There's Alaways a Way to do it Better - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Nopco B O N D I N G and S I Z I N G AGENTS make things that should stay put, stay put Perhaps nothing exemplifies t h i n g s that should "stay put*' better than asphalt. Thousands of miles o f roadway depend o n its durability. R o a d b e d s rapidly deteriorate w h e n the asphalt fails to bond properly to the aggregate. H o w e v e r , incorporation of a N o p c o b o n d i n g aid in the asphalt instantly develops a tenacious permanent bond between cut-back asphalt and aggregate even if the stone is wet. T h u s roads can be laid in rainy or inclement weather. In the production of asphalt shingles and tile this same N o p c o aid gives better bond between asphalt and fillers, increases strength and gives a smoother surface. In a very different field, that of textiles, N o p c o chemical agents are again found helping t o

make t h i n g s "stay put". For example, both natural and synthetic fibers must be sized before w e a v i n g , s o that they are capable of withstanding the friction encountered o n looms. Application of specially developed N o p c o w a r p sizes, for natural and synthetic yarns, assures firm, yet flexible, coating over eacH individual thread to protect it from abrasion. Perhaps you are l o o k i n g for a high-performance b o n d i n g aid, o r sizing agent, that w i l l better an item you produce. If so, profit by consult! ng w i t h us. Or, if you require some other processing chemical, let us have your specifications. We'll gladly make recommendations and w o r k closely w i t h you—putting our wealth of e x p e r i e n c e , m o d e r n facilities, and nationwide distribution set-up at your service. * Reg. U. S. Pat. Off

rdiiistanding NOPCO P r b c e s s i n g Chemicals i n c l u d e : EMULSIFIERSPIASTICIZERS


•••;;-.SIZES. ; • .




WITHOUT BONDING AID 24 hour immersion test illustrates almost complete stripping of RC-2 cutback Asphalt from w e t t e d Massachusetts Rhyolite.

WITH NOPCO BONDING AID 24 hour immersion test shows virtually no stripping of RC-2 cutback Asphalt from wetted Massachusetts Rhyolite.


CHEMICAL COMPANY (Dept. CE) Harrison, N.J.



Boston • Chicago • Cedar toicn, Ga. • Richmond, Calif. C H E M I C A L