Thermometer clamp - Suspension clamp - ACS Publications

piece of glassware being used could be "saved" with this ap- paratus. (pH electrodes ??) Gerard P. Baruch. 560 Wilson Bridge Dr. Oxon Hill, Maryland 2...
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apparatw review In this months culumn, l would like to share with you two reviews suhmitted hy two renders 01' the JOURNAL. Name of item: Thermometer Clamp-Suspension Supplier: Fisher Scientific Co. Cat. No. 5-809 & 5-807; $5.50ea


Description Holds thermometers, glass tubes, etc. to 13mm diameter. Adjusts to any angle, extends to llcm. Lightweight, will not rust, bend or corrode. Made from nickel-plated brasslphosphor-bronze.

Globe Public Schools Globe. AZ 85501

Name of Item: Educational Absorption Spectra Kit Supplier: Bausch and Lomb One Lincoln First Square Rochester, New York 14601 Cat. No. 33-80-10 approx. $85 Description A diffraction grating (600lmm) and a 35mm slidelcurvette to hold various liquids. Curvette can he laced in a slide orojector and absorption spectrum of the liquid can be on a screen. Suggested Uses As described above, also the use of colored cellophane can be placed in front of the cuwette to show how each component selectively absorbs visible light to give an overall spectrum. Possible adaptlonslcomments A really excellent and relatively inexpensive way to teach about components of white light and absorption spectrophotometry. This apparatus compliments the QA spectroscope reviewed in the last issue of this column. Mary Vlrglnla Orna, O.S.U. College of New Rochelle New Rochelle, NY 10801 Please continue to submit your critiques of apparatuses for inclusion in this column; without your support little information can be exchanged.

Suggested Uses 1)To hold thermometers during the course of a reaction. 2) T o hold any breakable, expensive piece of glassware you may have. Possible Adaptatlons Over 50% reduction of thermometer breakage each year is reported by the reviewer. This suggests that any expensive piece of glassware being used could be "saved" with this apparatus. (pH electrodes ??) Gerard P. Baruch 560 Wilson Bridge Dr. Oxon Hill, Maryland 20021

This column will be a

place uhere the

chem $4 teacher ma lim lea bxlget u I1 find lntormat on on and evaluat ons ot cur-

rently available ewi~rnent.aDDaratus. and sup$ie~.~anufa&;ersand.s"ppliers are invited to submit descriptions or materials for evaluation along with the reasons these items are aOorooriale for use in the hioh .. . " school laboratoty.Teachers who are intereSl6d in evaluating the usefulnessof certain pieces of equipment should contact the feature editor. Your critiques will be the backbone of this column.

Volume 58 Number 11 November 1981