Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy as a Probe of ... - ACS Publications

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Chapter 7

Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy as a Probe of Local Polymer Motions 1



Dean A. Waldow , Patrick D. Hyde , M . D. Ediger , Toshiaki and Koichi Ito


Kitano ,


Photophysics of Polymers Downloaded from pubs.acs.org by TUFTS UNIV on 08/05/18. For personal use only.


Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Department of Materials Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi 440, Japan


A picosecond holographic grating technique has been used to observe the local segmental dynamics of anthracene-labeled polyisoprene in dilute hexane, cyclohexane, and 2-pentanone solutions. The transition dipole of the anthracene label lies along the chain backbone, assuring that only backbone motions are detected. The experimental observable, the orientation autocorrelation function of a backbone bond, is compared with theoretical predictions. The observed correlation functions are consistent with models proposed by Hall and Helfand and by Bendler and Yaris. The effects of temperature and solvent viscosity upon the local dynamics of polyisoprene are investigated. The activation energy for the observed local segmental motions is ~7 kJ/mole. The relationship between the structure of a polymer chain and i t dynamics has long been a focus for work in polymer science. It i s on the local level that the dynamics of a polymer chain are most d i r e c t l y linked to the monomer structure. The techniques of timeresolved optical spectroscopy provide a uniquely detailed picture of local segmental motions. This is accomplished through the d i r e c t observation of the time dependence of the orientation autocorrelation function of a bond in the polymer chain. Optical techniques include fluorescence anisotropy decay experiments(1-6) and transient absorption measurements(7_). A common feature of these methods is the use of polymer chains with chromophore labels attached. The transition dipole of the attached chromophore defines the vector whose reorientation i s observed in the experiment. A common labeling scheme i s to bond the chromophore into the polymer chain such that the transition dipole i s r i g i d l y affixed either p a r a l l e l (jW) or perpendicu!ar(8,9) to the chain backbone. 0097-6156/87/0358-0068506.00/0 © 1987 American Chemical Society



Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy


Time-resolved optical experiments rely on a short pulse of polarized l i g h t from a laser, synchrotron, or flash lamp to photoselect chromophores which have their transition dipoles oriented in the same direction as the polarization of the exciting l i g h t . This non-random orientational distribution of excited state transition dipoles w i l l randomize in time due to motions of the polymer chains to which the chromophores are attached. The precise manner in which the oriented distribution randomizes depends upon the detailed character of the molecular motions taking place and i s described by the orientation autocorrelation function. This randomization of the orientational distribution can be observed either through time-resolved polarized fluorescence (as in fluorescence anisotropy decay experiments) or through time-resolved polarized absorption. The transient absorption method u t i l i z e d in the experiments reported here i s the transient holographic grating technique(7,10). In the transient grating experiment, a pair of polarized excitation pulses i s used to create the anisotropic d i s t r i b u t i o n of excited state transition dipoles. The motions of the polymer backbone are monitored by a probe pulse which enters the sample at some chosen time interval after the excitation pulses and probes the orientational d i s t r i b u t i o n of the transition dipoles at that time. By changing the time delay between the excitation and probe pulses, the orientation autocorrelation function of a transition dipole r i g i d l y associated with a backbone bond can be determined. In the present context, the major advantage of the transient grating measurement in relation to typical fluorescence measurements is the f a s t time resolution (~ 50 psec in these experiments). In transient absorption techniques the time resolution i s limited by laser pulse widths and not by the speed of electronic detectors. Fast time resolution is necessary for the experiments reported here because of the sub-nanosecond time scales for local motions in very f l e x i b l e polymers such as polyisoprene. In this paper, we report measurements of the orientation autocorrelation function of a backbone bond in dilute solutions of anthracene-labeled polyisoprene. The anthracene chromophore was covalently bonded into the chain such that the transition dipole for the lowest electronic excited state l i e s along the chain backbone. This assures that only backbone motions are detected. Our experimental measurements of the orientation autocorrelation function on sub-nanosecond time scales are consistent with the theoretical models for backbone motions proposed by Hall and Helfand(U) and by Bendler and Yaris(12h The correlation functions observed in three different solvents at various temperatures have the same shape within experimental error. This implies that the fundamental character of the local segmental dynamics i s the same in the different environments investigated. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the correlation function y i e l d s an activation energy of - 7 kJ/mole for local segmental motions. Experimental Section Experimental Apparatus. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the apparatus used in these experiments. A Q-switched, mode-locked




• > — PC


4 0 3 nm EXCITATION x 588nm PROBE






/ H D L



Figure 1. Q-switched, mode-locked Nd:YAG laser with two synchronously pumped dye lasers: PC = Pockels' c e l l ; POL = polarizer with escape window; DL1, DL2 = cavity dumped dye lasers; PMT = photomultiplier tube. (Reproduced from Ref. 7. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.)




Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy

Nd:YAG laser synchronously pumps two dye lasers. One of the dye lasers (DL1) i s operated at a wavelength of 649 nm. A cavitydumped single pulse from this dye laser i s frequency summed with a single pulse of the YAG fundamental (1064 nm) to produce the excitation wavelength of 403 nm. This pulse i s beamsplit to form the grating. A second dye laser (DL2) provides the probe pulse (588 nm) which i s sent down an optical delayline before entering the sample at the Bragg angle relative to the grating formed by the excitation beams. Varying the position of a r e t r o r e f l e c t o r on the optical delayline varies the timing between the excitation and probe pulses and thus provides the time base for the experiment. The diffracted probe beam i s detected by a photomultiplier and a l o c k - i n amplifier. A microcomputer controls the data acquisition by varying the probe polarization and monitoring the d i f f r a c t e d signal strength and the delayline position. The sample temperature during any given measurement was constant to ± 0.1°C. Experimental Technique. The picosecond transient grating technique has been extensively u t i l i z e d to study electronic excitation transfer(13_5_1£), rotational reorientation of small molecules(lQ), and acoustic phenomena(15). On longer time scales, the same concept is u t i l i z e d in "Forced Rayleigh scattering experiments to measure translational diffusion(16). In a transient grating experiment, optical interference between two crossed laser pulses creates a s p a t i a l l y periodic intensity pattern in an absorbing sample. This results in a spatial grating of excited states which then d i f f r a c t s a third (probe) beam brought into the sample at some l a t e r time. The two observable experimental quantities are the intensity of the diffracted signal for the probe beam polarized p a r a l l e l (T||(t)) and perpendicular (Tx(t)) to the polarization of the excitation beams. Figure 2 shows T||(t) and Tj_(t) for anthracene-labeled polyisoprene in dilute hexane solution. The sharp r i s i n g edge in the data indicates the time when the excitation pulse enters the sample. At times very soon after t h i s , there i s a large difference between the diffracted signal for the two different probe polarizations. Τ π("t) i s larger than Tj_(t) since a larger number of excited state transition dipoles are oriented p a r a l l e l to the excitation pulse p o l a r i z a t i o n . As molecular motions of the polymer occur, the excited state transition dipoles randomize their orientations, and the difference between T y i t ) and Tj_(t) goes to zero. Both curves continue to decay due to the excited state l i f e t i m e (~ 8 nsec). Quantitatively, the shapes of T||(t) and Tj_(t) are given in terms of the orientation autocorrelation function CF(t) and the excited state decay function K(t) as follows: T„(t) =


Ti(t) =




2 In these equations, r ( t ) is the time-dependent anisotropy which i s proportional to CF(t) as r ( t ) = r(0)CF(t)

(2) function, (3)





















Nanoseconds Figure 2. Transient grating decays for 9,lO-bis(methylene)anthracene labeled polyisoprene in dilute hexane solution. Τ and Τι are the d i f f r a c t i o n e f f i c i e n c i e s of the grating for the probe beam polarized p a r a l l e l and perpendicular to the excitation beams (see Equations 1 and 2). The two curves are i n i t i a l l y d i f ­ ferent because the excitation beams create an anisotropic orientational d i s t r i b u t i o n of excited state transition dipoles. As backbone motions occur, the transition dipoles randomize and the two curves coalesce. Both curves eventually decay due to the excited state l i f e t i m e . The structure of the anthracene-labeled polyisoprene i s also displayed, with the position of the tran­ s i t i o n dipole indicated by a double arrow. (Reproduced from Ref. 7. Copyright 1986 American Chemical Society.) K




Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy

where r(0) i s the fundamental anisotropy for the transition being observed. r ( t ) can be obtained from the transient grating signals by the following manipulation: r(t) =



STJt) _ _ _


vTTTt) + 2VT]Tt) The experimental anisotropy contains information about molecular motion, but i s independent of the excited state l i f e t i m e . Equation 4 indicates that the orientation autocorrelation function can be obtained d i r e c t l y and unambiguously (within the m u l t i p l i c a t i v e constant r(0)) from the results of a transient grating experiment. By setting the time delay between the excitation and probe beams to a given value and then alternating the polarization of the probe beam, the experimental anisotropy r ( t ) for time t can be obtained using Equation 4. In this mode of data a c q u i s i t i o n , the experimental anisotropy i s obtained at a r e l a t i v e l y small number of time points but with quite good precision at each point. The results of such an experiment on a dilute solution of labeled polyisoprene in hexane are shown in Figure 3. The smooth curve running through the data points i s the best f i t theoretical curve using the Hall-Helfand model. In general, the f i t t i n g of the anisotropy involved three adjustable parameters: r ( 0 ) , and the two parameters in each correlation function. The f i n i t e lengths of the excitation and probe pulses were accounted for in the f i t t i n g procedure. Further details on data a c q u i s i t i o n , error analysis, and curve f i t t i n g are presented in Ref. 7. Materials. A polyisoprene prepolymer was prepared by anionic polymerization in benzene at room temperature. The prepolymer was coupled with 9,10-bis(bromomethyl) anthracene to form a labeled polymer of twice the molecular weight of the prepolymer. Fractionation of the resulting products allowed polyisoprene chains containing exactly one anthracene chromophore in the chain center to be isolated. The labeled polymer was M = 10,800 and M /M = 1.16. The structure of the labeled chain i s shown as an inset in Figure 2 (see below). The chain microstructure was determined to be 39% c i s - 1 , 4 , 36% trans-1,4, and 25% v i n y l - 3 , 4 . A l l solvents were used as received and showed negligible absorption in the wavelength region of i n t e r e s t . The hexane and cyclohexane were spectrophotometry grade (99+%) while the 2-pentanone was 97%. Solvent v i s c o s i t i e s were obtained from Ref. 17. n



Label E f f e c t . In order to assess at least p a r t i a l l y the e f f e c t of the label on the chain dynamics, we also performed measurements on dilute solutions of 9,10-dimethyl anthracene. The reorientation time for the free dye in cyclohexane was -10 psec, 50 times faster than the time scale for motion of the labeled chain in cyclohexane. Hence we conclude that the observed correlation functions are not dominated by the hydrodynamic interaction of the chromophore i t s e l f with the solvent, but can be attributed to the polymer chain motions.



1 Hli ι 1 '''t Τ '






α ο

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«—· CM »—I +1 +1 +1

ο ο ο — · ι r-^ cr> c\j co CM CM


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vo vo Ο

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c t.

-σ C

Μ- >-

θ) -σ . ΣΖ 1» r - >> I t— -Ό > : ι— c ο . J Π3 Q) τ -

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ο ο










Ο CM Ο ΙΟ Ο CO vo CO Η Η CM Ο Ο CM tO ^- in Η Η +1 +1 +1 +1


+1 +1 +1

+1 +1 +1 +1

ο ο ο

Γ** CM CO -Η +1 +1

r—4 r—I »—I

ο ο

ο ο ο Ο Ο CO ο cr> τ-Ι «—ι vo

to S-

>- · «ο ·»->



— C O fO (D -r31 CD >

t o ΙΟ ^ί" CM CO Γ*·» CO

vo ο vo vo Η Ν Η Η

ο ο ο ο ο ο

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Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy

the correlation function in 2-pentanone. For the sake of c l a r i t y , we have chosen to f i t this data to only one model. The model of Hall and He!fand was chosen because i t provided a good f i t to data from a l l three solvents. In addition, the model i s easily understood in physical terms(11). This model considers a two state system involving both correlated and isolated conformational transitions. Correlated transitions allow small internal sections of chains to change their conformational states without requiring reorientation of the chain ends. Isolated conformational transitions involve some sort of translation or reorientation of larger sections of the polymer chain. In this model, τχ and τ are time constants for correlated and isolated t r a n s i t i o n s , respectively (see Table I ) . Figure 5 shows time dependent anisotropics for dilute solutions of labeled polyisoprene in 2pentanone at various temperatures. Also shown are the best f i t s to the anisotropics using the Hall-Helfand model. The best f i t parameters are given in Table I I . Within experimental error, the shape of the correlation function in 2-pentanone at a l l temperatures studied i s the same as the shape of the correlation functions observed in hexane and cyclohexane. We can analyze the temperature dependence of the local segmental dynamics in terms of the Kramers picture of diffusion over a barrier(18,19). Presumably, more than one fundamental process contributes to the local motion observed in these experiments. In this case, we can write an expression for the rate w-| of the i process which contributes to the reorientation of the chromophore's transition dipole, in terms of the viscosity n and the activation energy Ε ·: 2




w « - exp (-E /kT) i n i


The fact that the observed correlation functions do not change shape as a function of temperature implies that the r e l a t i v e contributions of these various fundamental processes do not change s i g n i f i c a n t l y with temperature. Hence we can replace Equation 6 with w « - exp (-E/kT) η


where w i s inversely proportional to the time scale of the correlation function decay and Ε represents an average activation energy for the local segmental motions being observed. If we l e t τ represent the time required for the correlation function to reach 1/e of i t s original value, then a plot of 1η(τ/η) versus 1/T w i l l y i e l d E. Figure 6 displays this plot, with the slope giving Ε = 7.4 = 0.7 kJ/mole. (Of course, other procedures for picking a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c τ would y i e l d the same activation energy.) To the best of our knowledge, other measurements of the activation energy for the local segmental dynamics of polyisoprene have not been reported. Our estimate of the activation energy i s in reasonable accord with the 8.3 kJ/mole torsional barrier for propene(20). The above treatment i m p l i c i t l y assumes that the local segmental dynamics are not affected by changes in global chain




Figure 4. Time-dependent anisotropy for anthracene-labeled polyisoprene in dilute cyclohexane solution. The smooth curve through the data i s the best f i t to the Bendler-Yaris model(T]=210 ps, X2=2750 ps, and r(0)=0.243).

Figure 5. Time-dependent anisotropics for labeled polyisoprene chains in dilute 2-pentanone solutions. The smooth curves through the data points are the best f i t s to the Hall-Helfand model for 22.8 °C, -8.6 °C, and -26.5 °C (bottom to top). The data at 35.1 °C i s omitted for c l a r i t y . Semilog plots of the best f i t correlation functions are shown in the inset. Note that a l l the correlation functions are quite non-exponential.


Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy


7.1 7.0 6.9


l- 6.8

z 6.7





Figure 6. Arrhenius plot for dilute solutions of labeled polyisoprene in 2-pentanone. The activation energy calculated from the slope of the best f i t line is 7.4 kJ/mole. On the ver t i c a l scale, τ represents the 1/e point of the best f i t correla tion functions using the Hall-Helfand model. The data points represent results of independent experiments. The units for τ and n are ps and centipoise, respectively.



dimensions that may result from temperature changes. This assumption i s expected to be valid for the chains used in this study because of their low molecular weight. Experiments currently in progress are examining the molecular weight dependence of the local segmental dynamics of polyisoprene. Comparison to Previous Work Hatada, et al. have reported C-13 NMR experiments on a dilute solution of polyisoprene in methylene chloride(21). It is d i f f i c u l t to make a rigorous comparison with these measurements for two reasons: 1) The NMR measurements were made at a single frequency and temperature. Hence no information about the shape of the correlation function is available. 2) The NMR experiment senses reorientation of a C-H vector which i s perpendicular to the chain backbone. Our optical experiments measure the correlation function for a vector p a r a l l e l to the chain backbone. In order to make at least a rough comparison with the NMR data, we make use of the Brownian dynamics simulations of Weber and He1fand(22). These simulations for a polyethylene-like chain compared the correlation functions for vectors both p a r a l l e l and perpendicular to the chain backbone. Their results indicate that the correlation function for the perpendicular bond decays - 4 times faster than the correlation function for the p a r a l l e l bond. If we assume that the correlation function for a C-H vector in polyisoprene has the shape obtained in the computer simulation, and further assume that the relationship between p a r a l l e l and perpendicular vectors revealed by the simulations is v a l i d for polyisoprene, a comparison can be made between the optical and NMR experiments. Following the above procedure, we used the NMR data of Hatada, et al. to estimate the correlation function for a bond in the chain backbone. The resulting estimate was - 2.5 times faster than results obtained in the optical experiments. The difference represents either the crudeness of the method used for comparison, or the perturbation of the chain dynamics caused by the presence of the label in the optical experiments. In the future, we w i l l perform measurements with both techniques on systems where the two sets of results can be more easily correlated. Viovy, Monnerie, and Brochon have performed fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements on the nanosecond time scale on d i l u t e solutions of anthracene-labeled p o l y s t y r e n e . In contrast to our results on labeled polyisoprene, Viovy, et al. reported that t h e i r Generalized Diffusion and Loss model (see Table I) f i t their results better than the Hall-Helfand or Bendler-Yaris models. This conclusion i s similar to that recently reached by Sasaki, Yamamoto, and Nishijima(3) after performing fluorescence measurements on anthracene-labeled poly(methyl methacrylate). These differences in the observed correlation function shapes could be taken either to r e f l e c t the non-universal character of local motions, or to indicate a s i g n i f i c a n t difference between chains of moderate f l e x i b i l i t y and high f l e x i b i l i t y . Further investigations w i l l shed l i g h t on this point. In spite of the difference in the shape of the observed correlation functions, i t i s interesting to compare the timescale



Time-Resolved Optical Spectroscopy


of the decays in the polystyrene and polyisoprene systems. At the same v i s c o s i t y , our results for labeled polyisoprene indicate motions occuring - 9.5 times faster than for the labeled polystyrene investigated by Viovy, et al. This i s in very good agreement with results from C-13 NMR(21,23) which under comparable conditions give a ratio of Ti(polyisoprene)/Ti(polystyrene) of - 10. This comparison indicates that the hydrodynamic interaction of the label with the solvent does not dominate the observed dynamics. Concluding Remarks In this paper, we have shown the u t i l i t y of time-resolved optical techniques for the investigation of local segmental motions in polymer chains on a sub-nanosecond time scale. Detailed information about chain motions is contained in the time dependence of the orientation autocorrelation function of a backbone bond. The constant shape of the correlation function in various solvents at different temperatures implies that the same mechanisms are involved in local motions under a l l conditions investigated. In terms of the Hall-Helfand model, the ratio of correlated to uncorrected transitions i s constant. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the labeled polyisoprene y i e l d s an activation energy of 7.4 kJ/mole for local segmental motions. In experiments currently in progress, the techniques used in this paper are being applied to the observation of local polymer dynamics in concentrated solutions and in the bulk. Measurements can be made on time scales as long as several t r i p l e t lifetimes (~ 100 msec) because the transient grating technique u t i l i z e s absorption and not fluorescence. This long time window w i l l allow the investigation of local motions in the bulk as a function of temperature from the rubbery state to the glass t r a n s i t i o n . Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin, the Shell Foundation (Faculty Career I n i t i a t i o n Grant), Research Corporation, Dow Chemical USA, and the National Science Foundation (DMR-8513271). In addition, acknowledgment i s made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for partial support of this research. We thank Mr. H. Tominaga and Mr. N. Ota at Toyohashi University of Technology for their help in the preparation and characterization of the polymer.

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RECEIVED April 27, 1987