Thirtieth Anniversary of Laminated Safety Glass Marked by General

9972, issued, entitled "Improvement in Glass Screen Windows for Motor Cars." British patents at that time gave the occupation of inventors and, strang...
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of physicists. T h e work reviewed in t h e s e columns last year on nuclear transformations has been continued. Literally hundreds of nuclear ' ' r e a c t i o n s " are now known, in the course of which the nuclei of elements are changed to those of o t h e r elements or other isotopes of t h e s a m e element. These changes m a y be caused by t h e incidence of alpha-particles, protons, deuterons, o r neutrons (and possibly other rays) a n d give rise in t u r n to rays of all these types. Artificial R a d i o a c t i v i t y Some of t h e product nuclei are isotopes not before found occurring in n a t u r e . There are cases in which the same product can be formed in more than one w a y . M a n y of t h e new isotopes formed are unstable and shortly break down into stable known elements by t h e emission of an electron or a positron. This is t h e phenomenon of "artificial" or " i n d u c e d " radioactivity. Attempts are being made to increase the "yield" of artificial radioactivity to t h e point of competition with naturally occurring radium and its products. It appears likely t h a t the effort will be successful. It is necessary to select an artificial radio element which decays slowly enough for practical purposes (halflife a matter of hours r a t h e r than minutes or less) and yet not so slowly t h a t its radiations are too weak. It must also be one which can be produced relatively easily by a nuclear reaction. T h e most promising k n o w n reaction is t h a t between bombarding deuterons of several million volts energy a n d sodium ( D 2 + Na" > - H l + nNa 2 4 ). The product radiates electrons and decays with a halflife of 15.5 hours ( N a " >• e + 2 2Mg ). Radio-sodium is also produced by o t h e r reactions which involve neutrons—e. g.: nNa" + oni I , M R " + 0n» „AI» + on»

>. „ N a M > ,Hi + „Na24 >- 2 H e 4 + nNa*«

These reactions a n d t h e fact t h a t they are known illustrate the progress made in the field in a very short t i m e . I t has been possible to verify the Einstein law of the equivalence of mass a n d energy (E = mc 2 ). Nuclear reactions use t h e energy of motion of bombarding particles and of mass lost during t h e reactions. T h e total mass a n d energy m u s t be equal for each member of the reaction equation. Certain reactions were observed which seemed not only to d e p a r t from this law of conservation b u t to result in an increase of energy-plus-mass. These have led t o a slight revision of isotopic weights, since confirmed b y Aston with an improved mass spectrograph. Neutrons ordinarily penetrate m a t t e r much more readily t h a n any other particles or rays of comparable energy. T h e y are absorbed more by layers of paraffin, water, or other hydrogen-containing m a t e rials than b y lead. This phenomenon has been explained through the fact t h a t neutrons make a p p a r e n t l y elastic collisions with hydrogen nuclei and give u p a large part of their energy a t each encounter. It has been shown t h a t neutrons may b a t a r o u n d in paraffin until t h e y come into t h e r m a l equilibrium with t h e molecules. N e u t r o n s , so slowed down, no longer pass readily through m a t t e r , b u t are absorbed, probably by being c a p tured into t h e nuclei present. T h e power of absorbing slow neutrons varies m a r k edly among t h e elements, being so great in the case of c a d m i u m t h a t this element can be used as a shield for slow neutron rays.




It i s significant t h a t the Nobel prizes for physics a n d chemistry for 1935 were both awarded for work in these fields. The discovery of t h e neutron was credited to J a m e s Chadwick, winner of t h e physics prize, and t h a t of induced radioactivity to Frederick Joliot a n d his wife, Irene JoliotCurie, winners of t h e chemistry prize. Cosmic Rays Cosmic rays have been investigated as actively in 1935 a s in 1934, t h r o u g h worldwide surveys and pilot balloon ascensions using self-recording instruments, and recently during t h e stratosphere flight of C a p t a i n s Anderson a n d S t e v e n s . M u c h new a n d precise work has also been done in laboratories with counters a n d with cloud chambers in magnetic fields. W h a t ever t h e primary cosmic r a y s m a y be, t h e latter instruments show t h a t they are accompanied by showers of positive and negative electrons. T h e formulation of dependable theories regarding t h e n a t u r e

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a n d source of t h e rays is awaiting t h e stepby-step accumulation of accurate data a n d t h e separation of t h e numerous effects from one a n o t h e r . Atomic Spectra Among other fields m a n y i m p o r t a n t researches have been carried o u t . An example is the extension b y P . W. Bridgm a n of his studies of m a t t e r u n d e r very high pressure. A n u m b e r of new phases have been produced with increased pressures plus mechanical shear. T w o forms of ice produced are s t a b l e enough t o remove from the pressure a p p a r a t u s and examine with x-rays by t h e powder method. A new comprehensive s u r v e y of atomic spectra is being m a d e by G. R . Harrison, using a machine which a u t o matically measures s p e c t r u m plates recording wave lengths to eight characteristic figures and also line intensities. T h e machine has a capacity of 600 lines an hour.

Thirtieth Anniversary o f Laminated Safety Glass Marked by General Use in A u t o m o b i l e s P a u l D. B o o n e , R o o m 4708, U. S . P a t e n t Office, W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . TISa bit h a z a r d o u s to single o u t a defin i t e person a n d unequivocally s t a t e that h e invented some broad basic idea, for, a l t h o u g h the best records available may so indicate, there is nevertheless t h e possibility of plant use to a limited extent of which no records were' kept. B u t J o h n Crewe Wood, of Swindon, England, would seem t o be t h e person to whom t h e honor belongs of inventing laminated safety glass, for in December, 1905 a British p a t e n t , No. 9972, issued, entitled " I m provement i n Glass Screen Windows for M o t o r Cars." British p a t e n t s a t t h a t time gave t h e occupation of inventors a n d , s t r a n g e as it m a y seem, Wood w a s a solicitor o r lawyer. His description is both clear a n d interesting, reading in p a r t : To t h e above end my invention consists in providing two sheets of glass between which is fixed or cemented a sheet of film of any transparent adhesive substance or material with sufficient elasticity to prevent splintering of the parts; for example, I employ a sheet of celluloid between two sheets of glass o r a film of gelatine less brittle than glass a n d not liable to splinter.


Canadian balsam a n d sodium silicate were mentioned a s cements or adhesives. The non-splintering a n d greater strength characteristics of laminated glass have decreased the h a z a r d s of motoring, especially a t h i g h speed. Wood stressed t h i s in his original patent, b u t it took years before t h e public and manufacturers really appreciated i t s possibilities. In 1914 it began to achieve some commercial significance. T h e lenses in gas masks, goggles, a n d other e q u i p m e n t of t h e forces a t war were equipped w i t h safety glass. Then when automobiles, which prior t o 1919 were of t h e open design, changed to t h e closed t y p e the trend became inevitable in t h e interest of safety. There were m a n y problems which beset t h e manufacturers, such as discoloration of t h e layer between t h e glass, t h e tendency of the g l a s s to " l e t - g o " t h e plastic, and t h e cost of manufacture. T h e development of laminated glass can be followed by consulting t h e patents issued b y the U. S. P a t e n t Office, under t h e designation "glass u n i t i n g . " In t h e years prior t o 1028 only 14 p a t e n t s h a d been issued and o f these 10 were g r a n t e d to private inventors. T h e n m a r k e d acceleration i n their issuance followed and t h e efforts of some of t h e well-equipped cor-

poration research laboratories became evident. In 1928 t o date, 154 p a t e n t s , all but 21 of which were assigned to corporations, were issued. It is beyond the scope of this article to enumerate t h e various contributions or t o appraise t h e m , but some of the more recent will be sketched in part. T h e laminae h a v e been united direct t o one a n o t h e r by polymers of vinylethinyl carbinol, ethyl ester of acrylic acid, condensation product of maleic acid, a n d 1,3glycols. I m p r o v e m e n t s have been m a d e in uniting t h e plastics to t h e glass a n d a m o n g t h e bonding agents boric acid, in conjunction with silicic acid, find uses. Oxycellulose a c e t a t e for uniting glass to ester plastics is suggested. One p a t e n t of interest in connection with the modern t r e n d of streamlines is t h a t for uniting or forming curved laminated glass. A sheet of galvanized iron is placed between glass sheets. When t h e glass is at t h e proper temperature, heat and pressure are applied t o bend t h e glass. The metal is then removed and t h e spaced glass is bonded with a plastic layer. Credit is due John C. Wood for his invention in 1905, but praise m u s t be given for its perfection to the chemists since 1921 who have made i t a real success, a n d t o the companies providing t h e m with e q u i p m e n t unknown t o Wood and Benedictus, t h e two pioneers.

Miniature Glass Plant M I N I A T U R E glass p l a n t has j u s t been completed in the laboratories of t h e Bausch & L o m b Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y., a t a cost of $8000, a n d will tour m a n y of t h e larger cities of t h e United States a n d be shown a t scientific g a t h e r ings, industrial conventions, a n d m u s e u m s . T h e model, which took a year a n d a half t o build, consists of a b a t t e r y of t h r e e glassmelting furnaces, raw material storage bins, mixers, a n n e a l i n g ovens, casting table, a n d cutting rooms in operation, with small electric t r u c k s , m a n n e d b y miniature operators, transferring t h e molten glass from t h e furnaces to t h e casting table, where it is automatically rolled into sheets a n d conveyed into t h e ovens. An a u t o m a t i c film balopticon, synchronized with the operations of t h e model, projects the s t o r y of each operation on a screen a t t h e t o p of t h e model while t h e operation is t a k i n g place.