from CURTIN...
Product Capsules
for heavy-demand laboratory work and process control
Spectrophotometers. Designed for low energy levels of a flame source. 130 Spectrophotometers. Data file on new prism-grating IR unit. 92 Spectrophotometers. Info on new UV-VIS-NIR unit offered. 64 Spectrophotometers. Data file of fered on recording unit. 139 Spray Bottles. John spray bottle for chromatography. 81 Standards.
26-page booklet
spectra offered.
Standards. Brochure and sample IR spectra offered. 69 Stills. Bulletin on new double-effect steam heated still. 19 Stoppers. Safety with fusiform bore.
stoppers 80
Supplies. Details on line of ware, equipment, furniture, chemicals. 39
A r u g g e d l y built unit that heats quickly and maintains evenly distributed temperatures. Now a v a i l a b l e for 2 0 0 0 ° F continuous and 2 1 5 0 ° F intermittent operation. Being o f me dium size and a d a p t a b l e t o a variety o f con trols, it is suitable for a w i d e range of a p p l i cations. Type 1 6 0 0 brings t o the l a b o r a t o r y a relatively large chamber capacity (5Vi " x4Va" χ 9 " or 5>A" χ 4V,' χ 1 3 ' / i " ) for processing sizable samples or other work loads. LONG-LIFE HEATING ELEMENTS form the sides, t o p and bottom of the chamber. Each element is made of the highest quality nickel-chromium or iron chromium aluminum (for high tempera ture models) alloy coil e m b e d d e d in a refractory p l a t e for protection against d a m a g e and corro sion or oxidation. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION—The furnace case is o f h e a v y - g a u g e w e l d e d and reinforced steel construction. A full 4 ' / 2 " thickness of multiplet y p e , high-grade firebrick and back-up insula tion gives maximum insulating values t o the heating chamber. All models heat fast—reach 1 4 0 0 ° F ( 7 6 0 ° C) in a p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 0 minutes. $ 1 5 7 . 5 0 to $ 1 9 2 . 5 0 according to size and tem perature range.
Supplies. Details on 25,000 instru ments, apparatus, and equipment. 24 Symbols. 500 scientific characters fit on standard typewriter. 138 Timers. Unit for convenient, precise interval timing. 26 Titrators. Data file on micro unit with disposable cups. 93 Titrators. Bulletin on new unit for Karl Fischer moistures. 87 Tubing. tubing.
Data on clear, flexible plastic 44
Ultracentrifuges. "An Introduction to Ultracentrifuge Techniques" offered. 99
Ultramicro Units. Small spectro photometers, titrators, centrifuges. 1 SO Vacuum Units. Catalog on pressureprogrammed automatic valving unit. 89
Viscometers. Unit measures any fluid material in centipoises. 23 Ware, Glass. New catalog includes expanded hard-glass line. 6 Ware, Platinum. Catalog, "Platinum Metals Products," offered. 22
Write for literature and name of nearest dealer.
THERMOLYNE CORPORATION 4 7 8 Huff St., D u b u q u e , I o w a
110 A
Accessories For Gas Chromatography .. and Curtin Service, too! Micro-Tek's new Universal Sam ple Inlet system provides un usual versatility in precision sampling. The pressure-lock ball valve inlet permits use of all the precise Micro-Tek sampling accessories including the new "Snap Sampler" for volatile, high pressure liquid samples. Converts in seconds for conven tional syringe sampling. The Micro-Tek Snap Sampler offers a simple, safe, accurate, and precise means for sampling volatile, high pressure liquid samples. Micro-Tek Snap Sam plers have been used success fully with sample pressures up to 200 psig. Precision of better than ± 1 % is possible. Six Curtin supply points as sure immediate delivery on the full Micro-Tek line of accesso ries. For complete information request Micro-Tek Bulletin from W. H. Curtin and Company, Department AC, P. O. Box 118, Houston 1, Texas.
Ware, Stone. Circle 5 for info on stone surface material. 5 Washers. Bulletin on automatic glass ware washer offered. 105 Washers. New, low-cost unit glassware washing.
Circle No. 73 on Readers' Service Card
for 58
HOUSTON · TUIU · I I M I I I K H U I Φ MW M l E X M · MIUII ί M I L * J » M E X M M r U E · HtUUtH · CMPUS CMMITI *. U l U I I K M u t · M U W t l t · SMI ΜΠ0ΝΙΙ · MIXIC0 CUT
Circle No. 134 on Readers' Service Card