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PRODUCTS and a computing integrator. It can perform up to 40 nitrogen determina­ tions per hour for a wide variety of liquids from aqueous solutions to hy­ drocarbon solvents with a precision of ±2%. The system can detect from 20 ppb to 3% total chemically bound nitrogen. Antck Instruments 101

T o t a l nitrogen analyzer

Completely automated system in­ cludes a chcmiluminesccnt nitrogen system, an automatic liquid sampler, Need more information about any items? If so, just circle the appropriate numbers on one of the reader service cards bound into this issue and mail in the card. No stamp is necessary.

Oxygen/combustibles analyzer Continuously measuring extractive system detects excess oxygen and hy­ drocarbons in flue gas in less than 3 s. It can be used in conjunction with re­ corder and computer-operated trim systems. Linear switchabie scales of 0-10%, 0 - 2 5 % oxygen and 0-5%, 0-10% combustibles arc standard. 102 Datatest M a r p l e cascade impactor

Available in complete kits and in 8-, 6-, or 1-stage configurations, this device

measures complete particle size dis­ tributions in the laboratory, work en­ vironment, and ambient air. It can be used as a fundamental standard for the calibration of other particle-sizing in­ struments. Impactor cut points are precisely determined with a special calculator. Sierra Instruments 103 Portable pipet aid

Self-contained unit can pipet more than 1200 times without recharging. Λ filtered nosepiecc protects the elec­ tronic components and prevents cross-contamination from overpipetting. It can be recharged overnight and Companies interested in a listing in this department should send their releases directly to Environmental Science & Technology, Attn: Products, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC. 20036

The complete catalog Environmental for water analysis.

The Protection Energy

" F a c t Book: E n e r g y , T h e E n v i r o n m e n t and N a t u r a l G a s , " the first comprehensive publication detailing the environmental advantages of natural gas energy, is designed for both environmental professionals and a general audience. The book examines h o w natural gas-based pollution control techniques can be used t o reduce the impact of major wastes and pollutants that are by-products of energy production and use. Projections for gas supply and price consideration: also are included. Please order catalog number F40I07 from Diana Spencer, American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, V A 22209. Price: $5 for non-members; $3 for members. Quantity discounts available. CIRCLE 6 ON READER SERVICE CARD

If you are involved in testing water or wastewater. Thomas offers you a water analysis catalog with the most comprehensive selection of equipment and chemical reagents. And Thomas is first in holding prices firm until January 1,1985. Write for this FREE catalog: Thomas Scientific. Vine Street at Third. P.O. Box 779. Philadelphia, PA 19105-0779. (215) 574-4500.


SCIENTIFIC CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 18, No. 2, 1984
