Three-Dimensional Triple-Resonance 1H, 13C, 31P Experiment

John P. Marino, Harald Schwalbe, and Christian Griesinger. Accounts of ... J. P. Marino, J. L. Diener, P. B. Moore, and C. Griesinger. Journal of ... ...
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J. Am. Chem. SOC.1994,116, 64124473


A Three-Dimensional Triple-Resonance 1H,13C,31P Experiment: Sequential Through-Bond Correlation of Ribose Protons and Intervening Phosphorus along the RNA Oligonucleotide Backbone John P. MarinoJ Harald Schwalbe,t Clemens Ankh,# Wolfgang Bermel) Donald M. CrothersJ and Christian Griesinger’J Department of Chemistry, Yale University P.O. Box 6666, New Haven, Connecticut 0651 1 Institut f i r Organische Chemie, Universitiit Frankfurt Marie Curie Strasse 1 1 , 0-60439 Frankfurt, Germany Bruker Analytische Messtechnik GmbH Silberstreifen, D- 76287 Rheinstetten, Germany Bruker Instruments, Inc.. Manning Park 19 Fortune Drive, Billerica. Massachusetts 01821 -3991 Received March 15, 1994

Sequential through-bond assignment of the ribose protons across the phosphate backbone of oligonucleotides has long been a goal in NMR structural studiesof RNA and DNA.’” However, sequential assignment via 31P-1H correlations has been limited in the past due to difficulties in resonance assignment (which is especially true of the poorly dispersed RNA ribose lH resonances) as well as to small J(HS’,P), and J(HS”,P), and J coupling constants. Recently, the development of efficient methods for the synthesis of uniformly 13C,15N-labeledRNA- has provided the ability to apply many of the double- and triple-resonance experimental methods previously employed in NMR studies of labeled protein^^.^ to the unique problems of NMR of RNA oligonucleotides.~~3 In this communication, we present a threedimensionaltriple-resonanceproton-carbon-phosphorus (HCP) experiment that allows the unambiguous correlation of ribose H3’/C3’, H4‘/C4’ resonances on the 5’ side and H4’/C4’ and H5/,H5”/C5’ resonances on the 3’ side of the intervening phosphorus along the RNA backbone bonding network. The favorable C,P coupling constants and the dispersion of the chemicalshifts that is afforded in the three-dimensionalcorrelation make the HCP experiment a powerful assignment tool for RNA. The HCP pulse sequence (Figure 1) is analogous to a constant time14J5version of the HNCO experiment.16 Two consecutive 1H-13C and 13C-31P INEPT and reverse INEPT transfer steps17

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.

t Yale University.

UniversitPt Frankfurt.

I Bruker Analytische Messtechnik GmbH. I Bruker Instruments, Inc.

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F i e 1. Pulse sequence diagram for 3D HCP experiment. Narrow bars

represent r/2 pulses, and wide bars represent T pulses. The four-step phase cycle is as follows: 91 = y , 92 = y; 93 = x, -x; 9 4 = 2@), 2(-y); Acq = (x, -x, -x, x). The delays were A/2 = 1.5 ms ( 1 / 4 J c ~ where , JCH = 165 Hz), T I = 1 2 = 26 ms. A constant time evolution of I3C ( 1 2 = 1 / J m = 26 ms) is achieved simultaneously with the reverse INEPT delay. The I3Ccarrier was centered in the middle of the ribose carbons (-83 ppm), and the31Pcamerwascenteredin themiddleofthe phosphorus resonances (-4.10 ppm). GARP dccoupling27 was used to dccouple during acquisition. was not dccoupled during acquisition. Quadrature in the 01 and the w2 dimensions were obtained with the TPPI-states method.28

are used to transfer magnetization from H3’, H4’, and HS’/”’’ ribose protons to their respective carbons and then to the interveningphosphorus. A constant time evolution of 13Cchemical shift is accomplished by the CT delay T Z (TZ = l/IJcc), which also serves for the refocusing of the J(C,P) couplings. The correlations observed in the HCP experiment are H3’,-C3’,-Pl; H4’*4’,-P,; H4’,+1