THERMO ELECTRIC MFG. CO. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

16 May 2012 - THERMO ELECTRIC MFG. CO. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (2), pp 87A–87A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60122a781. Publication Date: February 1957...
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Product Capsules Voltage Stabilizers. Circle 69A-1 for information on company's dc voltage stabilizer that eliminates all storage bat­ teries and accessories for spectropho­ tometers. Constant voltage ± 0 . 0 1 % . Circle 69A-2 for booklet, "U. S. Units of Measure and Conversion Factors." New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76 Varick St.. X. Y. 13, X. Y.

"America's No. 1 Lab Hot Plate" fastest seller to the laboratory field for both exacting reguirements and general heating

69 A-1,2

Water Bath Heaters. Complete data available on unit that regulates, heats, stirs and circulates. Sensitive within ±0.05° C. Can circulate 1 liter per minute to external instruments. Has 1000-watt tubular immersion heater. Weight: 8'/ 2 lbs. Case dimensions: S'A" X 4V," Χ 3'Λ". Arthur S. LaPine and Co.. 6001 So. Knox Ave., Chicago 29. 111. 14A

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Research and reagent chemicals go hand in hand with the latest improved materials to help the technologist an­ alyze properties and create new appli­ cations. Information available from the following sources will help to im­ prove existing techniques and open up new a n d profitable avenues o f investiga­ tion. See page 91 A for directions on obtaining free information on the fol­ lowing items.

You'll find this the ideal unit for a wide variety of critical and routine laboratory uses. Wide temperature range, exceptionally close control—less than 5 ° F variation. Completely variable control over full temperature range. Compact, convenient — plugs into 110 V., 50/60 Cy. Only $19.75. Write for literature and nearest dealer's name.

HOT PLATES & FURNACES THERMO ELECTRIC MFG. CO., 478 HUFF ST., DUBUQUE, IOWA For further information, circle number 87 i-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 91 A


Acids, Reagent. "Baker Analyzed" reagent acids are now available in dis­ posable bottles and cases. Cited ad­ vantages include: 18.5% more acid in same space; saves bookkeeping (no de­ posit, no returns); saves freight ex­ penses (lighter weight—no return); and promotes safety (new dripless pour­ ing sleeve). J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, X. J. 2nd Cover


Acids, Reagent. Packaged in singletrip, throw-away cartons, DuPont rea­ gent bottles have dripless polyethylene sleeves and exclusive safety grips. Colored labels, with matching bottle caps, insure identification of reagents. E. I. DuPont DeXcmours & Co. (Inc.), Grasselli Chemicals Dept., Wilmington, 98, Del. 23A Chemicals, Reagent. Circle 75A for the new "Mallinekrodt Analytical Rea­ gents" catalog. Reagents are available in safe, easy-to-handle, "Stormor" bot­ tles. Mallinekrodt Chemical Works, 2nd and Mallinekrodt Sts., St. Louis 7, Mo. 75A (Continued on page 88 A)

This handy buffer kit consists of three 500 ml polyethylene dispens­ ers and 9 (3 of each value) pack­ ages of powdered buffer salts, sealed in moisture proof envelopes.

Special Introductory Offer $6.00 postpaid

ANALYTICAL MEASUREMENTS. Inc. 585 Main Street, Chatham. N . J . Π

Please send pH buffer kits Check enclosed D Send invoice

Name Street

See us at Booth 56 — Pittsburgh Conference.

City Zone State For further information, circle number 87 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 91 A VOL. 2 9 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY

