Three Lectures on Atomic Physics (Sommerfeld, Arnold)

Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio. In the Harter Work Book Series, edited by Gany Cleveland Myers, Ph.D. The. Harter School Supply Co., Cleveland...
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lipins (Phosphatides), Ledthin, Ke~halin,Spingomyelin 21 111. The Occurrence, Methods of Extraction, Isolation and Purification of the Phospholinins.. .................... 67 IV. Thi~alactolipins(Cerehrosides) Phremosin, Kerasin, and Nervan... 91 V. Alleged L~D-Protagon, Cuorin, Carnauhon. ParanudeoProtagon, Jecorin, and other Inswiiciently Characterized Substances 124 Vl. Plant Lipins.. 153 VII. The Function of the Lipins. Lipins from the Biological Standpoint ...................... 167 Bibliography...................... 189 Index,. .......................... 217


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The purpose of the book, to quote from the editor's %enera1preface. is the presentation of "full and independent information of the work which has been done upon the subject." Without question, no pains have been spared in the effort to fulfil this purpose, not only in the selection of experimental and theoretical data, but also in the introduction of this material in a mnase, straightforward style and from an unbiased standpoint. Throughout the volume one senses an undercurrent of restlessness arising out of the exact functions of the phospholipins and galactolipins, and an appeal, manifested most markedly in Chapter VII, for added original work leading toward the development of a more definite understanding of these important d constituents. This monograph shares the same high standard of excellence exhibited by the other books of this series and will prove a valuable acquisition to anyone interested in biochemistty from any angle. H. BOYDW n r s Three Lectures on Atomic Physics. ARNOLDSome~PElrn, F.R.S. Pro-

fessor of Theoretical Physics a t the University of Munich. E. P. Dnttan and Company, New York City, 1927. 70 pp. 12 X 18.5 an. $1.00. These ledures, delivered a t the University of London, deal with recent developments of the quantum theory. Various quantum numbers are introduced and defined in the first lecture, and a new theory of the hydrogen atom is developed, according to which this atom has a sheture analogous to that of the alkali metals. The second ledure is mainly mathematical. The third lecture deals with the periodic system of the elements and the tetrahedral crystal structure of certain elements of the fourth group. I n this connection the problem of chemical linkage is discussed in general, with especial reference to the nature of nonpolar compounds. The topic; taken up are important and comprehensive, but the treatment is altogether too abstruse for the casual reader. Professor Sommerfeld has previously annotated some of Einstein's writings on Rclotivity, and the majority of chemists will undoubtedly find the argument in this volume quite as elusive as the intimate details of the new space-time theory. To the enthusiast who is meoared to . grapple with any difficulties, however, the book oDens un an unusuallv fascinatim and fertileefield.. JAMESKENDALL Work Book in General Science. ELLIS C. PERSING, A.B., Department of Biology and General Science, Cleveland School of Education, and KIMBERM. PERSING.B.S., Department of Science, Glenville High School, Cleveland, Ohio. In the Harter Work Book Series, edited by Gany Cleveland Myers, Ph.D. The Harter School Supply Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 1927. 127 pp. 48 figs. 21 X 27 cm. Price, 8.60. This is a notebook.for student use in general science. It containsthe characteristic hlank spaces for writing answers,