Three Conformers of 2-Furoic Acid: Structure Changes Induced with

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Three Conformers of 2‑Furoic Acid: Structure Changes Induced with Near-IR Laser Light Anna Halasa,† Leszek Lapinski,† Igor Reva,‡ Hanna Rostkowska,† Rui Fausto,‡ and Maciej J. Nowak*,† †

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland CQC, Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra, 3004-535 Coimbra, Portugal

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Conformers of 2-furoic acid were studied using the matrix-isolation technique combined with narrow-band near-IR excitations with tunable laser light. Two conformers of the compound were trapped from the gas phase into low-temperature Ar or Ne matrixes with the population ratio of nearly 1:1. The two forms differ from each other by 180° rotation of the carboxylic group with respect to the furan ring. In both structures, the OH group adopts the cis orientation, with its H atom directed toward the CO bond of the OC−O−H group. Narrow-band near-IR excitations of the OH stretching overtone vibrations resulted in transformation of one of the initially observed conformers into a third conformational structure. This near-IR-induced isomerization concerned rotation of the OH group from the initial cis orientation to the trans conformation with the hydrogen atom directed toward the oxygen atom of the furan ring. In the photoproduced conformer, the hydrogen-bond-like O−H···O interaction (between O−H and the oxygen atom of the furan ring) is rather weak. Nevertheless, this interaction stabilized the structure so that it was present in the matrix for several hours after the near-IR-induced generation. The spontaneous conversion of the photogenerated, higher-energy form back into the more stable conformer with the carboxylic group in cis orientation was monitored for 2-furoic acid isolated in Ar and Ne matrixes. The speed of this process was found to be dependent on temperature and on the matrix material. The experimentally determined half-life times of this conformational conversion occurring in the dark are t1/2 = 1390 min (Ar, 5.5 K); t1/2 = 630 min (Ar, 15 K); t1/2 = 240 min (Ne, 5.5 K). The three conformers of 2-furoic acid observed in the present work were identified by comparison of their infrared spectra with the spectra theoretically calculated for the candidate structures.

1. INTRODUCTION 2-Furoic acid (called also furan-2-carboxylic acid or pyromucic acid) is one of the smallest compounds with the carboxylic group attached to an unsaturated, planar ring. From the conformational point of view, an important feature of 2-furoic acid is the vicinal position of the carboxylic moiety and the oxygen heteroatom of the furan ring (Chart 1). This allows a

carboxylic group adopts the trans orientation (Chart 1) with the OH fragment heading toward the ring. One of the purposes of the present work is investigation of the influence of the interaction described above on the relative stabilities of different conformers of 2-furoic acid. Studies of conformational equilibria in compounds having a carboxylic group attached to a heterocyclic ring in the α position (with respect to a heteroatom) are very scarce. In fact, we can only refer to the conformational structure observed for monomeric 2-picolinic acid. In this compound, the O−H···N interaction substantially lowers the energy of the conformer with the carboxylic group adopting the trans geometry (Chart 1). The conformer stabilized by this interaction was theoretically predicted as the lowest-energy form of 2-picolinic acid.3,4 This conformer was found to strongly dominate in the gas phase4 as well as in low-temperature Ar matrixes (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). Following the example of 2-picolinic acid, one might expect that also in 2-furoic acid the O−H···O interaction between the hydrogen atom of the carboxylic group and the oxygen atom of

Chart 1. Structures of 2-Furoic Acid and 2-Picolinic Acid

hydrogen-bond-like O−H···O interaction between the ring heteroatom and the OH group of the carboxylic fragment. For compounds where such interactions are absent (e.g., formic acid, acetic acid),1,2 the carboxylic acid group adopts preferentially the cis conformation (OC−O−H dihedral equal to 0°). In 2-furoic acid, the hydrogen-bond-like O−H···O interaction is possible only in the conformer where the © 2015 American Chemical Society

Received: December 10, 2014 Revised: January 14, 2015 Published: January 14, 2015 1037

DOI: 10.1021/jp512302s J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 1037−1047


The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

transmission curve in Figure S2 in the Supporting Information) placed between the spectrometer source and the matrix sample. In some experiments, a high-pressure mercury lamp HBO 200 (fitted with cutoff filters and a water filter) was applied to irradiate the matrix with filtered UV light.

the furan ring should make the conformer with the trans orientation of the carboxylic group more stable than the conformers with cis geometry of this fragment. However, it does not need to be necessarily so. The five-membered furan ring enforces the H···O distance (215 pm) in 2-furoic acid to be longer by 15 pm than the H···N distance (200 pm)5 in 2picolinic acid with six-membered heterocyclic ring. Moreover, in the two compounds the ring heteroatoms are different, and the O−H···O hydrogen-bond-like interaction in 2-furoic acid can be weaker than the O−H···N hydrogen-bond-like interaction in 2-picolinic acid. Therefore, the conformer of 2furoic acid with the trans orientation of the carboxylic group does not necessarily need to be the most stable form of the compound. In the current work, we investigated 2-furoic acid monomers isolated in low-temperature argon and neon matrixes. The compound is a good example of a molecule with two conformationally relevant degrees of freedom (internal rotation of the OH group within the carboxylic moiety and the torsion of the whole carboxylic fragment with respect to the furan ring). Relative stability of the conformers of 2-furoic acid was studied both computationally and experimentally. Furthermore, the structures of the forms trapped in solid argon or neon environment were manipulated by selective excitation of their first OH stretching overtones with narrow-band tunable nearIR light. Finally, a spontaneous hydrogen-atom tunneling, leading to conversion of the higher-energy conformer of 2furoic acid into the lower-energy form, was observed and analyzed.

3. COMPUTATIONAL SECTION The geometries of 2-furoic acid conformers were fully optimized at the DFT(B3LYP),6−8 MP2,9 and QCISD10 levels of theory. The relative energies of the conformers were calculated using the QCISD and MP2 methods, at geometries optimized at the corresponding levels of theory. The harmonic vibrational frequencies and IR intensities were calculated using the DFT(B3LYP), QCISD, and MP2 methods. To approximately correct for the neglected anharmonicity, the harmonic frequencies were scaled by factors of 0.95 (for wavenumbers higher than 2000 cm−1) and 0.98 (for wavenumbers lower than 2000 cm−1).13 The theoretical normal modes were analyzed by carrying out potential-energy distribution (PED) calculations, performed according to the procedure described in refs 11 and 12. The set of internal coordinates used in the PED analysis was defined following the recommendations of Pulay et al.14 These coordinates are listed in Table S1 in the Supporting Information. Cartesian force constants were transformed into the force constants with respect to the molecule-fixed internal coordinates. Potential-energy-distribution matrices have been calculated, and the elements of these matrices greater than 10% are given in Tables S2, S3, and S4 (Supporting Information). The potential-energy surface (PES) of 2-furoic acid was computationally probed by carrying out one-dimensional and two-dimensional scans. At each step along a one-dimensional scan, the value of a chosen coordinate (OC−O−H dihedral angle or O−C−CO dihedral angle) was fixed, and all the remaining coordinates, describing the geometry of the molecule, were optimized. At each point of the twodimensional scan, values of both conformationally relevant dihedral angles (OC−O−H and O−C−CO) were fixed, and geometry of the molecule was partially optimized with this restriction. All quantum-mechanical computations were carried out for monomeric molecules of 2-furoic acid in vacuo, using the Gaussian 09 program15 with the standard 6-31++G(d,p) or 6311++G(d,p) basis sets.

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION The sample of 2-furoic acid (purity 98%) used in the present study was a commercial product supplied by Sigma-Aldrich. The solid compound was placed in a glass tube connected through a needle valve to the vacuum chamber of a heliumcooled cryostat. At room temperature, the pressure of gaseous 2-furoic acid over the solid crystals in the evacuated tube was sufficient for preparation of low-temperature matrixes. Vapor of 2-furoic acid was codeposited with large excess of inert gas (argon or neon) onto a CsI window cooled to 15 K (argon matrixes) or 5.5 K (neon matrixes). Two types of closed-cycle refrigerators were used in the matrix-isolation experiments: APD Cryogenics DE-202A (able to cool down to 10 K) and Sumitomo SRDK-408D2 (able to cool down to 3.3 K). Infrared spectra of the matrixes were recorded using a Thermo Nicolet Nexus 6700 FTIR spectrometer equipped with a KBr beam splitter and a DTGS detector (for measurements in the mid-IR range) or with a CaF2 beam splitter and an InGaAs detector (for measurements in the near-IR range). Monomers of 2furoic acid trapped in low-temperature matrixes were irradiated with narrow-band near-IR laser light. Two sources of tunable near-IR light were used: (i) continuous-wave tunable diode laser Toptica DL100 pro design (fwhm 270 nm led to generation of conformer III, the same form that was produced upon near-IR excitation at 6966 cm−1 (see Figure S5 in the Supporting Information). In contrast with the effects of near-IR irradiation, where conformer III was populated only at cost of I, by UV(λ > 270 nm) excitation, increase of population of III was accompanied by decrease of population of I and of II. This shows that UV excitation, providing significantly more energy to the molecule, allows rotation of the whole carboxylic group or a hydrogen-atom transfer within this group. By the UV(λ > 270 nm) excitations, alongside the conformational conversions in 2-furoic acid, there occurred some photodecomposition of the compound. This was indicated by appearance of the spectral signatures of evolving CO2. Irradiation at shorter UV wavelengths (λ > 230 nm) resulted in further, more vigorous photodecomposition of 2-furoic acid. Among the emerging IR bands of the photoproducts, those due to CO2 and furan16,17 were identified. This indicates photodecarboxylation as one of the important channels of UVinduced decomposition of 2-furoic acid. 4.4. Spontaneous Conversion of the Higher-Energy Conformer III to the Most Stable Form I. Low-temperature argon and neon matrixes, with form III populated by near-IR excitation at 6966 cm−1 (Ar) or at 6992 cm−1 (Ne), were kept for several hours at low temperature and in the dark. The progress of the spontaneous processes changing the conformational structure of matrix-isolated molecules was periodically monitored by recording the mid-IR spectra. The spectra were collected in the limited 1700−450 cm−1 range, with a filter

Figure 9. Fragment of the near-IR spectrum of 2-furoic acid isolated in a Ne matrix. Arrows indicate the wavenumbers applied during laser irradiations of the matrix.

Irradiation at 7020 cm−1 caused only very tiny changes in the infrared spectra of 2-furoic acid isolated in Ne matrixes (Figure 8b). The effect of irradiation of Ne matrixes at 7010 cm−1 was also very small (Figure 8c). By analogy with the experiments carried out for Ar matrixes, the 2νOH bands at 7020 and 7010 cm−1, found in the spectra of Ne matrixes, can be interpreted as spectroscopic signatures of conformer II trapped in different sites. Small spectral changes induced by excitation at 7020 cm−1 can be treated as results of excitation of conformer III slightly populated in Ne matrixes prior to any irradiation. The reason why III was excited by irradiation at 7020 cm−1 (where 2νOH band due to II is present in the absorption spectrum) is the overlap of the 2νOH bands due to II and III conformers in the spectra of 2-furoic acid isolated in solid Ne (vide infra, see also Figure S3 in the Supporting Information). Pronounced changes in the spectra of 2-furoic acid isolated in Ne matrixes were induced by irradiation at 7005 cm−1 (Figure 8d). Upon excitation at this wavenumber a set of infrared absorptions (involving the νOH band at 3586 cm−1 and the νCO band at 1760 cm−1) decreased in intensity, whereas intensities of a set of initially very small bands (such as the νOH bands at 3596 and 3593 cm−1 and the νCO band at 1790 cm−1) increased substantially. These spectral changes can be interpreted as indications of the I → III conformational transformation concerning the molecules in one of the trapping sites of Ne matrix (site “A”). Subsequent irradiation at 6992 cm−1 had similar effect (Figure 8e). In the 2000−400 cm−1 range of the spectrum, most of the decreasing bands were at the same (or very close) wavenumbers as those decreasing upon irradiation at 7005 cm−1. Also the bands growing after irradiation at 6992 cm−1 appeared at nearly the same wavenumbers as those growing upon irradiation at 7005 cm−1. This strongly suggests that excitation at 6992 cm−1 induced the I → III transformation, analogous to that occurring upon irradiation at 7005 cm−1, but concerning the molecules trapped in another matrix site (site “B”). As can be seen in Figure 8e, irradiation of the Ne matrix at 6992 cm−1 caused not only the I → III conversion but also transformation of the local matrix environment, so that the population of conformer I trapped in the site A (characterized by the νOH absorption at 3586 cm−1) grew at the cost of the population of I trapped in site B (characterized by the νOH absorption at 3580 cm−1). 1043

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (transmitting only light with ν̃ < 1700 cm−1, see Figure S2 in the Supporting Information) placed between the spectrometer sources and the matrix. This protected the studied molecules from excitations with energies higher than 20 kJ mol−1 (which is an energy equivalent of 1700 cm−1). When spectra were not recorded, the spectrometer beams were totally blocked with a metal plate. Three experiments of this kind were performed: (i) with an Ar matrix kept at 15 K, (ii) with an Ar matrix kept at 5.5 K, and (iii) with a Ne matrix kept at 5.5 K. In all three experiments, a spontaneous conversion of the photoproduced, higher-energy form III into the most stable conformer I was observed. During the whole monitored period, the mid-IR bands in the spectrum of III were systematically decreasing, whereas the intensities of the bands due to I were systematically increasing. Quantitatively, the progress of the III → I transformation was followed by periodical measurements of the intensity of the characteristic band in the spectrum of III, observed at 1321 cm−1 (Ar) and at 1328 cm−1 (Ne). The intensity decrease of this band is presented in Figure 10 as a function of time of keeping the matrixes in the dark. Data shown in Figure 10 clearly demonstrate that the rate of the III → I spontaneous conversion depends on two factors: the matrix material and the temperature. For the matrixes kept at 5.5 K, the difference between the half-life time of III in an Ar matrix (t1/2 = 1390 min) and the half-life time of III in a Ne matrix (t1/2 = 240 min) is drastic. The progress of the III → I spontaneous conversion in solid neon is much faster than the analogous process occurring in solid argon. This observation is analogous to the trans → cis tunneling in formic acid,18 where the process in solid neon was 2 orders of magnitude faster than in solid argon. However, it is not always the case that the hydrogen-atom tunneling, leading to a trans ↔ cis conformational change within a carboxylic group, systematically occurs much faster in neon than in argon matrixes. For example, spontaneous hydrogen-atom tunneling processes in such α-ketocarboxylic acids as pyruvic and cyclopropylglyoxylic acids19 are several times faster for the compounds isolated in argon than in neon matrixes, whereas for oxamic acid20 and phenylglyoxylic acid19 the rates of hydrogen-atom tunneling are nearly the same in both matrixes. The theoretically predicted barrier height for the III → I conversion is 37.7 kJ mol−1 (Figure 11b). Although this barrier is somewhat higher than the barrier for the I ↔ II conformational change (32.0 kJ mol−1, see Figure 11a), this latter process does not occur, whereas the III → I conversion occurs spontaneously even at temperature as low as 5.5 K. This must be related to the fact that during the III → I transformation the only particle significantly changing its position is a light hydrogen atom, while the I ↔ II conversion would involve considerable movement of the whole carboxylic group including two heavy oxygen atoms. Hence, in the III → I process, hydrogen-atom tunneling can play an important role, but no quantum-tunneling effect is expected for the torsion of a carboxylic group consisting of much heavier atoms. No dependence on temperature is often treated as a characteristic feature of a process governed by quantum tunneling. The results presented in Figure 10 clearly show that the III → I transformation in 2-furoic acid (isolated in solid Ar) is faster at 15 K (t1/2 = 630 min) than at 5.5 K (t1/2 = 1390 min). On the other hand, in a process involving considerable barrier (37.7 kJ mol−1) and displacement of only one light particle (hydrogen atom), quantum tunneling

Figure 10. Comparison of the rate of the spontaneous III → I transformation occurring in the dark for 2-furoic acid isolated in solid Ar at 15 K (a), in solid Ar at 5.5 K (b), and in solid Ne at 5.5 K (c). The progress of the process was monitored as the intensity decrease of the bands due to conformer III observed at 1321 cm−1 (Ar) and at 1328 cm−1 (Ne). These bands appeared after irradiation at 6966 cm−1 (Ar) and at 6992 cm−1 (Ne). Arrows in panels (a), (b), and (c) designate the direction of changes. Bottom panel: decrease of the intensity of the band at 1321 cm−1 (Ar) as a function of time of keeping the Ar matrix in the dark and at 15 K (green) or at 5.5 K (red); decrease of the intensity of the band at 1328 cm−1 (Ne) as a function of time of keeping the Ne matrix in the dark and at 5.5 K (blue). Zero minutes indicates the time when irradiation at 6966 cm−1 (Ar) or at 6992 cm−1 (Ne) ceased.

obviously must play an important role. Therefore, it looks that quantum tunneling as well as temperature contribute (both as important, rate-determining factors) to crossing the barrier for the III → I conformational change. Temperature 1044

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

shifted to a wavenumber as low as 3340 cm−1 (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). As a consequence of a weak interaction with the oxygen atom of 2-furoic acid ring, the conformers I and II (with the cis orientation of the carboxylic fragment) are more stable than form III with trans orientation of the OC−O−H group. For 2-picolinic acid, where the interaction of the OH group with the heteroatom of the ring is much stronger, the conformer with the trans orientation of the OC−O−H fragment is so much stabilized by the O−H···N interaction that this form is most populated in the gas phase and in low-temperature matrixes (see Figure S1 in the Supporting Information). In the 650−450 cm−1 range of the mid-IR spectra of 2-furoic acid (Figure 2), a striking feature is the intensity difference between the bands due to the compound isolated in solid Ar and analogous bands recorded for Ne matrixes. For argon matrixes, the intensities of the bands in this region (relatively to the intensities of other bands in the mid-IR spectrum) correspond well to the theoretical prediction; the intensities of the low-frequency bands found in the spectrum of the compound isolated in neon matrixes are much lower. The bands in question (appearing in the 650−450 cm−1 range) are due to normal modes having significant contributions from the τOH vibrations (see Tables S2 and S3, in the Supporting Information). Similar influence of Ne matrix environment on the torsional vibrations of OH and NH2 groups was observed in the recent study on oxamic acid.20 Also for this latter compound, the intensities of the bands due to τOH and τNH2 vibrations were several times lower in the spectra of Ne matrixes than in the spectra of Ar matrixes.

Figure 11. Barriers for interconversion: (a) between I−II and (b) between I−III conformers of 2-furoic acid, obtained by relaxed potential-energy scans carried out at the MP2/6-31++G(d,p) level. At each point a value of the O−C−CO (panel a) or OC−O−H (panel b) torsional angle was fixed, and all remaining geometry parameters were optimized.

dependence of tunneling rate was previously observed for formic,1 acetic,2 and glyoxylic19 acids21,22 isolated in lowtemperature matrixes. This effect was interpreted in terms of participation of the solid-lattice phonon modes in the tunneling process.1,22 4.5. Remarks on the Infrared Spectra of 2-Furoic Acid Isolated in Low-Temperature Matrixes. The light-induced conformational changes, described in section 4.3, allowed separation of the infrared spectra of I, II, and III conformers of 2-furoic acid. The bands decreasing upon near-IR excitation at 6966 cm−1 (Ar) and at 7005 or 6992 cm−1 (Ne) were assigned to conformer I, the bands growing upon excitation at these wavenumbers were attributed to conformer III, whereas the bands unaffected by irradiation with near-IR light were interpreted as spectral indications of form II. The mid-IR bands appearing in the experimental spectra of I, II, and III were assigned to the normal modes, theoretically calculated at the DFT(B3LYP)/6-311++G(d,p) level. The results of this assignment are given in Tables S2, S3, and S4 in the Supporting Information. In the structure of forms I and II, the OH group within the carboxylic fragment adopts the cis orientation. The infrared bands due to the OH stretching vibrations (νOH) in conformers I and II appear at 3567 cm−1 (Ar) and 3574 cm−1 (Ar), respectively. These wavenumbers are typical of the bands due to the stretching vibrations of OH groups belonging to the carboxylic OC−O−H moieties in a cis configuration. Analogous bands were found at 3551, 3555, 3567, 3556, 3561, and 3556 cm−1 in the spectra of, respectively, formic acid,23 oxamic acid,20 benzoic acid,24 pyruvic acid,19,25 glycolic acid,26,27 and glyoxylic acid19 isolated in Ar matrixes. In the spectrum of form III, where the hydrogen atom of the OH group is directed to the oxygen atom of the ring, the νOH band appears at 3572 cm−1 (Ar). This is quite a high wavenumber, as for an OH group involved in a hydrogenbond-like interaction with a heteroatom (oxygen of the furan ring). It shows that the O−H···O interaction in form III of 2furoic acid is weak. Similar spectral positions of the νOH bands in forms I, II, and III indicate that the O−H···O hydrogenbond-like interactions within the cis-oriented carboxylic groups (form I and II) are of the same strength as the O−H···O interaction with the oxygen atom of the ring (form III). For comparison, in a compound such as 2-picolinic acid, where the interaction of the carboxylic OH group and the nitrogen heteroatom of the ring is strong, the νOH band is

5. CONCLUSIONS Conformers of 2-furoic acid were investigated for the compound isolated in Ar and Ne matrixes. Two forms of 2furoic acid, both with the cis orientation of the OH group in the carboxylic fragment, were trapped from the gas phase to lowtemperature, inert-gas environment. These two conformers differ by 180° rotation of the whole carboxylic group with respect to the furan ring. Near-IR excitation of the matrixisolated compound led to conformational transformation of only one of these forms. As a result of excitation to 2νOH overtone, a third form of 2-furoic acid was generated (Scheme 1). In the structure of this form, the hydrogen atom of the OH group is oriented toward the oxygen atom of the furan ring. The observed near-IR-induced conformational change in 2furoic acid concerned only the flip of the OH group within the carboxylic fragment from cis to trans configuration. In spite of the excitation energy (83.7 kJ mol−1) significantly exceeding the barrier for rotation of the whole carboxylic group (32.0 kJ mol−1), no near-IR-induced rotation of the carboxylic group, with respect to the furan ring, was detected. Spontaneous transformation of the near-IR-generated conformer back into the form with cis orientation of the carboxylic group was observed for 2-furoic acid isolated in Ar and Ne matrixes. Dependence of the rate of this process on the matrix material and on temperature has been experimentally demonstrated. Theoretical and experimental studies of relative stabilities of conformational structures of 2-furoic acid, as well as observations of νOH infrared band positions in the spectra of three forms of the compound, indicate that the hydrogen-bondlike interaction between the OH group and the oxygen atom of the furan ring is weak. That is why the structure where this 1045

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

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hydrogen-bond-like interaction exists is not more stable than the conformers, where this interaction is absent. Weakness of the O−H···O intramolecular interaction in 2-furoic acid can be related to the geometry of the five-membered ring, making the distance between the carboxylic hydrogen and the heteroatom in the ring longer than for analogous compounds (such as 2picolinic acid) with the carboxylic group attached to a sixmembered ring. As far as we are aware, this is the first thorough study on conformers of 2-furoic acid and their light-induced and spontaneous transformations.


S Supporting Information *

Figure S1, presenting the mid-IR spectrum of 2-picolinic acid isolated in an Ar matrix; Figure S2, showing the transmission range of the long-pass filter used in the present work; Figures S3 and S4, illustrating the effect of near-IR irradiations of 2furoic acid isolated in Ne matrixes; Figure S5, showing the result of UV irradiation of 2-furoic acid isolated in an Ar matrix; Table S1, collecting the internal coordinates used in the normal-mode analysis; Tables S2, S3, and S4 with the assignment of the mid-IR bands observed in the spectra of conformers I, II, and III, respectively, to the normal modes calculated for these structures. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


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*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been supported by the National Science Center (Poland) under the grants 2011/01/B/ST4/00718 and 2012/ 04/A/ST2/00100; by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 284464; and by the bilateral project No. 2505 for cooperation between Poland and Portugal. Support of the Portuguese “Fundaçaõ para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (project PTDC/ QUI-QUI/118078/2010, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-021082, cofunded by QREN-COMPETE-UE) is also acknowledged.


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DOI: 10.1021/jp512302s J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 1037−1047


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NOTE ADDED IN PROOF Recently the following paper was published by Miyagawa et al.: Miyagawa, M.; Akai, N.; Nakata, M. UV-light induced conformational changes of 2-pyridinecaboxylic acid in lowtemperature argon matrices. J. Mol. Struct. 2015, DOI: 10.1016/ j.molstruc.2015.01.014.


DOI: 10.1021/jp512302s J. Phys. Chem. A 2015, 119, 1037−1047