Tiny gland may save lives of burn victims - Journal of Chemical

Tiny gland may save lives of burn victims. J. Chem. Educ. , 1929, 6 (1), p 71. DOI: 10.1021/ed006p71.2. Publication Date: January 1929. Note: In lieu ...
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VOL.6. No. 1



Growth in Cold Improves Linseed Oil Quality. The scientific secret of the higher quality of linseed oil derived from northem grown flax has been traced by Prof. W. Iwanof of the Institute of Applied Botany a t Leningrad, Russia. Experiments on flax seed gathered from various climates, from the south to the north of Russia, were checked by experiments on seed from plants grown in artificial climates under laboratory control. In both groups of tests, the plants that grew and ripened their seed a t lower temperatures and with less light yielded a higher percentage of linoleic acid, which is the stuff that makes linseed oil dry rapidly, thereby rendering it valuable in paints, linoleum, etc. Prof. Iwanof is of the opinion that, in general, northern climates are the better for forming quick-drying oils in growing plants, whereas southern regions, with more warmth and sunlight, favor the formation of oleic acid, characteristic of olives, pistachio nuts, citrus fruits, etc.-Science Senice Tiny Gland M a y Save Lives of Bum Victims. Victims of 6res who have been severely burned may be saved from death by a substance from a tiny gland located a t the base of the brain, according to Dr. Oliver Kamm of Detroit. This substance, Dr. Kamm has discovered, helps the tissues of the body retain water. According to the latest theories, death results from burns because the body tissues are dried out. Lack of this substance may now he suoolied bv extracts from animal . zlands. This .. may prove of immenx benefit in certain other conditions besides b u m . For instance, the illness and shock after an anesthetic given during an operation are now thought by some t o be due t o drying out of the tissues. Over or under activity of this gland, according to Dr. Kamm, may be partly responsible for certain diseases, such as a form of diabetes characterized by extreme thirst and excessive elimination of water.-Science ScNicc