Thermophysical Properties of Glycols and Glymes

Dec 1, 2015 - ABSTRACT: Experimental data for density, viscosity, re- fractive index and sound speed of 11 glycols and glymes were measured in the ...
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Thermophysical Properties of Glycols and Glymes Pedro J. Carvalho,† Cristofe H. G. Fonseca,† Maria-Luísa C. J. Moita,‡ Â ngela F. S. Santos,§ and Joaõ A. P. Coutinho*,† †

CICECOAveiro Institute of Materials, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Departamento de Química e Bioquímica, Centro de Química e Bioquímica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal § Departamento de Química e Bioquímica, Centro de Química Estrutural, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Experimental data for density, viscosity, refractive index and sound speed of 11 glycols and glymes were measured in the temperature range between (283.15 and 373.15) K and at atmospheric pressure. The compounds evaluated include ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TriEG), tetraethylene glycol (TeEG), ethylene glycol ethyl ether (EGEE), diethylene glycol methyl ether (DEGME), diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEGDME), diethylene glycol ethyl ether (DEGEE), diethylene glycol diethyl ether (DEGDEE), triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TriEGDME), and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TeEGDME). Additionally, derivative properties, such isobaric thermal expansion coefficient and isentropic compressibilities were also estimated and discussed. The compounds evaluated were selected to evaluate the impact of molecular structure changes on their thermophysical properties. Effects like the increase in the number of ethoxy groups, shown to lead to an increase of the density, molar volume, viscosity, and refractive index, or the loss of the hydroxyl groups through the substitution of the hydroxyl groups hydrogen by a methyl or ethyl group, shown to lead to a significant decrease on the density, viscosity, and sound speed, are evaluated and discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION Glycols are organic compounds primarily used as raw material in the polymer industry because of their high boiling points, hygroscopicity, noncorrosiveness, freezing point depression, lubricating, and plasticizing and solvent properties. Additionally, their alcohol end groups makes them popular intermediates in the preparation of numerous esters. Among the glycols, ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TriEG), and tetraethylene glycol (TeEG) are the first four members of a homologous series of diols commonly used. The EG hygroscopicity is ideal for use in fibers treatment, paper, adhesives, printing inks, leather, and cellophane. Furthermore, EG is used as precursor for polyester fibers, polyethylene terephthalate plastics, coolants in automobile antifreeze, and resins. Diethylene glycol is an important chemical intermediate in the manufacture of unsaturated polyester resins, polyurethanes, and plasticizers. Moreover, both DEG and TriEG are used in natural gas processing as dehydration agents. TriEG is also used on air conditioning systems as dehumidifiers, as a vinyl plasticizer, or as an intermediate in the manufacture of polyester resins and polyols. On the other hand, TeEG is used in polyester resins, as a plasticizer, as a chemical intermediate, as a solvent in the production of inks and dyes, as a process solvent in hydrocarbon purification processes, and as a coupling agent in the production of textile lubricants and formulations.1 © XXXX American Chemical Society

Glycol ethers or glymes on the other hand, are aprotic, saturated polyethers that present high solvency, high stability in strong bases, and moderate stability in acid solutions. Glymes efficiently solvate cations and can increase anion reactivity, thus increasing both selectivity and reaction rates. Furthermore, glymes are used as reaction solvents, in closed loop applications such as gas scrubbing, and in refrigeration systems. The higher molecular weight glymes beginning with diethylene glycol diethyl ether (DEGDEE) are suitable for emissive applications such as in coatings, inks, adhesives, and cleaning compounds. The constant development of new technologies and the demand for new products, compel the industry to continuously optimize existing processes. Moreover, this development and optimization usually rely on process simulators that require accurate description of the thermophysical properties of the compounds present. Nonetheless, for the majority of the glycols and glymes, the thermophysical properties are not fully and accurately characterized. Thus, the characterization of these compounds’ thermophysical properties, like density, viscosity, Special Issue: Memorial Issue in Honor of Anthony R. H. Goodwin Received: July 31, 2015 Accepted: November 12, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 1. Chemical Structure, Compound Description, CAS Number, Molecular Weight, Water Mass Fraction Content, Mass Fraction Purity and Supplier of the Studied Glycols and Glymes


after moderate temperature and vacuum drying procedure. bas reported by the supplier.

with a methyl or with an ethyl group on the compounds properties.

speed of sound, and refractive index, is of key relevance if one aims at their accurate characterization, or the development/ optimization of theoretical models, correlations, or equations of state (EoS). Aiming to overcome these limitations, a set of compounds were selected, namely, ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TriEG), tetraethylene glycol (TeEG), ethylene glycol ethyl ether (EGEE), diethylene glycol methyl ether (DEGME), diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEGDME), diethylene glycol ethyl ether (DEGEE), diethylene glycol diethyl ether (DEGDEE), triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TriEGDME), and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TeEGDME), in order to fully characterize their thermophysical properties on the (283.15 to 373.15) K temperature range and at atmospheric pressure. Apart from their properties characterization, the set of compounds selected allows the study of the effect of the molecule chain length, and therefore the increase of the number of ether groups, and the effect of replacing the hydrogen(s) of the glycols hydroxyl group(s)

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. Eleven glycols and glymes were studied in this work, namely, ethylene glycol (EG), diethylene glycol (DEG), triethylene glycol (TriEG), tetraethylene glycol (TeEG), ethylene glycol ethyl ether (EGEE), diethylene glycol methyl ether (DEGME), diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEGDME), diethylene glycol ethyl ether (DEGEE), diethylene glycol diethyl ether (DEGDEE), triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TriEGDME), and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TeEGDME). The compounds chemical structures, purities, suppliers, and corresponding designations are presented in Table 1. It is well established that even small amounts of water and other impurities have a great impact in the compound’s properties, especially on transport properties like viscosity. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


density and speed of sound were measured at atmospheric pressure and in the (283.15 to 343.15) K temperature range. The standard uncertainty on the density of this equipment is (0.5, 1 and 2) kg·m−3 for the samples of 99.5%, 99% and 98% purity, respectively, and 1.0 m·s−1 on the speed of sound. Before each measurement, all samples were heated in an oven, under nitrogen, at the maximum experimental temperature. Then, for the same single sample, a complete series of measurements were made, decreasing the temperature from (343.15 to 283.15) K in decrements of 10 K until 313.15 K and in decrements of 5 K from therein downward. At each temperature, three to seven data readings were taken and some measurements were repeated with a new injection, allowing asserting an estimate for the repeatability and reproducibility for density values lower than 0.0005 % and 0.004 %, respectively, and for speed of sound of 0.01 % and 0.07 %, respectively. The standard uncertainty on the temperature is 0.01 K. Further details regarding the use of the equipment, calibration, and methodologies for the determination of densities and speed of sound can be found elsewhere.3 2.3. Refractive Index. Measurements of refractive index (nD) were performed at 589.3 nm using an automated Abbemat 500 Anton Paar refractometer. Refractive index measurements were carried out in the temperature range from (283.15 to 353.15) K and at atmospheric pressure. The Abbemat 500 Anton Paar refractometer uses reflected light to measure the refractive index, where the sample on the top of the measuring prism is irradiated from different angles by a light-emitting diode (LED). The standard uncertainty in temperature is 0.05 K, and 2 × 10−4 nD on the refractive index.

Therefore, in order to remove traces of water and volatile compounds, individual samples of each glycol were dried at moderate temperature (≈ 323 K), vacuum (≈ 0.1 Pa), and under continuous stirring for a minimum of 48 h prior to the measurements. The only exceptions were the diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DEGDME) and ethylene glycol ethyl ether (EGEE) that were too volatile for this treatment and would distill under these conditions. For these compounds, a purification by distillation was carried. From a sample of 25 mL, an initial fraction of about 5 mL was discarded in order to remove water and solvents. The remaining 15 mL of compound was further distilled and the distillate used; the remaining compound was also discarded. Before each measurement, the compound was further distilled (discarding small initial fractions) to remove traces of water adsorbed during the compound manipulation. The purity of each glycol was checked by 1H and 13C NMR, both before and after the measurements, to ensure that no degradation occurred. The final water content, after the drying step and immediately before the measurements, was determined with a Metrohm 831 Karl Fischer coulometer (using the Hydranal−Coulomat AG from Riedel-de Haën as analyte). The average water content, the molecular weight, and the mass purity of each glycol are presented in Table 1. 2.2. Density, Viscosity, and Speed of Sound. Two approaches were used to determine the compound’s density. One using a SVM3000 rotational Stabinger viscometer−densimeter and other using a DSA 5000 M vibrating tube densimeter and ultrasound speed meter both from Anton Paar. Using the automated SVM3000 Anton Paar rotational Stabinger viscometer−densimeter, density (ρ) and dynamic viscosity (η) were determined in the temperature range from (283.15 to 373.15) K and at atmospheric pressure (0.1 ± 0.01 MPa) within a standard uncertainty on the density of (0.5, 1 and 2) kg·m−3 for the samples of 99.5%, 99% and 98% purity, respectively, and 2 % on the dynamic viscosity. The standard uncertainty on the temperature is 0.02 K. Further details regarding the use of the equipment and methodologies for the determination of densities and viscosities can be found elsewhere.2 As will be shown and discussed below, some compounds present very low viscosity values. Thus, in order to experimentally determine these viscosities, the SVM3000 viscometer-densimeter was calibrated for low viscosities by using n-octane as the reference fluid and validated using other low viscosity compounds. Within this low viscosity calibration (0.360 to 1.271) mPa·s the dynamic viscosity standard uncertainty obtained was 2.8 %. Using the DSA 5000 M vibrating tube densimeter and ultrasound speed meter (ultrasound transducer frequency of 3 MHz),

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1. Density. The density measurements were carried out at atmospheric pressure and in the temperature range from (283.15 to 373.15) K using the SVM3000 Anton Paar rotational Stabinger viscometer−densimeter and in the (283.15 to 343.15) K temperature range using the DSA 5000 M vibrating tube densimeter and ultrasound speed meter. Even though both equipment use the same technique to determine the density two different approaches were adopted in the determination of the compounds densities. Although for the SVM3000, all the compounds were purified as described above, for the DSA 5000 M measurements, the densities of EG, DEG, DEGME, EGEE, DEGEE, and DEGDEE were determined by extrapolating the compound aqueous mixtures densities, with known compositions, using a linear fit, as depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Density as a function of DEG (left) and glycol (right) mole fractions. The solid lines represent the linear fit to the experimental data and the extrapolation to water mole fractions down to zero. C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Considering the small deviations observed between the two equipment and methodologies adopted and the fact that the density measurements obtained using the SVM3000 density− viscometer were performed using the pure ILs, the results obtained from the SVM3000 will be used this point onward as the experimental density data for the discussion and literature comparison. Inherently to their industrial interest, density values for these compounds are widely available in the literature (a summary of all the literature density data used in this work is provided in Table S5 in the Supporting Information).4−55 Overall, small and nonsystematic relative deviations between the data determined here and that available in the literature is observed; nonetheless, some discrepancies among different authors are found, as depicted in Figure 3. Percentage absolute average deviations, %AAD, of 0.21 % and 0.17 % for the glycols and the remaining compounds, respectively, are observed. Moreover, the percentage absolute average deviations found among the literature data is larger than those observed between the two approaches used. The density values, for the studied compounds, are reported in Table 2 and depicted in Figure 4. As depicted in Figures 4 and 5, and commonly observed for other common organic compounds, the glycols’ densities increase with the number and molar density of the ethoxy groups. The substitution of one hydrogen in one of the hydroxyl groups by a CH3 leads to an important decrease on the density, as seen in Figure 5 for the case of DEG−EGME and TriEG− DEGME. Moreover, the substitution of both hydrogens on the diols hydroxyl groups, by either an ethyl or methyl group, leads also to a decrease on the densities denoting the impact of the loss of hydrogen bonding capability on the bulk organization and compactness. Nonetheless, the substitution of both hydroxyl hydrogens, by CH3 groups, does not lead to a decrease proportionally larger to that observed for only one substitution. Molar volumes, Vm, were calculated and are reported in Tables 3 and 4 and depicted in Figure 6 as a function of temperature. As shown, the glycols and glymes present a small temperature dependency and increase in the order EG < DEG ≈ EGEE < DEGME < TriEG ≈ DEGEE < DEGDME < TeEG < DEGDEE ≈ TriEGDME < TeEGDME. For the diols (EG, DEG, TriEG, and TeEG) and glycol dimethyl ethers (DEGDME, TriEGDME, and TeEGDME) the

These solutions were prepared using high-purity water from a Milli-Q system from Millipore and kept in special tight flasks with Teflon caps to prevent evaporation and contamination by contact with air. The aqueous mixtures compositions and densities are reported in Table S1 in the Supporting Information. The standard uncertainty in solution composition, expressed in mole fraction, was estimated to be less than 0.001 and the standard uncertainty of the extrapolated densities of the pure compounds, based on the quality of the fits and calculated with the error propagation method, were found to range from (1.1 to 0.04) kg·m−3 for EG and DEGEE, respectively (the complete list of the extrapolated densities expanded uncertainties are reported in Table S3 in the Supporting Information). The densities for the remaining four compounds were determined through their measurements after the drying procedure following the same procedure adopted for the SVM3000. Using the two approaches, only small average relative deviations N

%AD =

∑ i=1

ρDSA5000M − ρSVM300 ρSVM300


·100 (1)

of −0.14 % (Δρmax = −0.0014 g·cm−3) were observed between the two equipment and methodologies, as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Density deviations (density values used in g·cm−3) between the SVM3000 and the DSA 5000 M results as a function of temperature, for the studied compounds.

Figure 3. Density relative deviations between the literature4−55 and the experimental density data, obtained through the SVM3000 densimeter, as a function of temperature. D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX











1.1214 1.1178 1.1142 1.1106 1.1070 1.1034 1.0997 1.0961 1.0925 1.0888 1.0852 1.0815 1.0778 1.0741 1.0703 1.0666 1.0628 1.0590




1.1233 1.1198 1.1162 1.1127 1.1091 1.1055 1.1019 1.1286 1.1246 1.1207 1.1168 1.1129 1.1090 1.1051 1.1012 1.0973 1.0934 1.0895 1.0856 1.0817 1.0778 1.0738 1.0698 1.0659 1.0619 1.0845



1.1313 1.1274 1.1235 1.1197 1.1158 1.1119 1.1080 1.1312 1.1271 1.1231 1.1191 1.1151 1.1111 1.1072 1.1032 1.0992 1.0953 1.0913 1.0873 1.0834 1.0794 1.0753 1.0713 1.0673 1.0632 1.0843



1.1321 1.1281 1.1241 1.1201 1.1161 1.1122 1.1082 1.0253 1.0210 1.0163 1.0119 1.0074 1.0030 0.9988 0.9943 0.9898 0.9853 0.9810 0.9765 0.9718 0.9672 0.9625 0.9579 0.9531 0.9485 0.9750



1.0286 1.0242 1.0198 1.0154 1.0110 1.0066 1.0021 0.9502 0.9452 0.9402 0.9352 0.9302 0.9252 0.9202 0.9152 0.9101 0.9050 0.8999 0.8948 0.8897 0.8846 0.8794 0.8742 0.8690 0.8638 0.8934



0.9537 0.9487 0.9438 0.9388 0.9338 0.9288 0.9238 0.9908 0.9860 0.9815 0.9767 0.9719 0.9672 0.9624 0.9577 0.9529 0.9481 0.9433 0.9386 0.9338 0.9290 0.9242 0.9194 0.9145 0.9097 0.9369



0.9941 0.9894 0.9846 0.9799 0.9751 0.9704 0.9656 1.0170 1.0123 1.0076 1.0031 0.9988 0.9941 0.9895 0.9849 0.9802 0.9756 0.9710 0.9665 0.9619 0.9573 0.9527 0.9481 0.9435 0.9389 0.9653



1.0207 1.0161 1.0115 1.0068 1.0022 0.9976 0.9930 0.9368 0.9323 0.9277 0.9231 0.9185 0.9139 0.9093 0.9046 0.8999 0.8951 0.8904 0.8855 0.8807 0.8758 0.8710 0.8661 0.8612 0.8563 0.8852



0.9412 0.9367 0.9322 0.9276 0.9231 0.9185 0.9138 0.9939 0.9894 0.9849 0.9804 0.9760 0.9715 0.9670 0.9625 0.9581 0.9535 0.9490 0.9444 0.9399 0.9353 0.9307 0.9261 0.9214 0.9168




0.9971 0.9926 0.9882 0.9837 0.9793 0.9748 0.9703

0.9144 0.9096 0.9047 0.8998 0.8950 0.8901 0.8853 0.8804 0.8756 0.8707 0.8659 0.8610 0.8561 0.8512 0.8463 0.8414 0.8365 0.8316




0.9170 0.9122 0.9074 0.9026 0.8977 0.8929 0.8881

a Standard temperature uncertainty, u(T), is 0.02 K and 0.01 K for the SVM300 and DSA 5000 M measurements, respectively; the standard density uncertainties are (0.5 , 1 and 2) kg·m−3 for the samples of 99.5%, 99% and 98% purity, respectively.




1.1202 1.1168 1.1133 1.1098 1.1063 1.1027 1.0992



1.1182 1.1146 1.1111 1.1076 1.1041 1.1005 1.0970 1.0934 1.0898 1.0862 1.0826 1.0789 1.0752 1.0715 1.0678 1.0640 1.0602 1.0564



283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15 308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15 333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15


DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA DSA SVM3000 DSA5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 DSA5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 DSA5000M SVM3000 5000M SVM3000 5000M


Table 2. Densities, ρ, as a Function of Temperature and at Atmospheric Pressure, (0.10 ± 0.01) MPa, for the Studied Glycols and Glymesa

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data Article

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Figure 4. Density as a function of temperature for the studied glycols.

Figure 5. Density of the studied glycols and glymes at 298 K.

Table 3. Molar Volumes, Vm, Viscosity, η, and Refractive Index, nD, as a Function of Temperature and at Atmospheric Pressure, (0.10 ± 0.01) MPa, for the Glycolsa T













308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

56.22 56.40 56.58 56.77 56.96

11.577 9.627 8.182 6.980 6.007








333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

57.14 57.33 57.53 57.73 57.93

5.197 4.555 4.010 3.552 3.161


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

97.47 97.79 98.12 98.46 98.80

7.570 6.561 5.718 5.019 4.429


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

137.34 137.83 138.33 138.83 139.33

9.528 8.221 7.137 6.243 5.487


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

177.33 177.98 178.64 179.28 179.94

11.367 9.784 8.480 7.405 6.491









358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

58.13 58.34 58.55 58.76

2.835 2.552 2.306 2.102

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

99.15 99.49 99.85 100.21

3.944 3.527 3.169 2.871

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

139.85 140.37 140.89 141.42

4.874 4.346 3.896 3.515

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

180.63 181.30 181.98 182.68

5.762 5.127 4.585 4.116

EG 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

55.51 55.69 55.86 56.04

26.801 21.197 17.134 13.998

1.43461 1.43312 1.43167 1.43000 1.42855

1.42562 1.42260

1.41655 1.41351

DEG 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

94.63 94.94 95.24 95.55

47.142 36.020 28.233 22.478

1.45019 1.44860 1.44702 1.44540 1.44379

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

95.86 96.18 96.50 96.82 97.14

18.180 14.852 12.3993 10.419 8.849

1.44068 1.43745

1.43105 1.42786

TriEG 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

133.06 133.53 134.00 134.46

63.57 48.05 37.27 29.41

1.45944 1.45774 1.45610 1.45447 1.45283

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

134.94 135.41 135.89 136.37 136.85

23.599 19.158 15.863 13.252 11.192

1.44955 1.44626

1.43956 1.43622

TeEG 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

171.70 172.33 172.94 173.56

79.710 59.678 45.862 35.923

1.46333 1.46169 1.45999 1.45827 1.45661

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

174.18 174.81 175.42 176.06 176.70

28.464 23.158 19.080 15.887 13.380

1.45319 1.44976

1.44288 1.43947


Standard uncertainty in the temperature, u(T), is 0.02 K and 0.01 K for the SVM300 and DSA 5000 M measurements, respectively, in the viscosity, u(η), is 2 % and in the refractive index, u(nD), is 2·10−4; the combined standard uncertainty in the molar volume, uc(Vm), is 1.10−2 cm3·mol−1. F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 4. Molar Volumes, Vm, Viscosity, η, and Refractive Index, nD, as a Function of Temperature and at Atmospheric Pressure, (0.10 ± 0.01) MPa, for the Glymesa T K


Vm −1

cm ·mol 3





Vm cm ·mol 3






Vm −1


cm ·mol


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

148.25 149.09 149.94 150.80 151.67

0.633 0.599 0.566 0.537 0.505


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

186.32 187.35 188.42 189.50 190.59

0.744 0.699 0.658 0.621 0.587


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

187.99 188.94 189.89 190.87 191.85

1.064 1.026 0.962 0.903 0.814


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

227.84 228.92 229.98 231.08 232.19

1.677 1.566 1.456 1.358 1.250


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

100.68 101.21 101.77 102.33 102.90

0.962 0.895 0.829 0.770 0.725


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

121.94 122.48 123.04 123.64 124.22

1.606 1.489 1.372 1.268 1.155


333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15

140.71 141.38 142.07 142.75 143.45

1.718 1.583 1.456 1.343 1.225






Vm −1

cm ·mol


358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

152.57 153.48 154.40 155.33

0.486 0.464 0.444 0.441

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

191.69 192.81 193.94 195.08

0.556 0.526 0.498 0.470

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

192.85 193.85 194.89 195.92

0.801 0.756 0.715 0.650

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

233.32 234.45 235.59 236.75

1.188 1.115 1.047 0.978

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

103.47 104.05 104.64 105.24

0.666 0.623 0.584 0.542

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

124.83 125.43 126.06 126.67

1.094 1.019 0.950 0.877

358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

144.16 144.88 145.62 146.35

1.153 1.072 0.997 0.921



DEGDME 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

141.20 141.95 142.70 143.47

1.161 1.081 1.011 0.942

1.41249 1.41020 1.40802 1.40579 1.40359

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

144.24 145.02 145.81 146.60 147.42

0.879 0.825 0.767 0.718 0.674

1.39921 1.39490

1.38623 1.38178

DEGDEE 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

177.42 178.35 179.32 180.30

1.483 1.353 1.254 1.156

1.41658 1.41428 1.41202 1.40978 1.40749

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

181.26 182.26 183.25 184.27 185.28

1.067 0.9874 0.916 0.852 0.795

1.40296 1.39838

1.38929 1.38474

TriEGDME 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

179.89 180.76 181.59 182.48

2.414 2.162 1.956 1.777

1.42712 1.42498 1.42284 1.42071 1.41862

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

183.38 184.27 185.19 186.10 187.04

1.623 1.439 1.373 1.270 1.179

1.41434 1.41005

1.40153 1.39723

TeEGDME 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

218.56 219.58 220.60 221.59

4.337 3.846 3.335 2.967

1.43599 1.43414 1.43196 1.42992 1.42777

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

222.55 223.60 224.64 225.69 226.77

2.660 2.389 2.183 1.995 1.832

1.42373 1.41973

1.41174 1.40773

EGEE 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

96.20 96.66 97.14 97.63

2.314 2.066 1.845 1.661

1.41490 1.41250 1.41024 1.40803 1.40613

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

98.12 98.61 99.11 99.62 100.14

1.503 1.365 1.247 1.143 1.051

1.40180 1.39691

1.38849 1.38380

DEGME 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

117.19 117.68 118.22 118.74

4.514 3.963 3.403 3.000

1.42914 1.42723 1.42498 1.42390 1.42174

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

119.27 119.79 120.29 120.84 121.39

2.666 2.373 2.148 1.946 1.772

1.41733 1.41368

1.40635 1.40241

DEGEE 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15

134.99 135.61 136.23 136.85

5.157 4.466 3.811 3.328

1.43110 1.42916 1.42711 1.42501 1.42290

308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15

137.47 138.11 138.75 139.40 140.04

2.933 2.592 2.331 2.099 1.901

1.41887 1.41483

1.40683 1.40276


Standard uncertainties in temperature, u(T), is 0.02 K and 0.01 K for the SVM300 and DSA 5000 M measurements, respectively, in density, u(η), is 2 % and in refractive index, u(nD), is 2·10−4; the combined standard uncertainty is uc (Vm) = 1.10−2 cm3·mol−1.

compounds’ molar volume increases with the molar volume of the ethoxy group increase in the order of 38.8 cm3·mol−1. Furthermore, the substitution of a hydrogen on one of the diols’ hydroxyl groups by an ethyl groupfor the case of EG and EGEE as well as DEG and DEGEEpresent an increase of 40.5 cm3·mol−1 that corresponds to the sum of the CH3 and CH2 groups volumes, as observed for the case of DEG and DEGME (ΔVm = 22.6 cm3·mol−1) and DEGME and DEGEE (ΔVm = 17.8 cm3.mol−1). These observations confirm the molar volumes characteristic additivity. Thermal Expansion Coef f icient. The isobaric thermal expansion coefficients, αp, of the studied compounds, which reflect the volumetric changes with temperature, were calculated with the following equation

αp =

1 ⎛⎜ ∂V ⎞⎟ 1 ⎛ ∂ρ ⎞ =− ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ρ ⎝ ∂T ⎠ p V ∂T p


where ρ is the density, T is the temperature, and p is a fixed pressure. In the temperature range covered, the density of all the compounds studied can be described using a quartic equation of the type ρ /kg·m−3 = A + B ·T + C·T 2 + D·T 3 + E ·T 4


The appropriate number coefficients (4 or 5) was optimized using the F-test statistical analysis and are reported in Table S7 in Supporting Information together with the standard deviations. The calculated thermal expansion coefficients for the compounds studied are reported in Table S8 in the Supporting G

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Figure 6. Molar volume as a function of temperature (top) and at 298.15 K (bottom) for the studied compounds.

Figure 7. Thermal expansion coefficients of the studied compounds at 298 K.

Information and depicted in Figure 7, where it can be seen that the change in the density of glycols and glymes is small as the temperature increases, which denotes the weak thermal expansion of these compounds. The results also indicate that for the diols, the thermal expansion increases with the number of ethoxy groups, whereas for the glymes, the thermal expansion decreases with the number of ethoxy groups. Moreover, the substitution of the hydrogens in the diols terminal hydroxyl groups leads to an increase on the thermal expansion. In fact, the thermal expansion

increases with the number of hydrogen substitutions, as depicted in Figure 7. This behavior denotes structures more rigid and optimally packed for the compounds with one and then two terminal OH groups. Furthermore, one can also observe, with no surprise, that this effect is more significant for the shorter glycols. 3.2. Viscosity. The viscosity measurements were carried out at atmospheric pressure and in the (288.15 to 373.15) K using the SVM3000 Anton Paar rotational Stabinger viscometer− densimeter, as reported in Tables 3 and 4 and depicted in Figure 8. H

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Figure 8. Viscosity as a function of temperature for the studied compounds.

Figure 9. Viscosity relative deviations between the literature7,9−12,16,18−21,28,32,34,35,38,40,42,43,55−71 and the experimental viscosity data.

Figure 10. Viscosity of the studied compounds at 298 K.

TriEG and DEG, Kumagai et al.56 for DEG, Islam et al.73 and Miller et al.74 for EGEE, and Pal et al.67 for DEGME. By other hand, small deviations toward Corradini et al.12 (−0.02 %) or Ge et al.60 (0.67 %) for EG and Mesquita et al.23 (−0.34 %) for DEG and TriEG can be found. As depicted in Figure 10, the loss of the hydroxyl groups, through the substitution of the hydroxyl groups’ hydrogen by a methyl, leads to a significant decrease in the viscosity. Furthermore, the substitution by an ethyl, instead of methyl group, leads to a slightly lower decrease in the viscosity than that

For the viscosity, fewer data is available in the literature7,9−12,16,18−21,28,32,34,35,38,40,42,43,55−71 compared with that for density (a summary of all the literature viscosity data used in this work is provided in Table S5 in the Supporting Information). As depicted in Figure 9, viscosity data for the same compound presents some deviations among the authors, with our data presenting absolute average deviations of 7.4 % toward the literature values. Moreover, the viscosity data determined here are coherent with almost all the data available, but larger deviations are observed toward the data of Kinart et al.72 for I

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Figure 11. Refractive index as a function of temperature for the studied compounds.

experimental refractive indices of the investigated compounds are shown in Figure 11 and reported in Tables 3 and 4. The refractive indices were measured in the (283.15 to 353.15) K temperature range, at atmospheric pressure, upward and downward on the temperature with no hysteresis effects observed. The relative deviations between the data measure in this work and that reported in literature7,8,16,17,19,28,30,31,33,34,41,48,52,53,65,71,74−87 are depicted in Figure 12 (a summary of all the literature refractive index data used in this work is provided in Table S5 in the Supporting Information). As shown, small and no systematic deviations (%AAD = 0.10 %) were identified. As depicted in Figure 13, the increase of ethoxy groups in the compound leads to an increase of the refractive index. Nonetheless, contrary to that observed for the molar volume behavior this increase is not constant but seems to present an asymptotic tendency toward a constant value. This behavior seems even more evident if the data for the diols is plotted with the refractive indices of polyethylene glycols88 with different molecular weights, as depicted in Figure S1 in Supporting Information. On the other hand, the loss of the hydroxy groups, through the substitution of the hydroxyl groups’ hydrogen by a methyl, leads to a decrease of the refractive index. Furthermore, similar to what is observed for the molar volumes’ behavior, the substitution by an ethyl, instead of a methyl group, leads to a slightly lower decrease, as seen for the pairs DEGME−DEGEE and DEGDME−DEGDEE, for which an increment of a CH2

Figure 12. Refractive index relative deviations, between experimental and literature7,8,16,17,19,28,30,31,33,34,41,48,52,53,65,71,74−87 data, as a function of temperature for the studied compounds.

observed for the methyl substitution, as seen for the pairs DEGME−DEGEE and DEGDME−DEGDEE. Moreover, the increment of ethoxy groups in the compound leads to an increase of the viscosity. 3.3. Refractive Index. The refractive index is an optical property of materials and specifies the dielectric response of a fluid to an electrical field induced by electromagnetic waves. The

Figure 13. Refractive index of the studied compounds at 298.15 K. J

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Standard uncertainty in the temperature, u(T), is 0.02 K and 0.01 K for the SVM300 and DSA 5000 M measurements, respectively, in sound speed, uc(u), is 1 m·s−1; the combined standard uncertainty uc(kS) = 1.10−13 kg·m−2·s−1. a

6.419 6.658 6.908 7.168 7.442 7.727 8.031 8.682 9.378 10.138 1303.4 1283.2 1263.1 1243.3 1223.4 1203.9 1184.1 1145.1 1107.9 1071.6 4.727 4.879 5.037 5.201 5.370 5.547 5.731 6.117 6.532 6.978 1439.7 1420.3 1401.0 1382.0 1363.1 1344.3 1325.6 1289.1 1253.4 1218.5 5.122 5.297 5.478 5.665 5.861 6.064 6.278 6.727 7.217 7.744 1401.4 1381.4 1361.6 1342.1 1322.8 1303.6 1284.4 1246.9 1209.9 1174.0 5.834 6.050 6.271 6.502 6.744 6.998 7.265 7.837 8.465 9.154 1340.7 1320.0 1299.9 1280.0 1260.1 1240.3 1220.6 1181.7 1143.4 1105.8 4.913 5.064 5.218 5.380 5.547 5.721 5.899 6.281 6.693 7.137 1428.9 1410.5 1392.6 1374.6 1356.8 1339.0 1321.7 1286.9 1252.6 1218.9 5.740 5.928 6.121 6.323 6.543 6.765 7.001 7.504 8.045 8.635 1360.6 1342.0 1323.9 1305.7 1286.7 1268.6 1250.2 1213.8 1178.5 1143.7 4.513 4.642 4.777 4.916 5.060 5.210 5.365 5.694 6.049 6.432 1467.7 1450.2 1432.7 1415.4 1398.1 1380.9 1363.9 1329.7 1296.1 1262.7 3.254 3.334 3.414 3.496 3.580 3.665 3.753 3.935 4.127 4.330 1647.6 1630.6 1614.1 1597.9 1582.0 1566.3 1550.6 1519.8 1489.4 1459.4 3.213 3.287 3.362 3.439 3.518 3.598 3.680 3.851 4.032 4.224 1658.7 1642.8 1627.2 1611.5 1596.2 1581.1 1566.0 1536.3 1506.8 1477.5 3.409 3.473 3.538 3.604 3.672 3.741 3.813 3.960 4.117 4.284 1615.9 1603.6 1591.4 1579.2 1566.9 1554.9 1542.8 1518.8 1494.5 1470.1 3.126 3.179 3.234 3.291 3.349 3.408 3.469 3.597 3.733 3.876 1689.9 1678.3 1666.5 1654.7 1642.9 1631.1 1619.3 1595.5 1571.5 1547.4 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15 308.15 313.15 323.15 333.15 343.15



u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS


u 1010·kS



m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1 m·s−1 kg·m−2·s‑1

As depicted in Figure 17, the glycols (EG, DEG, TriEG, and TeEG) present similar isentropic compressibilities, whereas the glymes (DEGDME, TriEGDME, and TeEGDME) present a decrease on the isentropic compressibilities as the number of ethoxy groups increase. Moreover, the loss of the hydroxyl groups, due to the substitution of the hydroxyl group hydrogen




1 ρu 2


ks =


group, in the methyl terminal groups, leads to a small increase of the refractive index. 3.4. Sound Velocity. The sound velocity measurements were carried out at atmospheric pressure and in the (283.15 to 343.15) K temperature range using the DSA 5000 M vibrating tube densimeter and ultrasound speed meter from Anton Paar, as reported in Table 5 and depicted in Figure 14. The same procedure adopted for the EG, DEG, DEGME, EGEE, DEGEE, and DEGDEE density evaluation, of determining the pure density through the extrapolation of aqueous mixture densities down to water mole fractions of zero, was also followed for the sound velocities. The aqueous mixtures’ compositions and sound speed are reported in Table S2 in the Supporting Information. The standard uncertainties of the extrapolated sound speeds, of the pure compounds, based on the quality of the fits and calculated with the error propagation method are reported in Table S4 in the Supporting Information. Experimental sound velocities for the compounds studied are much scarcer that those available for the other properties evaluated. Furthermore, small deviations (%AAD of 0.3 %) are found between the experimental data determined here and those reported in the literature,7−9,18,26,31,55,82,89−103 as depicted in Figure 15 (a summary of all the literature sound speed data used in this work is provided in Table S5 in the Supporting Information). The highest deviations observed are against data reported by George et al.8 for EG, DEG, and TriEG and for the temperatures above 328 K and seem related to the inconsistent behavior observed within the authors’ data.8 As depicted in Figures 14 and 16, the increase of the ethoxy groups leads to an increase of the sound speed for the glymes (DEGDME, TriEGDME, and TeEGDME), whereas for the glycols (EG, DEG, TriEG, and TeEG), the behavior observed does not follow a monotonic trend, with DEG presenting smaller sound speeds than all the other glycols. Despite being exceptional, this behavior has been reported by others.8,18,26,93,94 Nonetheless, if DEG is removed from the series and PEG400 added, the glycols’ sound speed seems to decrease with the increase of the molecular weight, as depicted in Figure S2 in Supporting Information. On the other hand, the loss of the hydroxyl groups, and therefore the loss of the capability to establish hydrogen bonds, leads to a significant decrease of the speed of sound. Similar to that observed for density and viscosity, this decrease is more relevant for the case of the loss of one hydroxyl group, through the substitution of the hydroxyl group’s hydrogen by a methyl or ethyl group, than for the case of the loss of both hydroxyl groups. Isentropic Compressibilities. Because there was no evidence of ultrasonic absorption at the working frequency (3 MHz) of the sound speed analyzer, u can be considered a pure thermodynamic property.104 Therefore, isentropic compressibilities, ks, reported in Table 5 and depicted in Figure 17, can be estimated by combining u and ρ through the Newton−Laplace equation


Table 5. Sound Speed, u, and Isentropic Compressibility, ks, as a Function of Temperature and at Atmospheric Pressure, (0.10 ± 0.01) MPa, for the Compounds Studieda


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Figure 14. Sound speed as a function of temperature for the studied compounds.

Figure 15. Sound speed percentage average deviations between experimental and literature data.7−9,18,26,31,55,82,89−103

by a methyl or ethyl group, leads to an increase of the ks. The behaviors observed are in agreement with the general pattern evidencing higher speeds of sound for compounds whose structures present higher rigidity.

The compounds evaluated were selected to evaluate the impact of molecular structure changes on their thermophysical properties. The increase of ethoxy groups has shown to lead to an increase of the density, molar volume, viscosity, and refractive index. Furthermore, the loss of the hydroxyl groups, through the substitution of the hydroxyl groups’ hydrogen by a methyl group leads to a significant decrease on the density, viscosity, and sound speed. However, the substitution by an ethyl group, instead of methyl, leads to a slightly lower decrease than that observed for the methyl substitution. Moreover, the decrease of the density, viscosity, and speed of sound, observed due to the substitution of both hydrogens on the diols hydroxyl groups by either an ethyl or methyl group, is not proportionally larger to that observed for only one substitution. This behavior although denoting the impact of the loss of hydrogen bonding capability on the bulk organization and compactness, evidence that the hydroxyl groups do not have the same influence.

4. CONCLUSIONS Experimental data for density, viscosity, refractive index, and sound speed of 11 glycols and glymes were measured in the temperature range between (283.15 and 373.15) K and at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, derivative properties, such isobaric thermal expansion coefficient and isentropic compressibilities, were also estimated and discussed. For the density determination, two different approaches were adopted, whereas for the SVM3000 densimeter, all the compounds went through a purification process, for the DSA 5000 M measurements the densities of EG, DEG, DEGME, EGEE, DEGEE, and DEGDEE were determined by extrapolating aqueous mixtures’ densities to the pure compound density. L

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Figure 16. Sound speed of the studied compounds at 298.15 K.

Figure 17. Isentropic compressibilities of the studied compounds at 298.15 K.

the loss of the hydroxyl groups, due to the substitution of the hydroxyl group hydrogen by a methyl or ethyl group, leads to an increase of the isentropic compressibilities. These behaviors are in agreement with the general pattern evidencing higher speeds of sound for compounds whose structures present higher rigidity.

On the other hand, the small change in the glycols’ and glymes’ density as the temperature increases denotes the weak thermal expansion of these compounds. The results also indicate that for the diols, the thermal expansion increases with the number of ethoxy groups, whereas for the glymes, the thermal expansion decreases. Moreover, the substitution of the hydrogens in the diols’ terminal hydroxyl groups leads to an increase on the thermal expansion. In fact, the thermal expansion increases with the number of hydrogen substitutions denoting structures more rigid and optimally packed for the compounds with one and then two terminal OH groups. However, similar isentropic compressibilities were observed for the glycols, whereas for the glymes, a decrease on the isentropic compressibilities as the number of ethoxy groups increase is observed. Moreover,


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662. Refractive index plots; sound speed plots; experimental density data for the glycols and glymes aqueous solutions; M

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Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: +351 234 401 507. Fax: +351 234 370 084. Funding

This work was developed in the scope of the projects CICECOAveiro Institute of Materials (ref FCT UID/ CTM/50011/2013) and financial supported under FCT projects CQE-FC-UL (ref FCT UID/QUI/00100/2013) and CQB- FCUL (ref FCT UID/MULTI/00612/2013), financed by national funds through the FCT/MEC and cofinanced by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement. A.F.S.S. and P.J.C. also acknowledge University of Lisbon for granting sabbatical leave of absence in the academic year 2014/2015 and FCT for the postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/82264/2011, respectively. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.5b00662 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX