Toward Phase Quantification at the Nanoscale ... - ACS Publications

Sep 16, 2013 - Sulfamerazine, a sulfonamide drug widely used with other antibiotics,(12) was chosen as the test compound for this study as it was know...
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Toward Phase Quantification at the Nanoscale Using the Total Scattering Pair Distribution Function (TSPDF) Method: Recrystallization of Cryomilled Sulfamerazine Timur Davis,† Matthew Johnson,‡ and Simon J. L. Billinge*,†,§ †

Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, New York, 10027, United States GlaxoSmithKline Medicines Research Centre, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2NY, U.K. § Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, 11973, United States ‡

ABSTRACT: One of the most challenging problems facing the pharmaceutical industry is to identify and quantify the phase fractions in mixed phase samples that contain crystalline, nanocrystalline, and amorphous components. Here we demonstrate an approach that accomplishes this using high energy X-rays coupled with total scattering pair distribution function (TSPDF) analysis by studying samples of sulfamerazine, a sulfonamide antibiotic drug, recrystallizing from a cryomilled-induced amorphous state. Samples milled under different conditions were shown to have significantly different phase compositions. The initial amorphous state was obtained by cryomilling the stable Form 1 polymorph. This was then aged at low temperature to initiate controlled recrystallization. We show that depending on the milling and aging protocol we see a mixture of amorphous material with the metastable Form 2 polymorph. A minority of Form 1 is also observed. We describe the approach that allowed us to quantify the phase fractions despite the majority of the sample lacking crystalline order.

printing amorphous APIs10 and investigating the local packing of pharmaceuticals in the disordered solid state.10 We now know that the results of these early studies are in question because the d-spacing range (or Q range, where Q is the magnitude of the scattering vector7) over which the data were measured was potentially not sufficient11 for the desired task. On the basis of our studies, data collected using short wavelength X-rays and/or to high 2θ angles are required to produce data of sufficient quality for interrogation. PDFs obtained from data of sufficient quality and Q-range are often rich in information and can reliably be used for fingerprinting11 and even studying the structure and size of nanocrystalline forms of API’s.6 Work is ongoing to understand the level of data required to be fit for purpose for a number of tasks in the pharmaceutical industry. To differentiate the earlier low-Q PDF measurements from the later high-Q measurements, we refer to the latter as total scattering PDFs (TSPDF). TSPDFs provide local information on a compound in the angstrom to nanometer scale, potentially unlocking the hidden world below the XRPD amorphous halo. Here we apply the TSPDF technique for the first time to the phase quantification of amorphous and polymorphic forms of pharmaceutical compounds. Sulfamerazine, a sulfonamide drug widely used with other antibiotics,12 was chosen as the test

INTRODUCTION Milling is a common method for reducing the particle size of a drug during manufacture. Particle size reduction is desirable, for example, for a particular drug delivery method such as for inhaled drugs that must access certain parts of the lung,1 to improve processability,2 or in the case of poorly soluble drugs, to improve bioavailability.3 Milling of the drug particle can lead to a polymorphic and/or amorphous transformation. The creation of a disordered state as a result of the breakdown of long-range order increases the molecular mobility and the likelihood of spontaneous crystallization.4,5 As milling is commonly used to reduce the particle size of manufactured drugs, the output material must be tested for form and, where required, amorphous or polymorphic impurities prior to release. Tests for impurities are conducted using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), although it is difficult to quantify the level of amorphous content using XRPD. It is typical to call any material that produces a broad halo in an XRPD pattern “X-ray amorphous”, but this may not completely be the case. The material may also contain some order in the form of nanoparticles6 or a crystalline component. Techniques to probe the structure of amorphous compounds or to identify the amorphous phase fraction are limited. One technique that has been shown to probe amorphous structure is atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. This technique, which has typically been applied to inorganic materials,7−9 has been suggested as an approach for finger© XXXX American Chemical Society

Received: January 29, 2013 Revised: July 17, 2013

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compound for this study as it was known to convert upon hard milling13 from Form 1 to Form 2 in a short time scale. Sulfamerazine has three known polymorphic forms: Form 1,14 Form 2,15 and Form 3.16 Using TSPDF, we demonstrate that it is possible to extract, quantitatively, the phase composition of the samples as they recrystallize from the cryomilled form. This demonstration increases the potential applications of TSPDF analysis for studying amorphous and mixed phase pharmaceutical compounds.


Total Scattering Pair Distribution Function (TSPDF) Analysis. The PDF, G(r), yields the probability of finding an atom at a distance r from another atom and so provides information on local structure in real space.7 It is calculated by taking the sine Fourier transformation of the structure function, S(Q), which is the properly corrected and normalized powder diffraction intensity, with the relationship

G(r ) = 4πr[ρ(r ) − ρ0 ] =

2 π


Q max

Figure 1. (a) Experimental XRPD pattern of Form 1 (green) plotted with a Form 1 pattern simulated from the structure model obtained from the CSD (blue). (b) XRPD pattern of C1 collected directly after cryomilling (green) and 1 month later (blue) after it had recrystallized to mostly Form 1. (c) XRPD pattern of C2 collected directly after cryomilling (green) and 1 month later (blue), this pattern was not concordant to Form 1. All measured XRPD patterns were taken with Cu Kα radiation.

Q [S(Q ) − 1]sin Qr dQ


where ρ(r) is the microscopic pair density and ρ0 is the average number density.17 The S(Q) is obtained by correcting X-ray diffraction data for polarization, absorption, multiple-scattering, fluorescence, energy efficiency of the detector, etc. One of the most common software programs used to perform these corrections and calculations, used in this study, is PDFGetX2.18 The information content of a PDF depends on the information content of the S(Q), which in turn depends on Qmax, the magnitude of the maximum range of the momentum transfer, Q, of the measurement. Q is related to the Bragg angle, θ, which is half the scattering angle, and the wavelength, λ, of the incident radiation: Q = 4π sin θ/λ.7 Generally, there are two ways to increase the Qmax that can be attained in an experiment. The first is to measure out to a higher 2θmax, and the second is to decrease the wavelength of the X-rays used by increasing the energy of the X-ray source. The energy of an X-ray is dependent on the source anode of the diffractometer. Four types of instruments are commonly available that span the full energy range: copper-anode laboratory sources (CALS), molybdenum-anode laboratory sources (MALS), silver-anode laboratory sources (SALS), and synchrotrons. CALS, MALS, and SALS diffractometers can be found in academic and industrial laboratories, while synchrotrons are in national facilities, such as Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States. The maximum possible Qmax values, typically measured in inverse angstroms, that are available to CALS, MALS, and SALS diffractometers are around 8 Å−1, 16 Å−1, and 22 Å−1, respectively. Synchrotrons are able to go as high as 45 Å−1 depending on the configuration.19 A recent investigation into the minimum energies necessary to study amorphous pharmaceutical compounds found that there is not enough information in data collected on CALS diffractometers for reliable fingerprinting analysis.11 However, MALS and SALS diffractometers and synchrotrons are capable of producing sufficiently information-rich PDFs.11 Sample Preparation and Characterization. Two batches of sulfamerazine Form 1 (Sigma Aldrich 58876-50G) were used as input material for a Retsch cryomill. The two production batches are different as the weight of sample used in the cryomilling was varied to determine potential process yield. For the first batch, 600 mg of sulfamerazine was cryomilled in a 25 mL jar, milling for nine cycles of 3 min followed by a 3 min cool-down (54 min total). A sample was taken for XRPD using a CALS on a silicon wafer with the diffractometer in reflection geometry. Data collection was over 10 min. The results showed that this material was X-ray-amorphous after cryomilling as seen by the green curve in Figure 1b. For the second batch, 1500 mg of sulfamerazine was cryomilled in a 50 mL jar, milling for nine cycles of 3 min, followed by a 3 min cool-

down. The jar was allowed to warm to room temperature before opening (about 2 h) and then was tested by XRPD, similar to the previous batch. The diffraction pattern indicated that the sample was still crystalline, so the cryomilling procedure was repeated for a second time (108 min total). After this second attempt, the XRPD results showed the material to be partially crystalline, but the diffraction trace did not match the input reference pattern indicating a polymorphic transformation had occurred during the milling (green curve, Figure 1c). Both batches were transferred from the jars to glass bottles and stored for about one month in a freezer and were again characterized using XRPD before being brought to the synchrotron (blue curves in Figure 1b,c). A pure Form 1 sample was measured as a control (Figure 1a). A sample of crystalline Form 2 was also made by a recrystallization process. The structure and crystallinity were checked using XRPD on a CALS. As well as the cryomilled samples, data were collected from the pure Form 1 and Form 2 samples to act as control data. Henceforth, we will refer to data collected from the reference Form 1 sulfamerazine standard as ‘F1’, Form 2 as ‘F2’, the first cryomilled (small) batch as ‘C1’, and the second cryomilled (large) batch as ‘C2’. Synchrotron Experiments. Powder samples were packed into Kapton capillaries with 1 mm diameter. Data from C1, C2, and F2 were collected at the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Samples were transported in dry ice and kept in dry ice in the laboratory until they were put into the X-ray beam. On the diffractometer, the capillary was immediately cooled to 100 K in a flowing stream of cold N2 gas using an Oxford cryostream cooler. The F2 sample was measured later on beamline ID15 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Source (ESRF) in France. It was also measured at 100 K. Total scattering data for the C1, C2, and F1 sample were collected at beamline X-7B at the NSLS using the rapid acquisition PDF method.20 A Perkin-Elmer 2D image plate detector was placed perpendicular to the X-ray beam (λ = 0.3184 Å) 114.9 mm behind the sample. A spinner rotated the capillary holding the sample at 3 rpm. Data were collected for 30 s at 100 K, and this was repeated between 60 and 90 times per sample; measurements were all integrated and normalized with respect to total collection time using the software Fit2D.21 The F2 sample data were collected in the same geometry but B | Cryst. Growth Des. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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Figure 2. (a−c) XRPD data of C1 (green) plotted with calculated XRPD patterns of Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 in order from top to bottom (blue). (d−f) XRPD data of C2 (green) plotted with calculated XRPD patterns of Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 in order from top to bottom (blue). Panel (e) identifies C2 as having mostly the Form 2 structure, while panels (a) and (b) show C1 contains features of both Form 1 and Form 2. All measured XRPD patterns were taken with Cu Kα radiation. with (λ = 0.22286 Å) 159.9 mm behind the sample. The detector was a MAR345 2D detector. Two different samples were measured but their PDFs were very similar. TSPDF Generation. Two programs were used to calculate PDFs. The first, PDFGetX2,18 was used to calculate TSPDFs from experimental data. This program applies corrections to the data and Fourier transforms it from Q-space to real space. The second, PDFgui,22 was used to calculate PDFs from crystal structure files that are available in databases such as the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD).23 Occasionally, these crystal structures do not have information on the isotropic thermal parameters, Uiso, of a compound, which are necessary to calculate a PDF. In these cases, a value of Uiso = 0.01 Å2 was used. This value is appropriate for atomic vibrations in most materials at moderate temperatures comparable to room temperature. Fingerprinting. Fingerprinting the PDFs was done qualitatively and quantitatively. For qualitative analysis, we use a visual comparison of the plots of the PDFs. For quantitative analysis, we use a homewritten program that computes the Pearson product-momentum correlation,24 R, to quantify the similarity of curves.11


1 1−n


calculated from the Form 1 structure model. Next, we consider the Cu Kα diffraction patterns of C1 and C2 samples before and after aging for 1 month. Panel b shows us that C1 was Xray amorphous right after the cryomilling but transformed into a more crystalline phase after a month. However, this phase is not fully crystalline as evidenced by the broad halo in the middle of the plot. Finally, from panel c, we see that C2 was mostly crystalline after cryomilling and remained in the same phase over the course of a month, although it does appear to have a small amorphous halo. We can use XRPD to fingerprint the crystalline component of the aged C1 and C2 samples. This comparison is shown in Figure 2. Careful examination of Figure 2e, compared to panels d and f, clearly identifies C2 as having Form 2 as the majority phase. However, as evidenced by Figure 2a,b, we are unable to determine which of the crystalline forms C1 corresponds to, as the XRPD pattern contains features of both Form 1 and Form 2. There is no apparent intensity at the positions of strong peaks in the Form 3 diffraction pattern (2c) ruling this out as a constituent. A small peak at 5 Å is evident in all the data. This is a background signal coming from the sample mount. To supplement the visual comparison in Figure 2, we carry out a quantitative analysis using Pearson correlation analysis.11 Since the XRPD data are in Q-space, not real space, the Pearson correlation is calculated over the entire range of data. The results are in Table 1.

⎛ Xi − X̅ ⎞⎛ Yi − Y ̅ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎜⎜ ⎝ σx ⎠⎝ σy ⎠

∑⎜ i=0

where X̅ and σx are the mean and standard deviation of a data set, respectively. The approach creates an n × n matrix that contains a Pearson correlation value, R, in the range −1 to 1 between each pair of n data sets. The value 1 implies complete correlation, zero implies no correlation, and −1 implies anticorrelation. The Pearson correlation technique is extremely powerful because it ignores absolute scaling but is sensitive to relative scaling and slight shifts in peak position.11 We study the degree of correlation between PDFs in the range r = 3.0−20.0 Å. We chose this range because the very local structure (i.e., r < 3.0 Å) of all molecular samples is similar due to intramolecular atom pairs, for example, consisting of nearest and next-nearest carbon− carbon bonds at 1.4 Å and 2.4 Å, respectively. Applying the correlation analysis to the entire data range does not change the result significantly but reduces the sensitivity to variations in the molecular packing of the correlation analysis by including a range of r that is highly similar regardless of the packing.

Table 1. Pearson Correlation Coefficients between C1 and C2 and the Crystalline Forms 1, 2, and 3a C1 C2 Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

RESULTS XRPD Analysis. First, we visually compare the XRPD data in Figure 1. As expected, from panel a we see that the measured F1 diffraction pattern clearly corresponds very well with that



Form 1

Form 2

Form 3


0.626 1

0.439 0.095 1

0.459 0.843 0.145 1

0.257 0.083 0.338 0.118 1

a Coefficients higher than 0.8 are shown in bold (except when they are trivially unity).

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The Pearson correlation coefficients in Table 1 corroborate our assertion that C2 is strongly correlated with Form 2, but not correlated to Form 1 or Form 3. On the other hand, C1 does not correlate strongly with any of the crystalline forms. The correlation with Forms 1 and 2 are roughly similar, while the correlation with Form 3 is lower. TSPDF Analysis. Figure 3 shows TSPDFs of, from top to bottom, F1, C1, C2, and F2 plotted with an offset and scaled to

Figure 4. Top: C1 in blue and F2 in green plotted on top of one another (Pearson correlation is 0.835). Bottom: C1 in blue and F1 in red plotted on top of one another (Pearson correlation is 0.668). The data have been scaled so that all the PDFs have the same size nearest neighbor C−C peak at 1.4 Å . The plots are scaled to highlight the features in the high-r region.

Table 2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients between the TSPDFs of F1, C1, and C2 in the Range 3−20 Åa Figure 3. TSPDFs of the four samples of sulfamerazine. From top to bottom: crystalline F1, cryomilled C1, cryomilled C2, crystalline F2. The TSPDFs of C1 and C2 look different from F1 and similar to F2 and to one another.

F1 F2 C1 C2






0.292 1

0.668 0.835 1

0.340 0.950 0.892 1

a Coefficients higher than 0.8 are shown in bold (except when they are trivially unity).

highlight the high-r region. It shows that C1 and C2 clearly are a different phase than F1, even though they were created by cryomilling batches of F1. The PDF of C2 is strongly similar to F2 suggesting the phase is predominantly F2. The C1 phase does not strongly resemble F1 or F2, though careful inspection indicates that it has features that resemble both those phases. The comparison is even clearer in Figure 4, which shows a slightly more direct comparison of the two crystalline forms and the C1 TSPDF sample with the F2 (top) and F2 (bottom) forms plotted directly on top of the C1 TSPDF for comparison. The TSPDFs of the crystalline phases have sharper peaks and the amplitude of the oscillations are larger, especially at high-r, indicating the nanoparticulate nature of the C1 sample. We also see that some features in C1, such as the peak at around 8.2 Å, are not reproduced in F2. From the bottom part of Figure 4, we see that there is less agreement between C1 and F1 than there was with F2. However, some features do match up. For instance, the aforementioned C1 sharp peak at 8.2 Å corresponds well to an F1 peak in the same position. Pearson correlation coefficients calculated in the range 3− 20 Å can be used to quantify the relationship between the TSPDFs. The Pearson correlation coefficients in Table 2 verify the visual observations that there is a higher similarity between the two cryomilled samples than with the precursor phase F1 and a very strong correlation between C2 and F2.

The information in Figures 1, 2, and 4 suggests that C2 is predominantly Form 2 with perhaps an amorphous component. On the other hand, C1 is a mixture of Form 1, Form 2, and amorphous components. Quantitative Phase Analysis Using the TSPDF. We next explore whether we can quantify the phase composition of the cryomilled samples. First, in Figure 5a we plot the TSPDF curve of C1 (blue). We then scale the F2 TSPDF by eye to match up the amplitude of the features at high-r and plot it on top (green) with a difference curve offset below in red. We notice that the difference curve looks a lot like F1. In panel (b), we plot the difference curve from panel (a) (red) and on top we scale by eye the TSPDF of F1 (indigo) such that its high-r values match those of the difference curve between C1 and F2. There is excellent agreement as evidenced by the lack of features in the unscaled difference curve offset below (orange). The second differential curve from panel (b) (orange) is finally plotted in panel (c). What is clear is that there are residual low-r intramolecular peaks still present in the signal. These originate from the amorphous component in the C1 sample, which contribute signal from the rigid internal parts of the molecule itself, but no (or very little) intermolecular correlation signal due to disorder. To test this idea, we plot the D | Cryst. Growth Des. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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in the radial distribution functions (RDFs) are the same and the same as that for C1. The RDF gives the number of atoms in an annulus of thickness dr at distance r from another atom,7 which in our case means that the integrated area of the first peak is proportional to the coordination number of carbon, which is two in all the RDFs. The RDF, R(r) is calculated from the PDF by R(r ) = rG(r ) + 4πr 2ρ0

where ρ0 is the average number density. After we find the appropriate scaling factors from the RDF, we apply an optimization routine that varies the mixing parameters of the three components: x F1 + y F2 + zα x+y+z=1

where x, y, and z are the mixing fractions of F1, F2, and α respectively. We set the Pearson correlation between the mixture and C1 as our target function to maximize. The mixing fractions that produced the highest Pearson correlation (0.954) are 28% F1, 45% F2, and 27% α. This means that the normalized TSPDFs of the three components combined in those fractions add up to the TSPDF of C1. This study demonstrates the potential of this approach. The accuracy of the approach should be fully validated against known concentrations of components, and this will be the subject of a followup study. Studies in inorganic systems25 using neutron diffraction suggest that the accuracy in the phase quantification is no better than 5% or so. It will be interesting to see if this can be improved in the current case through the development of improved protocols. Figure 6 contains C1 plotted with the total TSPDF of the mixture. We see that almost all features of C1 are reproduced beautifully in the mixture.

Figure 5. (a) C1 (blue) with 45% of F2 (green), the difference is in red. There is still a signal as well as random noise in the difference curve that can be recognized as F1. Therefore, in (b) we show this same difference curve from panel (a) (red) with 27% of F1 (indigo), plotted over the top. The difference of these curves is in orange. This difference curve is now a double differential and contains a large noise signal. However, there is a recognizable signal in the low-r region with C−C near neighbor bonds evident at r = 1.4 an 2.3 Å. We plot this difference curve in (c) as the orange curve. The black curve is a strongly damped PDF of F1 with 28% of the full weight. This is used to simulate an amorphous pattern. In panels (a) and (b), the TSPDFs to the right of the vertical line at r = 3.17 Å have been multiplied by 4.0 to highlight the data in the high-r region.

TSPDF of a single sulfamerazine molecule (black) on top of the residual TSPDF curve (orange). The TSPDF of the single molecule of sulfamerazine was calculated from the known Form 1 structure (CSD refcode: SLFNMA02) using SrFit, a home written Debye PDF calculator. Apart from the noise inherent in taking the second differential, this curve agrees rather well, especially in the low-r region. If the amorphous state is lacking in significant intermediate range order, the PDF of the amorphous form will resemble the PDF of the single molecule, as we see here. For simplicity in the discussions, we will refer to this calculated PDF as α. Provided the TSPDFs in the figure are all initially determined on an absolute scale, the phase fraction of each phase in C1 will be given by the scale factor that had to be used to get the good agreement before the differences were taken. We briefly discuss a method to place all the data on the same scale to allow this quantification to be done. When a PDF is calculated by software, whether it be from experimental data, as is the case with C1, C2, F2 and F1, or from a model, as we do with α, it is scaled by the software. This scaling factor is dependent on the algorithm used in the calculation, so for instance even two PDFs calculated from the same experimental data using different corrections may have a different scale. This is not a problem for regular fingerprinting where the curves are scaled for convenient comparison, for example, so that the tallest peaks match. However, this becomes a problem when quantifying mixing fractions because the scale of each PDF in the mixture affects its contribution to the whole. We must place the TSPDFs of the components of the mixture (C2, F1, and α) onto an absolute scale. This was done such that the integrated areas of the first carbon−carbon peak

Figure 6. Fingerprinting of C1 (blue) with the calculated TSPDF of the mixture containing 45% C2, 27% F1, and 28% α (green) (Pearson correlation is 0.954).

DISCUSSION While both C1 and C2 predominantly crystallized as Form 2, C2 is more completely recrystallized than C1, which has a large amorphous component. We hypothesize that this is due to the effects of temperature. C2 was allowed to warm to room temperature after cryomilling, while C1 was not. Therefore, it rapidly recrystallized at a temperature close to room temperature. On the other hand, low temperature seems to inhibit recrystallization because C1 was kept at low temperature for a E | Cryst. Growth Des. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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month but still maintained an amorphous component. The recrystallizing state in C1 predominantly consists of a noncrystalline phase but with a significant proportion of Form 1 and Form 2. The growth of Form 2 from the amorphous state has been seen before,13 though is not necessarily expected since the stable form, and the form that was cryomilled to create the precursor, is Form 1. It is interesting that different cryomilling and annealing regimens produced different phase fractions of Form 1, 2, and α. The starting form was always F1, and in the small batch we know that the sample was completely amorphized before a mixture of F1 and F2 began recrystallizing. On the other hand, the large batch produced almost pure F2 material, presumably via a route through amorphous material, though with this regimen of grinding and warming pure amorphous material was never seen experimentally.

CONCLUSION Using high energy X-rays coupled with TSPDF analysis, we compared two samples of cryomilled sulfamerazine where the cryomilling protocol was different in each case. Both samples were partially recrystallized with small particle size but gave clear signals in the TSPDF. It was possible to show the phase composition of the cryomilled C1 sample as consisting of 45% Form 2, 28% Form 1, and 27% amorphous. These results illustrate how TSPDF may be used to quantify the phase composition of samples that contain multiple forms including amorphous forms. More studies are needed to establish that the procedure yields quantitatively correct values for the phase mixtures.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Daniel Kinder (Catalent Pharma Solutions) for his help in producing the cryomilled samples used in this study and Max Terban for help in producing the figures. We would also like to thank Milinda Abeykoon, Pavol Juhás, Emil Božin, and Marco Di Michiel for their help in data collection and analysis. The TSPFD data were collected at the National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Materials Sciences and Division of Chemical Sciences, under contract No. DE-AC0298CH10886, and at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France.


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