Third December chemical engineering symposium of industrial

Erle M. Billings. J. Chem. Educ. , 1936, 13 (12), p 591. DOI: 10.1021/ed013p591. Publication Date: December 1936. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 13, 12, XXX...
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THIRD DECEMBER CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM OF INDUSTRIAL DIVISION EACH holiday season has come to be looked upon as cal engineering staffs of leading oil companies and equipthe annual time for the Division of Industrial and ment manufacturers. It is sufficient to say a t this time that when the Engineering Chemistry to hold a symposium of special interest and importance to chemical engineers and those names of the contributors for the final program are in industries and universities who are dealing with announced, no one who has any connection with work problems bearing upon manufacturing and develop- relating to absorption or extraction will wish to miss this important symposium. So it is suggested that ment. Two years ago in December a t Massachusetts In- definite plans be made to attend this meeting by arstitute of Technology, an outstanding symposium was rangingfor hotel accommodations a t this time. This can held on the subject of "Distillation." A year ago, be taken care of by writing to J.J. Morgan, Professor under the same auspices, a symposium on "Heat Trans- of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, New mission" was conducted a t Yale University. The at- York, N. Y., or to your favorite New York hotel. There will be an informal dinner Monday night, tendance a t both of these meetings was very good. Not only were the papers of high merit, but the dis- December 28th, which will be addressed by a prominent cussion which followed each was pertinent, timely, and speaker, perhaps a man not in any way connected with chemistry or chemical engineering. There will be stimulating. Again this year the Division will hold a symposium. luncheon facilities a t or near the University during Monday and Tuesday, and all the meetings will be held It will be a t Columbia University on Monday and Tuesday, December 28th and 29th. The subject will be a t Havemeyer Hall, Columbia University. For several months the committee, consisting of Dr. "Absorption and Extraction." The program is well advanced and definite promises of papers have been T. H. Chilton, Professor B. F. Dodge, Professor D. B. received, being equally divided between the two re- Keyes, Professor J. J. Morgan, Professor T. K. Sherlated topics. As has been the practice in previous wood, and the officersof the Division of Industrial and symposia, the contributors are from both industrial Engineering Chemistry, have been arranging the details and educational sources. Reports are expected on of the program, which will occupy the full two days, research done a t the University of Birmingham, Eng- December 28th and 29th. Another reason why you should attend the sympoland, Drexel Institute, University of Illinois, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State sium is that members of your family will enjoy a shopCollege, Princeton University, and the University of ping and theater tour of New York City. Virginia, as well as a number of papers from the chemiERLE M. BILLINGS, Secretary-Treasurer