This is the B&A® SAFTEPAK® another reason for specifying B&A

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: February 19, 1962. Copyright © 1962 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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This is the B&A ^AfTSPAK another reason for specifying B&A reagent HF

Screw-tight cap

Sealed completely

simplifies closing . . . safeguards against spillage and leakage.

special disk on pour-out tube completely seals container during shipping. Entire pour-out is welded to the bottle . . . eliminates chance for leakage or contamination prior to receipt.

Pours 3 ways Shows acid level

ingenious " b r e a t h i n g " pourout delivers d r o p s , needle stream, or full flow. No surge or drip to upset calculations. Extra drops (which may cling to lip when pouring stops) are siphoned back into bottle by the pour-out spout.

Saftepak is translucent.

^-Offers a sturdy grip Saftepak, with its sturdy encir­ cling label, fits readily into the hand for easy pouring.

Shatter-proof Saftepak is pressure molded in one piece of heavy, shatter­ proof, inert polyethylene. Can't become brittle . . . won't crack or break. There's absolutely no compromise with safety.

The only completely sealed reagent H F container on the market, B&A's Saftepak offers a unique combination of fea­ tures. It has been proved in use for many years. Designed for your maximum safety and conveni­ ence, it is typical of B&A's many signif­ icant contributions to laboratory chemical packaging. For safety first in your laboratory—and for the latest and best in reagents—specify B&A! * Allied Chemical Trademark


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