Years ago/when w e b e g a n to m a k e fluorescent l a m p s , w e p r o d u c e d only one t u n g s t e n c h e m i c a l . CaWC>4
Today, Sylvania offers you the world's largest line of tungsten and molybdenum chemicals. Sylvania's chemical facilities are constantly expanding. Originally, we became experts in tungsten and molybdenum chemicals for our own lighting devices. Cal cium tungstate was the first. Now we've expanded our capabilities to meet the demands of many other industries.
As far as we know, we offer the world's biggest line. And it keeps on growing. We make these chemicals in any quantity—and deliver quickly. They're always pure, uniform, re producible. Because our advanced processing techniques give us (and you) complete control.
Want more information and samples? Give us an idea of your application and the information you n e e d . W r i t e d i r e c t l y to Edmund T. Portko, Product Sales Manager, Sylvania E l e c t r i c Products Inc., Chemical & Metal lurgical Division, Towanda, Pennsylvania 18848.