Toughened Plastics II - American Chemical Society

nomenon we designate "croiding" is observed in a core-shell rubber (CSR) modified diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) epoxy resin cured with piper...
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12 Crazing and Dilatation-Band Formation in Engineering Thermosets H.-J. Sue , P. C. Yang , P. M . Puckett , J. L. Bertram , and Ε. I. Gareia-Meitin 1





Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3123 B-1603, Dow Chemical USA, Freeport, TX 77541 1

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on July 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1996-0252.ch012


The crazing phenomenon was observed in a high-performance, ther­ mosetting, 1,2-dihydrobenzocyclobutene and maleimide (BCB-MI) resin system. The craze-fibril diameter, band thickness, and size of the damage zone observed in the BCB-MI matrix were all larger than those of the polystyrene craze. As a result, the BCB-MI had a much higher fracture toughness than polystyrene, bisphenol A polycarbon­ ate, and many other rubber-toughened thermosets. Unusual craze­ -like dilatation bands were also detected in several engineering ther­ mosets. These dilatation bands were, however, less effective in fracture-energy dissipation than those due to craze bands. Only when the formation of dilatation bands was extensive did the tough­ eningeffect become significant. The possible cause(s) and conditions resulting in crazing and the formation of dilatation bands in ther­ mosets are discussed. The importance of the present findings for the toughening of high-performance thermosets is also addressed.


N E O F T H E P R E D O M I N A N T M E C H A N I S M S o f toughening i n thermoplastics is

crazing. T h e stretching, disentanglement, a n d fibril formation o f h i g h molecular weight, linear, thermoplastic polymers are w e l l understood a n d characterized. I n the literature, many researchers have c l a i m e d that crazing can o c c u r i n thermosets a n d is a major toughening mechanism for thermosets (1-5). F o r instance, Sultan a n d M c G a r r y ( i ) indicated that crazing c o u l d be a p r e d o m i n a n t flow m e c h a n i s m i n rubber-modified epoxies w h e n the r u b b e r particle is large a n d the stress field is tensile. B u c k n a l l and Yoshii (4, 5) showed signs o f crazing i n a carboxy-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile ( C T B N ) , r u b ­ ber-modified epoxy matrix. However, they d i d not convincingly demonstrate that crazing h a d taken place a n d was a major source o f toughening. C o n s e ­ quently, i n the area o f thermoset toughening, it is still believed that crazing is not likely to occur i n engineering thermosets (6-9) because these highly crossl i n k e d molecules cannot undergo significant molecular stretching a n d disen0-8412-3151-6

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Riew and Kinloch; Toughened Plastics II Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



tanglement (5, 10). Therefore, no k n o w n efforts have focused on toughening thermosets via crazing or craze-like damage.

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on July 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1996-0252.ch012

Recent progress a n d technological breakthroughs i n polymer synthesis, modification, and characterization have l e d to new findings o f previously u n r e ­ p o r t e d toughening mechanisms i n thermosets as w e l l as a better understand­ i n g o f w h y a n d h o w these mechanisms operate (11-16). F o r instance, a p h e ­ n o m e n o n we designate " c r o i d i n g " is observed i n a c o r e - s h e l l r u b b e r ( C S R ) modified diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A ( D G E B A ) epoxy resin c u r e d w i t h p i p e r i d i n e (Figure 1) (11). A t the optical microscopic scale (a practical resolu­ tion o f about 1 μπι), these croids resemble the well-known crazes observed i n polystyrene. However, w h e n transmission electron microscopy ( T E M ) is used,

Figure 1. DN-4PB plane-strain damage zone of epoxy that has been modified with core-shell rubber. Top: ROM image obtained under Nomarski interference contrast. Bottom: TEM image of the croids in the plane-strain region. In both im­ ages the crack propagates from the upper nght to the upper left.

Riew and Kinloch; Toughened Plastics II Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


S U E et al.

Crazing and Dilatation-Band



the croids are found to be composed o f linear arrays o f dilatation bands c o n ­ taining numerous, highly cavitated, C S R particles (Figure 1, bottom). These findings suggest the possibility o f toughening engineering thermosets via mas­ sive crazing or craze-like toughening mechanisms. T h e present w o r k focuses o n characterizing the fracture mechanism(s) o f several moderately cross-linked engineering thermosets whose molecular weights ( M ) range from 560 to 920 g/mol. Characterization was performed us­ i n g the double-notch, four-point-bend ( D N - 4 P B ) technique (17) together w i t h various microscopic and spectroscopic tools. T h e goal o f this w o r k is to gain an understanding o f h o w and w h y crazing a n d dilatation bands occur i n engineering thermosets, and to use that knowledge to effectively toughen thermosets via p r o m o t i o n o f crazes or craze-like dilatation bands.

Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on July 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1996-0252.ch012


Experimental Details M a t e r i a l s . The thermosetting resins investigated include (1) 1,2-dihydrobenzocyclobutene and maleimide ( B C B - M I ) resin, (2) a modified version of the B C B - M I resin ( B C B - M I - M ) , (3) cross-linkable epoxy thermoplastic ( C E T , which is chemically similar to T A C T L X 695 epoxy resin from D o w Cnemical Co.), and (4) D G E B A epoxy (D.E.R. 332, D o w Chemical Co.) cured with piperidine. The chemical structures of the resins are shown i n Chart I. The detailed syntheses, curing schedules, and physical testing conditions of these resins can be found elsewhere (11,12,14,15,18). F o r convenience, the ba­ sic physical properties of these resins are given in Table I. M e c h a n i c a l T e s t i n g . The thermosetting resins were cured and pourcast into rectangular plaques, which were then machined into (1) 12.7 χ 1.27 χ 0.635 c m bars for the D N - 4 P B experiments (17), and (2) 6.35 χ 1.27 χ 0.635 c m bars for the single-edge-notch, three-point-bend ( S E N - 3 P B ) , fracture-toughness measurements. These bars were notched with a notching cutter (250 μιη radius), and then tapped with a Mquid-nitrogen-chilled razor blade to wedge open a sharp crack. A Sintech-2 screw-driven mechanical testing machine was used to conduct both the S E N - 3 P B and D N - 4 P B experiments at a crosshead speed of 0.0508 cm/min. W h e n the D N - 4 P B experiment was conducted, care was taken to ensure that the upper contact-loading points were touching the specimen simultaneous-

M i c r o s c o p y . The D N - 4 P B damage zone of the subcritically propagated crack was cut along the crack-propagation direction but perpendicular to the frac­ ture surface using a diamond saw. The plane-strain core region and plane-stress surface region of the crack-tip damage zone were prepared for transmitted optical microscopy ( T O M ) , reflected optical microscopy ( R O M ) , and T E M following the procedures described by Sue and co-workers (20, 21). T O M and R O M were per­ formed using an Olympus Vanox-S microscope. T E M was conducted using a J E O L 2 0 0 0 F X A T E M operated at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. The density inside the dilatation bands was measured using electron energy loss spectroscopy ( E E L S ) with a Gatan 666 parallel E E L S ( P E E L S ) , which was at­ tached to the T E M . A n accelerating voltage of 100 k V was used. The density of the dilatation band was calculated using the following equation (22):

Riew and Kinloch; Toughened Plastics II Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Pcraze ~~ Pmatrix





where ρ is the density, J is the total spectral intensity, i is the zero loss intensity, the subscript c indicates either the craze band or the dilatation band, and the sub­ script m indicates the bulk matrix. To ensure that our approach gives reasonable results, the same method was also used to measure the density of a craze band i n a tensile-loaded polystyrene sample. Downloaded by PURDUE UNIV on July 5, 2016 | Publication Date: May 5, 1996 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1996-0252.ch012



1,2-Dihydrobenzocyclobutene and maleimide ( B C B - M I )

Modified B C B - M I ( B C B - M I - M ) OH




j — C - C - C ^ O - R ' - O - C - C ^ R'




Cross-linkable epoxy thermoplastic ( C E T ) CH
