TKPP is a camel for water Our TKPP does its work with a mini mum of water. It's the most soluble of the phosphates. You can d i s s o l v e 200 parts in 100 parts water at 50° F. T h i s is the builder that puts the cleaning power into modern liquid detergents. TKPP's s y n e r g i s m steps up a n y for mulation's hard surface detergency.
A powerful s e q u e s t r a n t - w a t e r sof tener, Blockson TKPP provides opti m u m detergency in a n y water hard n e s s . Compatible with y o u r other for m u l a components. Packed powdered or granular in lOO lb. lined bags, 125 a n d 300 lb. drums. Write Joliet or dis trict office for data sheet and sample.
Modern Detergents Mean Phosphates and Phosphates Mean Blockson
CHEMICALS DIVISION Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation · Patterson Road · Joliet, Illinois 12