Top-down MS picking up speed - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Top-down MS picking up speed. Christine Piggee. Anal. Chem. , 2008, 80 (9), pp 3069–3069. DOI: 10.1021/ac086004k. Publication Date (Web): May 1, 200...
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Top-down MS picking up speed Although some prefer to focus on the phase [LC] without any tuning whatsotion for the identification and characterforest, others like to start with the ever,” Kelleher says. ization of proteins by using top-down trees. The two MS-based approaches to Merits of the top-down method inMS/MS data). proteomics—bottom-up, in which the clude detection of posttranslational modWith earlier top-down platforms, the proteins of interest are first digested ifications, individually and in combinalargest proteins detectable in discovinto peptides and then separated before tion; high sequence coverage; and better ery mode had been