There's only one Amicon filter. Don't be fooled. - C&EN Global

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There’s only one Amicon® filter. Don’t be fooled.

C AUTION: • Centrifugal ultrafilters are posing as high-quality Amicon® Ultra filters, but are rather thinly disguised. • These filters may exhibit imprecise analyte separation and poor device integrity. • Victims report poor protein yield and difficulties with downstream analysis.

Avg. α-Chymotrypsinogen A Recovery (%)

mp 100%



53% 60%




87% 0%

Amicon® Ultra 4 10 kDa

Competitor B 10 kDa Retenate

Don’t be fooled – EMD Millipore’s history of membrane technology and filter device engineering is unmatched.

Competitor B 10 kDa flter has