Thermo Jarrell Ash Corporation

runs of samples for up to 8 elements and does itup to 4x faster than our competitors. The lamp housing contains 8 hollow cath- ode lamps in 2 banks of...
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How our new automatic AA analyzes mixed runs of samples for up to 8 elements and does it up to 4x faster than our competitors. On each sample, readings are taken for up to 4 elements at once (i.e. one bank of hollow cath­ ode lamps). That enables our AA to perform 4x as many determinations as other AAs. Theirs

Ours Our new AA comes with the NEC Powermate 286 Plus and ThermoSPEC® soft­ ware, a package which enables chemists to enter methods, quickly and easily, but also permits personnel with little technical training to run routine analyses.

The lamp housing contains 8 hollow cath­ ode lamps in 2 banks of 4 each. That ar­ rangement permits the determination of up to 8 elements without changing lamps.

With computer control and our run spec­ ification screen, sets of up to 150 sam­ ples may be run in unattended operation and these sets may be mixed, i.e. con­ tain different analytes and call for differ­ ent standards and dilutions.

Our AA is fully automatic. It has no dials or knobs. Wavelength and PMT adjust­ ments are made by the instrument and not by you.

Our new Smith-Hieftje 8000 Flame/ Furnace AA spectrophotometer offers the highest productivity by far of any A A on the market today. And that translates into lower per test costs for analytical ser­ vice laboratories and higher profits for private contract laboratories. For literature or a demonstration, call (508)520- ί 880. Or write Thermo Jarrell Ash Corporation, 8E Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 02038

In flame or furnace operation, accu­ rate background corrections are made with the patented Smith-Hieftje tech­ nique. For furnace, vapor and solid phase matrix interferences are eliminated by our Delay Atomization Cuvette, platform and aerosol sampling device.

Thermo Jarrell Ash


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