May 31, 2012 - TO VALIDATE THIS CARD, PLEASE. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (9), pp 1065A–1065A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50059a760. Publication Date: August ...
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Understanding Chemical Patenl

P.O. BOX # 7 8 2 6 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19101

A Guide for the Inve John T. Maynard

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During their professional careers scientists will invent a process ο which can be protected under a This practical volume, written fro chemist's point of view, covers evi a working chemist or chemical e needs to know about this compli subject: how to read and unders patents, how to use patents as a-s< information, how to recognize th invention has been made, how t< with attorneys in seeking patent protection for an invention, how adequate notebook records, how ! for infringement, and many other f suggestions. The special jargon patents is explained to facilitate c with patent attorneys, agents, ar technical liason personnel.

(formerly Applied Science Laboratories, Inc.)

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TO VALIDATE THIS CARD, PLEASE CHECK ONE ENTRY FOR EACH CATEGORY BELOW: .Intensity of product need: G 1. Have salesman call G 2. Need w i t h i n 6 mos. α 3. Future project Primary field of work: G A. Energy G Β. Environmental G C. Medical/ Biological G D. Drug/Cosmetic G E. Forensic/ Narcotic G F. Textile/Fiber G G. Metals G H. Pulp/ Paper/Wood Soaps/Cleaners G l. G J. Paint/Coating/ Ink G K. Electrical/Electronic G L. Instrument Dev./Des G M Plastic/Polymer/Rub G N. Agricultural/Food G O. Inorganic Chemicals G P. Organic Chemicals

Primary area of employment: INDUSTRIAL Q A. Research/Development Π Β. Quality/Process Control MEDICAL/HOSPITAL • C. Research/Development • D. Clinical/Diagnostic GOVERNMENT • E. Research/Development • F. Regulate/Investigate COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY • G. Research/Development G H. Teaching INDEPENDENT/CONSULTING G I. Research/Development G J- Analysis/Testing This copy of Analytical is: G 1. Personally addressed to me in my name. G 2. Addressed to other person or to my f i r m .

Dr. Maynard is an authority on ρ having been Chairman of the An Chemical Society Committee on Matters and Division Head of Pate Technical Information for E.I. dul Nemours and Co. He has drawn 20 year's experience in the field of to produce this clearly written, info guide for the inventor.

CONTENTS Introduction; the purposes of patents · How patent · Patents as an information source whether to file a patent application · Obtam protection; the independent inventor · Prep the patent application; determination of inve Prosecuting the patent application · Interfen importance of records · Patent infringemen understanding patent claims · Making use c enforcement and licensing · The employed assignments and employment agreements Copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets: d plant patents · Trends in patent law

146 p a g e s (1978) $ 1 2 . 5 0 clothbc LC 7 7 - 2 8 0 9 7 ISBN 0-8412

SIS/American Chemical Societ 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C.

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