Thermal Data. XVI. The Heat Capacity and Entropy ... - ACS Publications

ard Oil Development Company and the Research. Comparisons of the experimental entropy. Corporation made this work possible. with that calculated from ...
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June, 1943



3. The heat of vaporization has been determined at 298.16"K. The experimental vapor pressure equation over the range 280 to 294°K. has been used to calculate the value of the heat of vaporization a t 298.10'K. 4. Comparisons of the experimental entropy with that calculated from statistical and molecular data afford a means to assign the lowest vibraSummary tion frequencies. The result which was based on a 1. The heat capacity of solid and liquid cyclo- "chair" configuration for the cyclohexane molehexane has been measured from 12.6 to 293.8"K. cule is in good agreement with previous assign2 . The equilibrium temperatures of the tran- ments on similar molecules. sition and the fusion, together with their heats, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA have been determined. RECDIVED DECGMBER 9. 1942

mental measurements and calculations and Mr. M. L. Sagenkahn for preparing the liquid hydrogen. The Grants-in-Aid of the National Research Council with which much of the apparatus was purchased and financial aid from the Standard Oil Development Company and the Research Corporation made this work possible.


Thermal Data. XVI. The Heat Capacity and Entropy of Isopentane. The Absence of a Reported Anomaly BY GEORGE B. GUTHRIE,JR., In two recent papers' Aston and co-workers have reported the results of their low temperature studies on isopentane. During this investigation they obtained certain anomalous results in their heat capacity and vapor pressure measurements. These anomalous results were especially evident in the temperature interval 180 to 240'K. Aston has attempted to account for these results on the basis of a hysteresis in the establishment of equilibrium between isomeric forms due to hindered rotation. The heat capacity of isopentane was also measured in 1930 by Parks, Huffman and Thomas,2who did not observe any irregularities in the heat capacity. Because of the great importance of such a phenomenon and the great effect its existence would have upon similar experimental and theoretical studies on other hydrocarbon molecules, it is of paramount importance that its actual existence be established beyond any reasonable doubt. We have accordingly reinvestigated the heat capacity of isopentane over the temperature range 13 to 300°K. Unfortunately, the design of our apparatus did not permit the simultaneous observation of the vapor pressure. ( I ) (a) Aston and Schurnann, THISJ O U R N A L , 64, 1W4 (1942); (h) Schumann, Aston and Sagenkahn, i b i d . , 64, 1039 (1942). (2) Parks, Huffman and Thomas, ibid , 62, IO32 (1930).


HUGHM. HUFFMAN Experimental

The Material.-Measurements were made on two different samples of isopentane. The first was purified for us by the Shell Development Company, who state that the entire sample, 300 cc., boiled a t 27.92 * 0.01"C. The second sample was the isopentane that Aston, et al.,I had used in their calorimeter and was kindly sent to us by Professor Aston. From data obtained during the melting point determinations we have calculated that the liquidsoluble, solid-insoluble impurity in the first (Shell) sample was 0.013 mole per cent. and that in the second (Aston) sample was 0.008 mole per cent. The Apparatus.-Our heat capacity measurements were carried out in an adiabatic calorimetric system which will be described in detail in a later publication. The calorimeter proper was of copper and had an internal volume of approximately 60 cc. The isopentane was transferred to the calorimeter by distillation through a glass system to which the calorimeter was connected by a glass to metal seal. This system was connected to the high vacuum line and to the source of helium by means of stopcocks, which were greased with Apiezon grease M. The stopcocks were so placed as t o be out of the direct distillation path. In transferring the first sample (Shell) t o the calorimeter it was necessary to expose the isopentane t o the air for a short time hence precautions were taken to remove any water, which might have gotten into the sample, by several distillations from phosphorus pentoxide in the closed system. The second sample (Aston) was received in a container that could be sealed directly into the transfer system before opening. In both cases the system and the sample were carefully outgassed by pumping with an oil diffusion pump while the isopentane was frozen in liquid air. After outgassing the



calorimeter was immersed in a bath of solid carbon dioxide and alcohol and the isopentane distilled in. When the transfer was completed helium was admitted and the system allowed to warm to room temperature. The monel metal filling tube, 1.0 tnm. 0. d., was then pinched off close to the calorimeter and quickly made gas tight by the application of a small drop of soft solder. The pressure of helium in the calorimeter was approximately 40 mm. a t room temperature. In the first case (Shell sample) the amount of isopentane in the calorimeter was 35.598 g. (0.49341 mole) and the gas space a t -300'K. was 2.28 cc. In the second case the amount of isopentane in the calorimeter vias 24.884 g. (0.34491 mole) and the gas space a t :300°K. was 10.67 cc. This undesirably large gas space was due tn the limited arnnunt of material that was availahlt..


Vol. 65


It is of considerable importance to note that after the isopentane was sealed into the calorimeter there was no chance for it to be transferred to any other part of the calorimetric system, hence the mass of the isopentane upon which observations were made was constant. Temperature measurements were made with a platinum resistsnce thermometer, H-8, which had been compared against the laboratory standard platinum thermometer, H-25, which in turn had been calibrated by the Bureau of Standards over the temperature range 14 OK to the boiling point of sulfur. The energy measurements were made in terms of the international joule by utilizing resistors and standard cells which had been compared with others certified by the Bureau of Standards. The observed energies in international joules were converted t o calories by dividing I,y 4.1%3.


Molecular weight T , OK.



T,O K .



Series I, solid 84.78 16.07 87.69 16.57 90.97 17.13 94.58 17.78 98.08 18.42 101.44 19.11 104.70 19.77 107.85 20.44 110.94 21.23

Series IV, liquid 115.67 29.48 122.87 29.76 133.94 30.19 149.26 30.79 159.80 31.19 170.16 31.63 180.35 32.06 190.38 32.51 200.25 32.98

Liquid 120.05 29.67 124.44 29.84

Series V, 171.33 181.50 191.51 201.36 211.05 220.60 230.00 239.26 248.37 257.34 267.90

Series 11, solid 58.74 12.11 62.08 12.82 65.22 13.52 68.19 14.29 70.99 15.19 71.33 15.60 Series 111, solid 11.30 54.79 12.06 58.59 12.91 62.59 13.77 66.31 14.54 69.24 15.52 71.44 15.11 73.58 14.79 76.01 15.14 78.95 15.71 82.56 16.37 86.47 17.08 90.52 17.94 95.44 19.10 101.42 107.68 20.51

liquid 31.66 32.09 32.54 33.02 33.51 34.02 34.56 35.12 35.69 36.2.9 37.08

Series VI, liquid 209.78 33.43 219.34 33.95 Series VII, liquid 184.60 32.22 Series VIII, liquid 231.34 34.65 Series I X , liquid 186.49 32.33 192.67 32.60


7 , OK.

72.146, 0°C. = 273.16"K. CP, cal./degree

Series X, 188.13 197.01 206.76 216.34 225.78 235.08

liquid 32.40 32.81 33.29 33.80 34.31 34.86

Series X I , solid 67.21 14.01 69.46 14.67 Series XII, solid 71.46 15.30 Series XIII, solid 52.92 10.95 56.98 11.77 Series XIV, liquid 188.66 32.42 198.50 32.87 208.18 33.36 217.70 33.87 34.39 227.08 Series XV, liquid 189.41 32.46 199.25 32.94 208.93 33.41 219.40 33.97 230.62 34.61

Series XVI, liquid 253.56 36.04 262.79 36.69 271.88 37.38 280.38 38.00 288.70 38.62 297.00 39.28 Series XVII, liquid



7'. OK.



Series XVIII, solid 13.20 1.119 14.61 1.482 16.42 1.956 19.20 2.750 22.90 3.861 26.94 5.034 31.92 6.390 37.65 7.821 43.41 9.072 49.20 10.24 55.03 11.38 Series XIX, solid 15.75 1.814 18.62 2.590 22.51 3.745 27.10 5.083 32.17 6.424 37.98 7.894 44.20 9.238 49.50 10.29 Series XX, liquid 184.29 32.220 194.20 32.664 203.97 33.165 213.57 33.667 223.04 34.165 232.35 34.757 241.52 35.293 250.54 35.899 295.42 36.496 Series X I , liquid 187.58 32.400 197.45 32.858 207.16 33.328 216.71 33.844 226.12 34.380 235.38 34.919

7'. O K .



Series XXII, liquid 214.82 33.730 224.23 34.229 233.50 31.798 242.11 35.3Fn 251.39 35.940 260.23 36.569 268.92 37.192 277.49 37.804 285.92 38.445 294.21 39.132 Series XXII, solid 55.40 11.461 59.98 12.371 64.65 13.389 67.72 14.076 69.37 14.639 70.96 15.294 72.51 15.456 74.07 14.552 76.25 14.743 78.98 15.155 83.19 15.822 89.41 15.897 95.89 18.031 101.96 19.220 107.41 20.385 111.24 21.716 Liquid 115.86 29.495 122.84 29.761 132.77 30.138 143.53 30.550 154.11 30.968 164.49 31.394 174.69 31.814

June, 1943








150 100









60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Temp., "K. Fig. 1.-The molal heat capacity of isopentane. 30

The Heat Capacity.-The results of our heat capacity determinations on both samples are given in Table I and those on sample one are shown graphically in Fig. 1. The results of the heat capacity measurements on the two samples of isopentane are in complete agreement in the temperature ranges investigated. For this reason we did not feel that i t was necessary to extend our measurements on the second sample (Aston) below 53'K. I n view of the nature of our problem we have reported the results of each experimental series of observations as a group (Table I). In Fig. 2 we have presented graphically the (timetemperature) history of our first (Shell) sample. By reference to Fig. 2 and Table I a knowledge of the treatment of the sample preceding each series of measurements may be obtained. The time-temperature history of the second sample (Aston) is not shown on this curve. However in the temperature region 180-240'K. i t was given a fast and slow cooling treatment similar to that shown for the first sample. In the temperature region 180-240'K. repeated attempts were made to obtain evidence of an anomalous behavior. During the early part of this investigation we corresponded with Aston and asked him to suggest an experimental procedure which would cause this phenomenon to manifest itself. In reply he wrote, "We suggest that you cool across the vacuum from 290 to 180'K. in thirty-six hours (Series I), and warming to 290'K. again cool from this temperature to 180'K. in not more than four hours (Series 11). In each case take measurements from 180 to 230'K. This procedure should produce a difference in heat capacity of a t least I%, Series I

g 200

kl 150 E g 100



250 200

150 100

50 Time in days. Fig. 2.-Time-temperature history of isopentane: solid lines ascending to right indicate heat capacity measurements, Series I-XIX consecutively. Dashed lines indicate temperature of the isopentane in the intervals between heat capacity measurements. Break in lower section of graph indicates a period of 27 days when isopentane was a t room temperature.

being higher than Series 11." We carried out experiments according t o these directions (our Series XIV and XV on the Shell sample and Series XX and XXI on Aston sample) except that our slow cooling required a longer time and our fast cooling was done more rapidly than suggested. The results of all of our experiments yield heat capacities that lie on a perfectly smooth curve within the precision of our measurements which is approximately 0.1% (deviation) in the region in question. The Heat of Fusion.-Two measurements of the heat of fusion were made on the Shell sample, one of which was in conjunction with the melting point determination. The value obtained for the heat of fusion was 1232.2 cal./mole with an estimated uncertainty of less than 1 calorie. A single value of the heat of fusion of sample two (Aston) was calculated from data obtained during the melting point determination. The value of the heat of fusion found was 1229.2 calories per I



mole. This value is about 0.2% lower than the value found for the first sample and is probably less reliable due to the experimental method. We have calculated the melting point of pure isopentane from data obtained when various fractions of the two samples were melted. The first sample (Shell) gave a melting point of 113.371'K. and the second (Aston) 113.368'K. from which we conclude that the melting point of pure isopentane is 113.37 * 0.05'K. This is in excellent agreement with Aston's value 113.39 * 0.05"K. The Entropy.-We have also calculated the entropy of isopentane from our data. The results of these calculations are summarized in Table 111.



Vol. 65

evidence for hysteresis. We made two series of measurements between 13 and 55'K. and several additional series of measurements between 53 and 70'K. without finding any evidence of a n anomalous behavior. We are unable to compare our data with Aston's experimental points since he has only published the values taken from a smoothed curve, However, we submitted our data to Aston prior to publication and in a communication to Dr. A. B. Lamb he states that his low curve between 10 and 55OK. is essentially in agreement with our curve. I n the temperature region 180-240°K. our reTABLE 11 MOLALHEAT CAPACITY OF ISOPENTANE AT ROUNDED TEMPERATURES % diff. from H . and G .

C p , cal./degree






T , K. H. and G. A. and S. H. and T. A. and S.

Aston's plot of his experimental data indicates an anomalous behavior especially in the temperature intervals 20-60'K. and 180-240'K. Our measurements in both of these temperature regions show no anomalous results. In cooling the isopentane through the 70' transition zone we cooled both rapidly and slowly. The measurements in Series I1 were made after rapid cooling, all of the other measurements below 73'K., with one exception, were made after the isopentane had been allowed to cool slowly, approximately 0.4-0.5O per hour, in the region 71 to 6O'K. The single measurement in Series XI1 was made after cooling rapidly (twenty-five minutes) from 80.4 to G9.8'K. in an attempt to get a point on an extrapolation of the high temperature curve as we have been able to do in the case of a similar transition found in sebacic acid (unpublished investigation). The attempt was unsuccessful. Below 69'K. all of the experimental results were in complete agreement. In the region 69 to 77'K. the points did not lie on any regular curve; this may be due to the fact that the temperature increments were too large and that they did not cover the same portion of the temperature scale or to the fact that the energy absorption in this region is a function of the history of the sample. The measurements on sample two (Aston) in this region gave approximately the same temperature (72') for the maximum energy absorption but the total eiiergy absorbed is definitely lower than in thc case of sample one. Astoti made four series o f measurenients o r 1 tlir


H . and T.

Crystals 13 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 GO 70 80 90 100 110

1.07 1.58 3.00 4.49 5.86 7.18 8.34 9.40 10.39 11.38 12.37 (14.8)b 15.24 16.99 18.79 20.99

115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 2x0 290 300

29.46 29.66 30.04 30.42 30.80 31.20 31.61 32.04 32.48 32.96 33.46 34 00 34.58 35.18 35.82 36.52 37.24 37.98 38.75 39 56

3.25 4.82 6.00 7.24 8.41 9.46 10.41 11.36 12.38 15.00 15.19 16.96 18.81 20.75

8.3 7.3 2.4 0.8 .8 .6 .2 - .2

.L 13 38 17.14 19.54

- .3 - .2 .1

2 2 9 1 0

-1 0

Liquid 29.68 29.99 30.38 30.72 31.06 31.48 31.95

35.20 35.89 36.59 37.37 38.31 40.49"

29.55 29.95 30.34 30.74 31.14 31.55 32.00 32.46 33.00 33.50 34.04 34.60 35.20 35.80 36.48 37.10 37.76"


- .17



.13 .26 .45 .41 .28

.06 .20 .19 .35 .87 4.49

-0.37 - .30 - .26 - .20 - .19 - .19 .10 - .06 .12 .12 .12 .09 06 - .06 - .ll - .38 - 01



June, 1943



sults show no evidence of an anomalous behavior -0.45 a t 160'K. to 4.5% a t 290'K. The above in either of the two samples that we have studied. discrepancies are of such a magnitude as to sugThese results lead us to the belief that the hys- gest that the accuracy claimed in one or the other teresis in the liquid observed by Aston is not char- or both of these investigations is entirely fictitious. acteristic of isopentane. We have sent Aston a This suggests that perhaps the accuracy claimed portion of the Shell isopentane upon which he will by other laboratories may be open to question. We should like to propose that workers in this repeat his measurements. field select a substance whose heat capacity has Another noteworthy result of this reinvestigation of the heat capacity of isopentane is the lack been accurately determined which may be used of agreement between our results and those of as a standard test substance. The discrepancies in the experimental observaAston, even in the temperature regions in which Aston reports no anomalous results. I n Table I1 tions have very little effect on the agreement of we have compared the data taken from a smooth the values of the entropies calculated from the two curve through our data with those from Aston's sets of data. Our value for the entropy of liquid smoothed table. For sake of completeness we isopentane a t 298.16'K. is only 0.15 unit lower have also included the data of Parks, Huffman than that reported by Aston, which is well within and Thomas. The accuracy (1%) claimed by the the error assigned by him. latter authors is not high, neither did they make Summary any estimate of the impurity in their sample, so little weight should be given to the apparent dis1. The heat capacity of isopentane has been crepancies between their results and those of the measured over the temperature range 13 to other two investigations. 300'K. 2. The melting point and heat of fusion of isoTABLE I11 pentane have been measured. THEMOLALENTROPY O F ISOPENTANE 3. We believe that the results of this investiS (13.21, Debye, 6 " freedom) = 0.385 * 0.040 gation indicate that certain anomalous results AS (13.21 - 113.3i) = 19.174 * ,019 reported by Aston are not characteristic of isoAS' (113.37, fusion) = 10.869 * .011 A.5' (113.37 - 298.16) = 31.812 * ,032 pentane. S (298.16, liquid) = 62.240 * .10 4. The entropy of liquid isopentane a t 291.16OK., calculated from the data of this reAn examination of the data in Table I1 shows search, is 62.24 * 0.10 cal. degree-' mole-'. that a t 20°K. Aston's results are about 8% higher It is suggested that thermochemists should 5. than those of this investigation; this difference check their methods so that the accuracy asbecomes progressively less as the temperature is signed to the experimental results will have a real increased. From 55 to 100°K. the heat capacity significance. measurements are essentially in agreement. Above the melting point the discrepancies range from PASADENA, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED JANUARY 16, 1943