This monograph makes available in

ployed in yeast taxonomy are discussed with special emphasis on those accepted by the authors for their system of classi- fication. In this chapter ar...
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N E W BOOKS economic importance. Perhaps the most notable example is the well-known food J. LODDEK AND N. J. LV. KREGER-VAN and fodder yeast which is generally RIJ. xi + 713 pages. North-Holland known as Torulopsis utilis, but which is Publishing Co., Amsterdam; Interclassified by Lodder and Kreger-Van science Publishers, I n c . , 250 Fifth Ave., Rij as Candida utilis. In such cases, and New York 1, N. Y . , 1952. $19.00. Reviewed by L. A. UNDERKOFLER, in other cases where different names for the same yeast occur in the literature, Iowa State College, Anies. the present book should be helpful because of the excellent index to taxa (orT H I S MONOGRAPH makes available in ganisms and groups). This index inone volume a n authoritative system of cludes the accepted names as well as the classification and manual for identificasynonyms. tion of the yeasts. T h e first chapter is a This book should be very useful to brief introduction. In Chapter I1 the microbiologists in general. and partivarious characteristics which may be emcularly to those of the fermentation and ployed in yeast taxonomy are discussed food industries in which yeasts are emwith special emphasis ori those accepted ployed as culture organisms or may be by the authors for their system of classifound as contaminants. fication. In this chapter are also detailed the methods and media employed for the classification and identification of Insect Control by Chemicals the yeasts. Chapter 111 gives a brief A. W. A. BROWN.viii 817 pp, Unisurvey of the different types of variation versity of California Citrus Experiwhich may occur in yeasts and the sigment Station, Riverside, Calif. John nificance of these variations for yeast taxWiley & Sons, Inc., n'ew York, 1951. onom)-. $12.50. Reviewed by F. A. GUNTHER, Chapter I V presents the main lines of University of California Citrus Exclassification u p to the genera with the periment Station, Riverside, Calif. considerations which led to this classification. Discussions of Ihe species acT H I S IS .4x ambitious book and a credit cepted for the three families follow in to its author. I t represents a very comChapters V, VI, and VTI, respectively. prehensive treatment of the factors At the beginning of each of these chapinvolved in the chemical control of ters a key to the genera is first presented. insects and is the most comprehensive Then there is given for each genus a diof the several books recently published agnosis, the type species, a historical surin this field. Such intensive coverage vey of the generic name, and a key to the represents a tremendous undertaking species of the genus. Following this are for one author, and its broad scope has discussions of the various species of the undoubtedly contributed to the number genus. First synonyms and the original of misstatements and errors that were description and history of the species are observed. given. The diagnosis of each species is In 11 chapters Prof. Brown discusses then presented in the form of a standard insecticides of the mid-20th century description. T h e description is aided and their properties, the structure of materially in most cases by clear and deorganic chemicals and their toxicity finitive drawings. The diagnosis is to insects, susceptibility of insects to the followed by discussion and details on the entry of poisons, the pharmacology of origin of the cultures studied. At the poisons for insects, equipment developed end of the discussion of each genus reffor the application of insecticides, the erences to pertinent literature are listed. application of insecticides from aircraft, IYhile the book aims a t being more toxicity and hazards to man and dothan a mere manual for the identification mestic animals, toxicity of insecticides of yeasts, the authors have given adeto plant growth, chemical control of quate attention to this function in tying insects feeding on plants, chemical together the keys and descriptions by control of insects affecting man and page references. animals, and insecticides and the balance Since classification depends on the acof animal populations. These chapters, cepted characteristics upon which groupof which chapters 111, I\*, and \'I1 are ings are based, some workers in the field perhaps most noteworthy because of their modernness and thoroughness, include may not agree in all cases with the classireferences to over 2200 original papers. fication of certain of the yeasts as given There is an adequate 36-page index. by; Lodder and Kreger-Van Rij. Also The quality of the printing and illustratheir classification sometimes changes tions is excellent. the group, and therefore the name, for Despite the 1951 dateline for this sonit- familiar organisms which are of

The Yeasts, A Taxonomic Study



book, it should prove invaluable to chemists seeking biological information and particularly for those desiring to establish a comprehensive background in the field of insecticides. It will be especially valuable to the reader with sufficient chemical training to evaluate the numerous errors and omissions in many of the discussions of the chemistry of the compounds involved. Sonetheless, this book should be read carefully by every chemist interested in insecticidal materials.

Agricultural Research Publications Available 35 pages. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. College Station. Tex. No charge.

A BIBLIOGRAPHY of bulletins, circulars and technical papers published by Texas Agricultural Experiment station. The publications cover the fields of: -4gricultural economics, animal production and diseases, fertilizers, crops. plant diseases, plant insects and other topics of interest in the area of agricultural production Fruit and Vegetable Storage And Pre-Packaging Anglo-American Council on Productivity. 64 pages. British Productivity Council, 21 Tothill St.. London SIY1. 1953. R E P O R T OF the British team I\ hich visited the US in 1951 to study prepackaging and storage of fruits and vegetables. A review of current fruit and vegetable processing techniques in the US and the applicability of these techniques to the problems in the UK.

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