This GC works overnight, weekends, unattended

punched tape record of the QC run which can be fed to a captive or leased time jsftartng computer—using the HP-supplied. 'HfSIC program—for automa...
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This GC works overnight, weekends, unattended The HP Model 76Ô0A is a twty automatic GC that saves you 80% of the cost ot manual operation. Load the 7600A Chrorrtatograph System w i t h as many as 36 samptes, set its c o n trols and it operates completeiy unattended. The 760ΌΑ automatically cleans the sy­ ringe, measures the selected sample vol­ ume and injects it. ft conducts the GC run, produces a permanent chromatogram and prints out the retention time and area of each peak. When equipped with the op­ t i o n a l t e l e p r i n t e r , it a l s o p r o d u c e s a punched tape record of the QC run w h i c h can be fed to a captive o r leased time­

jsftartng computer—using the HP-supplied ' H f S I C program—for automatic data reduc­ tion and print-out of the complete qualita­ tive and quantitative analysts.The analytical results are more precise and accurate than y o u can achieve by the most careful manMel operation. :i-K"But the real payoff of the 7600A is in cost reduction. Assuming a sampie that requires a 30-minute GC cycle, manual op­ eration and data reduction require one ijour for a total cost of S6,25 per sample. VVrith the 76Q0A operating at only 50% of capacity with the same type of sample, it requires only two operator hours a day to process 24 samples. The cost of operation, Circle No. 82 OB Reartrs' Service Είι-β

including operator salary and all computer costs, totals $1.25 per sample, a reduction of 8 0 % . Call the nearest HP sales office for an analysis o f the actual cost savings that the 7600A can produce in your laboratory. Hewlett-Packard, Route 4 1 , Avondale. Penn­ sylvania 19311, In Europe: 1217 MeyrinQeneva, Switzerland.