unit auto­ matically identifies each sample by number, and prints individual assays of unknowns and standards by line, each identified by a number and expressed as mg. %, m g . / m l . , etc. Analog information from recorder is converted to direct concentration readings to three digits. Features include: plug-in compo­ nent for individual materials to be tested, such as calcium, chloride, etc; which automatically compensates for nonlinearities in response; easy recalibration for different tests; plug-in attachment for tests which do not need linearity correction, and dial controls for setting low and high cali­ bration points at the proper concen­ tration values for each test. Technicon Instruments Corp., Chauncey, Ν. Υ. 422



are designed to fit almost every application better and at less cost . . . in the laboratory, industry and school. Ten different models to choose f r o m . . . capacities from 21 to 1400 liters per minute . . . ultimate pressures from 2 x l 0 - 2 m m H g d o w n t o l χ 10—4 mm Hg and better . . . two-stage and singlestage mechanical pumps with vented exhaust, and mechanical and diffusion combination pumps. Over the years, Welch Duo-Seal Pumps have built a world-wide reputa­ tion for best performance, greatest reliability and quietest operation. When you use a Duo-Seal Pump, you're using the best! For complete specifications and prices, ask for Duo-Seal Catalog

[ SINCE , 1880

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1521 Sedgwick St. ·

Chicago 10,

Circle No. 165 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 4 , N O . 1 1 , OCTOBER 1 9 6 2


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